Hello there fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain. There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.
So, not sure how, but I’m still in the LDB challenge. I’ve been out shopping a buncha times and have seen a buncha crappy Hallmark movies and still haven’t heard it. I expect to hear it shortly, so enjoying being in the challenge. Let us know how you are doing either below or in the original post ( there’s a link in the side bar)
This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams [in bed]
Dr Seuss
Are there different kinds of dreams depending on where you sleep? I very rarely remember any dreams once up, so are, like, couch dreams different than bed dreams vs recliner dreams? If there is a difference, what place gives the bestest dreams?
I should apply for a grant to study this. Checks gmail and sees that I’ve already been sent multiple grant proposals. So between Google knowing everything about me and my 5G vaccine, i’m obviously behind schedule and should fill out the applications already.
Did you miss not having a stoopid poll last week?
- Qaron Face (55%, 11 Votes)
- Manning Face (40%, 8 Votes)
- Brady face (5%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 20

As a reminder, Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post.
Note that during the offseason, I’ll probably look at the Sunday posts.
Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.
I need a Little Drummer Boy Challenge Judges Ruling. While changing stations on the radio, I heard a split second of bit, barely enough for a note. Is that enough to lose?
I think I am out, but I figure I call up a jury of my peers for a verdict.
If you recognized it, you’se OUT. Sorry, Magical Pony
King Hippo
I thought so. I know it was the song because my console said the song, and since I heard it before, I could sort of recognize it. If I never heard it before, it would’ve been musical gibberish.
Oh well. Player down.
Well now hang on. If you only know it because the name flashed on your console I don’t think that’s the same as “hearing” the song. I’m inclined to allow you to remain, but will defer to the others.
Horatio Cornblower
Hmmm, if your brain didn’t register by SOUND then I also think is ok.
King Hippo
I saw the song title first and then heard the sound as it was switching to the next station.
Yeah, it’s a gray area. Like did I recognize it or did seeing the title help me recognize it? Almost like a Reverse Rick Roll.
Like if I describe a movie opening as flying in the clouds, that could be anything. But if I say “Back to the Future Part II”, suddenly it clear.
I say you’re still in, as for one note it could be anything.
And that will teach you not to read
Game Time Decision
[raises hand]
“I can teach him how to not read!”
– Lea Michele
Don’t blame me, I voted for Kudus!!
Dos a cero!
Hippo, I can’t believe you missed the handoff of the Green Bay Packers from Aaron to Jordan Love.
I’m pretty sure the Packers faithful were looking at Love’s passes thinking, “Wait, a QB can actually throw the ball LIKE THAT? PASS ME THE CHEESE CURDS, MABEL!”
I hope he does his own research on his ribs/potential lung injury and decides he’s fine to go scuba diving.
My Amazon FireTV Stick is preventing my TV from turning on. Whenever I turn it on, it turns it off.
Does it know something about tonight’s game that I don’t?
(considering you’re in Ohio, gonna assume the problem is you trying to plug a FireTV Stick into a 1973 Magnavox console)
You know I am tired of you guys bashing Ohio. We are not a bunch of backwoods hillbillies.
Ah, I got it! The aluminum foil connecting the HDMI stick to the rabbit ear antenna was lose. I’m back online!
I had forgotten how Troy and Joe make a terrible game so very much worse.
King Hippo
Every-and I mean every-large company that I deal with has been absolutely ruthless with respect to letting go of the expensive ‘talent’. I’m absolutely convinced this will happen at some point.
Within our lifetime I’m sure we’ll have to choose between a 8-10 dudes as far as announcer choices go and they will be paid pennies on the dollar compared to what Aikman pulls in and they’ll get a commission based on views. It makes too much sense.
I’d pay for a “Dennis Reynolds and Charlie Kelly” broadcast, for sure
King Hippo
“Up in the booth, let’s pass it to Buddy Cole and Spam. Guys?”
“(sigh) Spam, I haven’t been this bored since my vibrator ran out of juice.”
“You’re exactly right, Buddy. I sure wish priests had access to vibrators back when I was an altar boy.”
Ok, I don’t get offside at all.
When you want a goal, it’s offside. When you don’t want a goal, it’s onside.
Easy peasy.
Mr. Ayo
I haven’t seen a Tuesday threat to the United States put down with one shot since Ashlii Babbit got what she had coming to her.
I’d feel a lot safer being up 1-0 if Mike McCarthy were coaching Iran.
Horatio Cornblower
“One of the words you hear a lot in soccer is ‘suffer’…”
Also ‘corruption’, don’t forget that one!
Horatio Cornblower
If I were Gregg Berhalter my game plan would be to score a lot of goals while not giving any up.
Horatio Cornblower
Ah, I see you’re also a graduate of the Charles De Mar school of Skiing
Good: The US/Netherlands match (match? game? meetup?) is Saturday when most of us ain’t working.
Bad: Game time is 7:00 AM Pacific, which is my own personal time zone.
Setting an alarm for Saturday morning seems sacrilegious.
Evening. Anyone have any recommendations for Boston area erotic cake bakeries?
I’ve heard good things about “I’ve Got Your Big Fat Piping Bag Right Heer”.
What’s y’alls favorite moon phase? I’m a fan of waxing gibbous myself
Doktor Zymm
Personally I favor 100% full, but I feel like Balls is the authority here.
Scotchy, by contrast, prefers the new moon, as it’s better for carrying out certain tasks requiring discretion
“Darn, another stroke [Penguins D Kris Letang is out indefinitely due to a stroke]. Guess I’d better take it easy for a week or two.” How does that work?
“I got caught having a stroke and the NFL didn’t even make me take a single day off, let alone a week.” – Bob Kraft
Dane Cook is on the Tonight Show? Did the Flux Capacitor I built in my garage and put in my car actually work?!
You have to give the Patriots credit. Most teams just dress up like the past teams. But the Patriots are actually playing the late 80s-early 90s Patriots. That’s dedication!
I saw the Red Band trailer for cocaine bear earlier and I am so looking forward to seeing this no matter how divorced from reality it is, I mean the bear just eats a wrapped kilo of coke instead of finding a soup spoon with which to snort it?
It needs more “Leo gettin bear stomped”
Little known fact, Leo demanded that the first bear they brought in be replaced with a younger bear, the original bear being older than 26 in bear years.
“My Cause My Cleats” (were I involved) would have something to do with the complete decimation of all mosquitos.
Is THAT your code word now smgdh
King Hippo
I’M TRYINGTO ELIMINATE MALARIA FROM THE WORLD (and more than a few railroad-riding freeloaders that have what’s coming to them, btw)
/It’s called multitasking killing, btw!
I haven’t been on today, but…
Grandpa Weaselo passed away early this morning, in his sleep. Padre, Hermana Weaselo, and I were there at his side.
I’m sure I’ll say more Wednesday night in my usual column, as I try and figure out all the words.
Senor Weaselo
I forgot to mention, Madre Weaselo and I got linner from, fittingly, one of Grandpa’s favorite local restaurants, the Australian restaurant from the shopping center down the block.
(It’s Outback.)
Senor Weaselo
Christmas toy shopping advice rule of thumb.
SC tackles like I fuck – poorly, and not very goddamned often
King Hippo
“Denmark and Tunisia are also in the one nut club”
/A. Hilter has entered the chat
/Kanye West has entered the chat
Horatio Cornblower
/A. Hitler has signed out, not wanted to be associated with an unstable and divisive character with Kanye
Not to point out the obvious but Ashlii Babbitt pathetically died from one shot. It took 2+ to eliminate USMNT and also their players don’t have brain damage.
The US team is like me in high school; no idea what to do anywhere near the box.
I see the US are still playing cowardly ball.
Horatio Cornblower
It’s* coming home!
Mr. Ayo
Now that the games are done, here is my list of top 4 teams
- Georgia – probably going to curbstomp everyone’s hopes this year.
- Michigan – well deserved and something I didn’t expect
- Alabama – not because I want them to, but because we know they will
- Carolina Panthers – even in the college rankings, they still aren’t good enough to be number 1
What the hell happened while my plane was landing?? How did (insert team of choice here) screw up so bad??
Doktor Zymm
If we blow this, I am going on a killing spree
King Hippo
Scotchy: “I work alone.”
[updates passport]
You know, the Geico gekko is kind of a dick. Bringing your new neighbors a plate of cookies isn’t all that nice when you use it as an opportunity to pitch them insurance.
This has been another edition of “Dunstan Takes Commercials Too Seriously.” On our next episode: why can’t the Trix rabbit get a bowl of fucking cereal, is that too much to ask?
Thank you! I’ve been saying that for years, with him and Lucky the Leprechaun hoarding his Lucky Charms from hungry kids!
Wife is very sick so I’m trying to be as supportive as I can. [turns down volume of football game very slightly]
Checking in from section 121 The gmen are down 3-0 already and have put sharkette to sleep.
Mixon still has “Back Problems” (TM Dolphins Medical, 2022) and is a gametime decision. Adjust lineups accordingly.
Don T
That’s one of the most egregious interceptions I’ve ever seen, and I’ve watched the Nathan Peterman Experience.
The Maestro
Matt Ryan joining Wentz,Phillips and Brisset after the season
clint greasewood
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
Stay busy and safe out there.
NOTE banner image from here
Matt Stafford: The team got me my own Baker!? Yes!
I survived a visit to the eye doctor that was playing Xmas music!!! Still in the challenge
Can’t see much as I had those drops and everything is haloed.
And finally getting glasses as they are starting to bother me at the end of the day.
Seeing Ronaldo on the field reminds me of the time my high school coach (who had actually played for the Portugal national team) let me get on the field with about five minutes remaining in a state tournament game we were winning 10-0.
Was the final score 10-6?
Of course not, they put me at forward to ensure we wouldn’t run up the score any more.
They’d have put me in goal to make the other team feel better about themselves.
Apparently the Saudis gave the wrong Portuguese national $420 million.
“I thought the Swiss were supposed to be good at defense. I’m starting to reconsider my decision to trust their banks with all my gold.” – Stephen Miller
If they had a flashing red light for soccer goals the Swiss goalie would have a third-degree sunburn on the back of his neck.
The third goal bounced off his taint, very disrespectful.
I didn’t realize there was such a huge difference between these teams. I thought this would be close.
The big difference seems to be that Portugal shoots accurately, while the Swiss miss.
Dammit, they just ruined my horrific pun.
It’s the thought that counts.
I hate you, here’s a +1!
It feels like we’re going to see an entire 240 minutes of fútbol today without seeing a single goal.
See? I made that goal happening by predicting it wouldn’t. For my next trick I predict that I’m NOT going to encounter Rosa Salazar while hiking and she DOESN’T invite herself over to my place to watch Netflix.
RS: “This movie’s great, Rikki, but it’s so hard to ‘chill’ with that increasingly loud buzzing sound. What is that anyway?”
RTD: “Oh dear God”
That guy needs a dwarf. And I need to change my FF team name to ‘Tinnitus of the Loins’
Every time I run the sweeper (that’s what us yinzers call it) I feel the ghostly presence of Dr Mrs. RTD! And she is judging me harshly, because I’m lazy and I don’t move stuff.
We are all unworthy of her.
England holding onto Gibraltar is really screwing up my Morocco-Spain jokes.
Just give it a little Moor effort.
Oh goddamn you.
I’m pretty sure you mean a little Moop effort.
Nobody kicks PKs high anymore?
Spain learned penalty kicking from Japan.
Had to do the log in dick dance again… but here we are. My most vivid dreams have been on the ground, in a sleeping bag, in the field. I suspect the usually accompaning exhaustion had something to do with that.
My most vivid dreams were when I was taking doxycycline for anti-malaria purposes.
I was on meflaquin several deployments before they stopped using it because it had bad side effects. Bat shit crazy being one of them. Took doxy the last few road trips and now that you mention it, that could have contributed.
Inside the wire, we had to take rifles away from a couple guys at bedtime due to meflaquin-induced dreaming.
Yeah I have heard about cases like that. It never effected me luckily, but all drugs have different effects on different people. I have one completely filled out yellow shot card and a second about half filled out. I believe all of the stuff I have been immunized for over the years has worked out well for me. I rarely get sick. And when I do it passes in a day or two. I consider myself very lucky.
Gumby used to have to remove himself from the PRP when he took cold medicine.
We bought an old house when we lived in Birmingham. Built in 1926. We both had incredibly vivid dreams there. This was my beautiful house, I miss it
WIND: [gently rustles leaves in trees]
RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: [holding head] Not so loud, please.
RTD’s body: I’m too old for this shit
“Here comes Shakira.”
Not the expected substitution but one suspects that the Spanish have decided to try to open up the Moroccan defense through distraction rather than tiki-taka, the latter not having worked well so far. It’s a bold move, Cotton; let’s see how it works out!
My LBD Challenge status, after a weekend in New York:
Same, thanks to a bunch of bowling balls.
Same, though I was getting sweats when shopping and I thought I was hearing the dreaded’s intro.
Dude you root for the Bengals.
Don’t shame my sports masochism.
A Bengals diagram wouldn’t have that silly “Fans Get Their Hopes Up” stage.
It would have “Fans Are Pleasantly Surprised” and “Reality Bitchslaps Them In The Face “.
I think this referee might have forgotten his whistle back in his hotel room. He’s really letting ’em play.
He forgot which team bribed and/or threatened him so he’s playing it safe.
Do you guys remember when “FIRST” was a thing with people commenting on stuff?
That is my argument against Neurolink.
I remember at wwtdd people would post “FIST” like it was the height of hilarity, instead of mocking celebrities for letting their BMI stray into the high teens like we were supposed to be doing.
Buddy Cole remembers people posting “FIST” a little differently.
No you’re thinking of Craigslist Personals.