Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Wok Hard!

Good morning friends and neighbors.

Nice to be back. I trust everyone is having a good start to summer.

If you can call this summer…

It’s been fine I guess. Got a pretty big event coming up this Wednesday though.


Eldest granddaughter is graduating from high school.

Yes. That officially makes me…old as shit. I told her not to be in a hurry to make me a GREAT granddaddy. She’ll be fine. She’s seriously focused on her college goals and she’s a fantastic student who actually seems fairly, well, normal.


I’m really very, very fortunate. I’ve got two beautiful, wonderful daughters and they are raising my three equally beautiful, bright and wonderful granddaughters.

I had no idea I had that in me when I got into the Dad game.


Today Sunday Gravy is going back to Chinese cuisine. That’s mainly because I know I’ve got all of the oils, sauces and spices to make that shit happen proper…

and I’m seriously getting hooked on how delicious, fresh and easy this cuisine is to make at home. Grab some protein and fresh veggies and get the fuck after it. Once you have all of the needed supplies it’s also cheap as fuck to make. Bonus!

I originally wanted to make beef chow fun – because it’s fucking awesome – and some of the best I ever had was from the Grand Palace Seafood Restaurant in South San Francisco. I had the good fortune to eat there several times. I was working at Genentech in “South City” a few years back and was based out of there for about a month. This restaurant was walking distance from my hotel room.

I shit you negative, their beef chow fun with XO sauce was one of the most delicious goddamn things I’ve ever eaten. I mean EVER fucking ever eaten and I wanted to try to duplicate it…

Alas the proper noodles were not to be had.

Chow fun needs fresh, wide, fat rice noodles and they were simply not available at the places I checked and visited. I briefly contemplated making fresh rice noodles but after reading a few recipes, I’ll probably fuck around with those later when I can give it a few attempts.

The store did have the Thai Linguine noodles however. We’ll use them instead.

I also wanted to introduce you to XO sauce that was discussed in the intro. 

According to the WIKIs…

“XO sauce is a spicy seafood sauce from Hong Kong with an umami flavour. It is commonly used in southern Chinese regions such as Guangdong.

History: Developed in the 1980s in Hong Kong for Cantonese cuisine, XO sauce is made of roughly-chopped dried seafood, including dried scallops (conpoy), fish, and shrimp, which are cooked with chili peppers, onions, and garlic. This dried seafood-based sauce resembles the Fujianese shacha sauce. Spring Moon, the Chinese restaurant of the Peninsula Hong Kong hotel, is often credited with the invention of XO sauce, although some claim it came from other nearby restaurants in the Tsim Sha Tsui area of Kowloon.”

Now people? If you want the funk? If you need the funk? This shit BRINGS the funk. I fucking love this stuff.

Our next ingredient for todays meal requires no additional re-introduction.

Ralph’s had these bad motherfuckers on sale for $7.99 a pound. You can bet your ass I bought two of them.

Something we’ve learned from Chinese cuisine is you don’t need this entire goddamn ribeye. Just enough for a wok-full along with the other ingredients.

Remember: the beef is simply a component of the entire meal and not a main ingredient.

Fuck it let’s get going.

Today’s recipe is greatly inspired by again.

We begin by making a real quick and easy marinade for the beef.

1/4 teaspoon baking soda 

1 teaspoon cornstarch

1 teaspoon light soy sauce

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

Mix the ingredients together, add the beef and let it marinate for about an hour. Any longer and you run the risk of the beef disintegrating when it hits the skillet.

Next we’ll need a quick soak of the noodles in hot water. Let this sit for about 30 minutes or so.

Next you mince up the usual suspects of ginger and garlic. About half a tablespoon of each.

All this shit we’re doing here is prep work. You can do all of this while the steak is marinating.

Let’s make the sauce next.

Grab a bowl and add in about 1 tablespoon of our XO sauce.

Next we add:

1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine*

1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

2 teaspoons dark soy sauce*

2 tablespoons regular soy sauce

1/8 teaspoon sugar – I used brown sugar for this.

* remember when we made the san bei ji and used these ingredients? That’s how this recipe came into my brain because it uses a similar profile as that dish and I had these ingredients still on hand!

Combine those ingredients with the XO sauce and give a good stir.

When the beef has finished its relaxing marinade bath it’s time to get fucking busy.

Still, this will be super easy to finish because we did all of that initial prep work ahead of time. The dish comes together really fast after that.

Get some vegetable oil heated up over a high heat. Or do like I did and use half sesame oil and half vegetable oil. A scant tablespoon of each will suffice. Since I don’t have an actual wok I use my biggest, deepest skillet in its place.

Time to sear the beef. This shit will go fast, fast, fast from here. 

This just needs a couple of quick tosses and a minute or two per side.

Oh hell yes. Don’t be getting all skittish and shit. We’ll still finish cooking the beef in the final cooking session.

Remove the meat and get the ginger and garlic a quick toss. Oh shit yes I left the beef juices in there.

With the heat running this hot you have to be really careful so the ginger and garlic don’t burn. Less than 20 seconds should do the trick.

Next the soaked and drained noodles jump in the conga line.

Use chopsticks to coat these well or just toss the shit out of the pan a few times. Again just a couple of minutes. You can also give a gentle pour of another tablespoon of shaoxing wine at this point. Just drizzle some along the edge of the noodles.

Get the steak back in there.

Give your wrist flicking technique a try here, just don’t be flinging shit all over the kitchen. Better yet? Just use some tongs or chop sticks.

Now add in the sauce we prepped earlier with the sesame oil, the 2 soy sauces, brown sugar etc. Stir stir. Combine combine.

Then some scallions get in the pool. This was about 3-4 scallions cut into inch or so long pieces. Cut the fatter white ends of the green onion in half so they cook through.

See how our sauce is deepening the color?

Final ingredient time!

First a quick health and safety disclaimer. Wash this shit. Wash it good. We found the mung bean sprouts at the Filipino market we frequent because you can’t always find this shit at your basic grocery stores anymore. Guess a few years back there was a serious e-coli outbreak and a lot of your bigger grocery chains won’t even carry them because of the risk factor.

Just throwing that shit out there for you to keep in mind.

What are you waiting for? Get some of them bastards in the pan!

I used a handful. Maybe 2-3 ounces total. That’s a pretty sexy photo right there isn’t it. It’s got the color contrasts and shit.


Finish cooking the dish by cooking the sprouts until tender. Two to three minutes will do the trick.

To the plates we go!

Hey! Check out that eggroll!

Is that… Homemade?

If needed splash a little soy sauce on the dish instead of salt.  You can use a sauce of choice on that eggroll too. Damn right I used Sriracha on that eggroll.

Friends? This shit is fantastic. The rich sauce, the chunks of ribeye. The bright fresh veggies. I mean FUCKING HELL! Salty, savory, rich, filling and funky. This is pure goodness.

This is the shit I’m talking about when I talk about the ease and the freshness and deliciousness when you have all of the right ingredients. You could serve this to fucking royalty if you wanted. Not that I would ever invite royalty to my home.

This is a keeper folks.

I highly recommend working on those old stir fry skills.

So there we are! Another delicious dish from the Sunday Gravy test kitchen.

I appreciate you good folks! Truly and I can’t wait to do this….


The eggrolls?

What about them?

Yes, they were indeed homemade, why do you ask?

OH! You want to know more about them?

Turns out I didn’t make them, someone else did.

Word around the campfire is they may even stop by next week to show you how that shit gets done.

How does that sound?

Damn right. A two part episode!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Be well everyone and I’ll see you soon.


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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, fromager, world traveler, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity and an actual human being.
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I’m reheating some Detroit style pizza.

Doktor Zymm

If they weren’t so gung ho about corporal punishment and if the climate wasn’t so humid Singapore would probably be the ideal place for me to live. Definitely my favorite food city, which is impressive because there is a lot of competition and they don’t have a lot of cheese


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Doktor Zymm

It’s not easy to find great rice noodles for home cooking. I ordered laksa today because it’s delicious and also because my allergies are acting up so something warm and spicy is called for. First time ordering from this place and it’s a winner, I think the owners must be from Singapore


Free parking in the rear!


Apropos of nothing: T-Swift invades Yinzburgh next weekend. Tickets *start* at $1633 (two ticket purchase minimum required). Hotels are charging $950 a night.

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Doktor Zymm

Swifties are wearing adult diapers to shows so they won’t miss anything if they have to pee. It’s ridiculous.


That looks delish! I am jonesing hard for some good Chinese food. And I have a wok, that I only use for fried rice. I need to expand my horizons! Gumby and I are headed to the ominously named Palm Springs Cultural Center this afternoon to see My Man Godfrey. I am a sucker for a screwball comedy, should be fun.


Lil’ WCS and Lil’er WCS gave me their Father’s Day presents today. Lil’ WCS said, “Dad, even though we don’t get to see you a lot, I love you.”

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Horatio Cornblower

I know son, I know. But the Austro-Hungarian Empire isn’t going to rebuild itself, you see.

Horatio Cornblower

The great thing about kids you care about graduating high school is that now they’re safe from Matt Gaetz.

Congratulations, YR!


Is there anything on worth my eyeballs?


“No!” – Pat Robertson

/this joke assumes you read the intro to this week’s Request Line


I forgot to include, “If you’ve ever stared into my eyes, you’d know how wonderful they are”.


Pretty damn hot in DC today if you need a change.


“I could use some change.” – Todd Marinovich

Game Time Decision

My youngest graduates high school this month and is off to university in the fall. Current plan is to be a doctor so hopefully she can make that dream happen. And of course her school is in the opposite direction of my oldest, but do like that each is doing their own thing.
This also means that we’ll be empty nesters in the fall which is going to be weird but also looking forward to it

Game Time Decision

We are looking forward to getting our cars back, with 4 drivers and 2 cars, and all of us working, the summer is going to be challenging. And I’m not really in the equation as I work from home.
And we know that we are moving eventually, so will start gutting and cleaning the house once they are at school to try to get ahead of it.
Just having 2 schedules to deal with is going to be great. Will prob cook more starting then too as the kids are picky eaters still

Horatio Cornblower

We’ve been empty-nesters for about a week now and it’s the absolute best thing ever.


I like how accessible you make all your dishes, Yeah Right.

Congratulations to you and your grandaughter for her recent milestone

Game Time Decision

They need to be accessible as we collectively have a room temperature IQ

Horatio Cornblower

/turns down the heat

Well, now I do.

/Is actually spinning a lamp on a desk


Speak for yoursel‐-squirrel!


Calgary smells like one big campground right now. Poor air quality.

On the plus side, I’m at Kidstrong with the kids (it’s like CrossFit for kids). Girlzilla’s got a new coach and she’s absolutely stunning.


Calgary smells like one big campground right now…

[turns up with s’mores ingredients, singing “But the cat came back, the very next day…”] – Eli Manning

Game Time Decision

We had the smoke earlier this week, nawt fun


This French Open final is not as competitive as I’d hoped it would be.


It’s a maddening cliche but Canuck summers are…something. Last night I turned the air conditioner on so I could sleep comfortably. This morning I had to cut my hike short because, you guessed it, it was 9 Celcius out there and I didn’t bring gloves.

King Hippo

I would really enjoy your weather. Find me a reliable pill-friendly orthopedist, Spirit Animal!


I rather have that than what I woke up to this morning; tons of smoke from the fires.


Earlier this week there were 2 fires about 20-30km’s up the road. There was a haze all over the town. Three employee’s camps were threatened but everything turned out fine.

/there’s a site by the name of ZoomEarth that allows you to track what a fire is doing on a daily basis. It was a great antidote to all the silly rumormongering that was going on.*

*My cousin is a fire-fighter and he says that the fire is going to reach our town by Friday

Me: [under my breath] “Fuck right off.”

Game Time Decision

Stay safe scotchy. Saw that there were fires close to so hopefully they turn or die out
I have been using to see where and when the air will be bad

Last edited 1 year ago by Game Time Decision

Didn’t want to leave fingerprints, eh?

King Hippo

Hippo Achievement UNLOCKED!

I was THIS CLOSE to asking for help. Being almost out of bottled water (Kruger puts his paws in, and will knock over, any water glass), but wary of picking 24-packs up given my ribcage troubles.

Fortunately, I LISTENED TO MY SHAME, didn’t ask Wolven Sort Legacy Child to bring me some, and managed all by myself. After all, I was already out of the house to pick up some work papers and send in me quarterly tax payments (being a partner is a real wet bag of shit sometimes).

I did have to wear my “rib belt” into the store, which was pretty shameful in its own right. But it was pretty empty, being early on a Sunday morn.


So glad you got that done. Asking for help is a sign of weakness, Brodog.


We should rag on him for even admitting there might have been an issue.

King Hippo

I was just thinking about that. 100% deserved!

Don T

Human interaction? /shudders


“You spelled ‘shoulders’ wrong.”

-Hippo, after the 3rd pill


Congratulations to the graduate and very happy trails to her going forward.

It’s been an odd weather year here also. Rainfall and temps are running 4-6 weeks behind the pattern over past years. The garden seems confused.