Round Three? It’s Another NFL Football Open Thread

Let’s keep Balls’ balls rolling.

To The Games!


A perfectly cromulent tilt that will be watched by dozens of folks. Dozens, I tell you! Bye weeks being what they are, I’m playing Davis Mills and the Tennessee D-something’s gonna give and I’ll end up with a big fat L. If Jacobs ran for 143 against Houston, Henry should be good for 180+.


Indy has given up the ghost that is Matt Ryan’s throwing arm and at the insistence of that pill-popping hot daddy of an owner is playing Sam “Did you have to, did you have to, did you have to, did you have to let it” Ehlinger. The Commies should trade Gibson to a team that actually knows how to use him.


CMC, that oft-injured rb, was sent to a team that has a history of getting rb’s hurt-this will work out well. Anyway, he should get full run today. Will the moribund Rams O finally wake up and be the team that everyone expected them to be? That hangover is a real thing, so far.


I’ll just go on thinking New York will lose this one-it worked against Tennessee, Baltimore and Green Bay so why not? Both of these surprising squadoos have flawed D’s that can be exploited. You can run on the Giants all day and Seattle’s pass D is quite generous. Send out the Wan’Dale Signal! And the Kenneth Walker Signal as well, as long as you’re up, and make me a tea. We could have a high-scoring affair here.

Have fun out there!

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Recovery Whiskey

Exclamation point

Recovery Whiskey

That was Jamal Adams’ replacement limping off. Seattle’s going to have open tryouts at safety

Recovery Whiskey

Big Dickson energy

Mr. Ayo


Also, can’t wait for him to get an MVP vote before Charmslinger.



Recovery Whiskey

Carroll’s getting flagged for asking questions about Building 7

Recovery Whiskey

“Don’t forget, a lot more games are given away than won.” -Mark S., inventor of the Butt Fumble



Recovery Whiskey

Sanchez can’t believe what he’s seeing


You tried, Gints.

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— Mike F., NY, NY tomorrow morning

Brick Meathook

You win a Super Bowl and then this.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Hot Pockets!

Recovery Whiskey


Mr. Ayo

The ghost team 500s have a ghost crowd.

Super Halloween vibes in that imaginary city.

Mr. Ayo

I’m not sure why I was sure today was the day RAMMIT figured out the Niners.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mr. Ayo
King Hippo

Seems like CMC was ready to take a full load this week.


The Maestro

What is the current exchange rate for primatecoin to USD???

Mr. Ayo


Don T

Tyler Lockett redempt–oh, he’s on mah bench. Whatevs


Where the hell was that for three quarters?

King Hippo

Geno for MVP train had been leaking oil

King Hippo


King Hippo

The two “how the fuck do these keep winning” sides (NYG, SEA) really, REALLY ought to have Most Glorious Draw.

King Hippo

They should have let CMC kick the extra point, score in all 4 phases

Recovery Whiskey

Announcer jinx

King Hippo

Welcome back to relevance, Tomsulas!

yeah right

Grill is fired up and we’re grilling kalbi ribs and I’m making fried rice. Game day food at its elevated finest!

Recovery Whiskey

Tyler Dropitt

Mr. Ayo

Moar like Dropett.

King Hippo

I REALLY needed that Lockett woopsie doodle (Vodka league)

King Hippo

Janeane to Sister Christian pretty impressive there. Jumped/levitated for it like it was Super Mario or some shit.


That was a very pretty looking catch by McCaffrey.

King Hippo

Hippo enjoyed that Taylor -3 FITBAW event


Look at the decision by Bidwill to extend Keim, Kingsbury, and Murray this offseason. He’s no businessman. He’d be destroyed in any fair market.

He’s lucky his industry is cartel ownership

Don T

Kliff and Kyler have the same agent. Now that’s MY hero.

Mr. Ayo

Pretty sure designed runs for Daniel Jones is NAWT the answer.

King Hippo

It’s better than a pass attempt.


He prefers designer drugs.

The Maestro

Now that he’s lost the presidential election, I hope Jair Bolsonaro finds the time to do some self care and takes a few trips to his happy place: the local emergency department.


The ladies in front of us decided to pay the whole $40.

Recovery Whiskey

Wine moms are a major demographic for Seattle, can confirm

Recovery Whiskey

Giants 76 is a buy one get one free on muffintops

Mr. Ayo
Recovery Whiskey

CableThanos using his real name now. Not “bad” but definitely a change

Don T

Jeffery Simmons is a menace 😍🥰

Last edited 1 year ago by Don T
The Maestro

Jeez, I read this way too fast. I thought you’d written Epstein for a second there.

Don T

He was!


“Watch out for that bus!” he’d say and I’d be like “fuck off, Terry. God, you suck.”

Recovery Whiskey

This is why we have NFL Red Zone

King Hippo

Dimebag really needs to clone Mahomes’ sense of feeling danger in the pocket.


If awareness could be learned Derek Carr would now be so aware he’d basically be able to see through time.


And Lulalimón has taken the lead!


Cardinals Talk just cut off the first guy who called for a new owner.

King Hippo

That’s our free press for ya, keeping an eye on the moneyed class


It’s funny that the unwashed masses don’t understand a team moving. I’ll gladly pay 100k if Trumps first return tweet is “Kill Mike Bidwill (closet gay)”

They’re all behind the “we need to be better fans” caller now.

King Hippo

We really need a full #BOTG about this fetid sewer. Tell the dog and/or cat to watch Blaxito!

Recovery Whiskey

What, a new Bidwill?

Recovery Whiskey

Not today Shank’lor

King Hippo

I can’t decide if a blocked kick that still goes in should get a 0.5-1 point deduction, or count extra. But it deserves special treatment.

King Hippo

I’ve barely been paying attention, but the score and stat line seems like Peak Tits

King Hippo

I mean, there’s 3 minutes of Mulholland Drive that I’ve seen again and again…

Cecil Rhodes

I actually think that it would also be called Twin Peaks, but the titular Twin Peaks would refer to something else.

Mr. Ayo

So peaky

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Last edited 1 year ago by Mr. Ayo
Don T

Forward passing is for wusses. Wussayssss!