Hey there. At the moment that this is posted I will be in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Thai food? Phenomenal.
**Note I was quite inebriated when I originally wrote this so it really bounces around a bit. BUT I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS!**

So, I was stoned, and I decided to throw out a question to the DFO folk. I asked if there would be interest in a DFO Con in Vegas in November?
You see many things have been planned and accomplished at DFO, we aren’t the basement dwellers as stigma would say (for the most part). For instance, I’m looking at the liberation of the Arsenal flag (allegedly) when DFO East met up last year. DFO West has done pub crawls (which killed me to miss), and there was a chat about DFO Central for the draft in KC this year.
Fuck it, I was going to be working 3 months straight and that is not the European lifestyle I long to achieve. I thought I would just go fishing and boy howdy did it take off.
DFO meetup and all of yous are invited! Lurkers too! It legit is happening, bring your skinsuits, jaunty hats, fleshlights, tuxedos, Riley Cooper jerseys, or all of the above. Let’s go!
We will be staying downtown for the weekend of Nov 3 -7/8. There is a football game as well and some of us may attempt to buy tickets. Danny Dimes vs ( I have 0 clue who the Raiders QB is). It is VERY pricey at about $350 a ticket, but there is also a Knights game which would be a bit more affordable. Or Yeah Right seems to be musing about organizing dinners.
If booking the hotel then definitely shop around as the rates varied from site to site and some were cheaper than the hotels site itself. Definitely book downtown as it is cheaper and that is where we will all be staying.
The Saturday I feel will be best served by posting up at a sports book watching football and drinking our weights. I have always wanted to just become a sports book potato for a day and this could be it.
I would think that there will be at least a dozen DFOers making the journey. I pressure all to lean on Hippo to leave North Cakalaky on a plane!
*Full disclosure, Mrs. Cola (BC Dick’s sister) paid for one leg of my ticket because she is tired of me balking on DFO meetups.
I would also like to invite any DFOer to a wine tasting that I will conduct in a park, lobby, bus stop, I just need to know how many people. I’m serious, if anyone is interested. It would take about an hour and would change everything you know about taste and wine. It is called cause and effect and will change how you view food and wine pairings
Top 3 Litre stoned moments (vaguely remembered)
- Going in the Euro 2008 draw for “Follow my team for Spain”
- Getting high, being pissed off and applying for a job in Scotland.
- Posting in DFO Org, soooo meetup in November?
Ok, back to the normal nonsense
Last week I drove through Montana, and North Dakota. Was I shot by Carson Wentz? No. Can you buy booze at the grocery store in ND? No. Fuck me, it is quasi Utah in that damn place. No beer in a gas station in Grand Forks. I do not know if it was county by county but that is Utah type shit. 6 Years ago we came through Fargo and I made a post about Proof distillery and their pain in the ass that they could only serve what they made due to bullshit laws. So no beers, just brutal for business owners as I do recollect the proprietor complaining about the puritanical law.
On my search for Otto man I figured he may be in Bismarck. He is not. What is there is Fireflour pizza which is next door to a brewery and their pizzas are out of this world. Also en route is one of the most underrated National Parks that you folk have on offer. Roosevelt National Park is superb. The canyons and lack of dumbass tourist are amazing. So now there are only 2 reasons to head to Central North Dakota!
Years ago Balls observed that we Canadians drive long distances, and he isn’t wrong.Total hours of Litre driving on this trip? 21 from Calgary to West Hawk Lake, Manitoba through the States. 4 hrs back and forth to Winnipeg for Ukrainian kolbassa, the 16 hours home. Total? 41 hours. Too much.
So now you can start planning for November, any questions will be answered by the gang below. If you do plan on coming, let us know as we will be making convention badges with lanyards with our pseudonyms on them. So real!!!
We did not stop in Moose Jaw. We drove 15 hours. Made it, thankfully but that was a lot of driving.
I think my longest ever drive in one stretch was 20 hours, 0/10 do nawt wish to repeat but probably will at some point because I commit myself to stupid travel schedules. Case in point, I am currently in BCN airport after my 2nd of 3 consecutive red eye flights
The dinner idea is close to the hotel. Walkable and inexpensive. Extremely approachable and conducive to good wine pairings.
I’m thinking Saturday night.
Shit man, I don’t even gamble if the Vegas experience is quality.
Which hotel?
Sent u a DM on Elons hellscape app.
Got it!
I volunteer to be Redshirt’s chaperone on his first ever flight. Of course I will need a first class ticket paid for by the DFO petty cash fund to get through the trauma of watching Redshirt back there in steerage.
He’s a Bungles fan, so just being inside the aircraft’s fuselage is an upgrade.
PRO TIP: Wheel wells. Use the big ones in the back, there’s at least two of them. Watch out, they’re hot then very cold then hot again. You can do this.
Just like being at the card table.
Highly questionable to doubtful to make it. November is rapidly filling with options and time/budget is sadly limited.
As I mentioned in the back room, I will not be able to attend on account of the week after being my 5-year anniversary being coupled with Senorita Weaselo, and being in Vegas may prevent me from making said anniversary, or my birthday a few days afterwards, or anything else, on account of my sudden and very expected passing.
On an unrelated note, my dumpling stock at Apartment Weaselo is refilled, and that’s always fun and exciting.
I’m already leaving the province once this year
Thread needs more Cat Bell
Sloan Stephens must be from Atlanta as she loses the match when all she had to do was play the last game of the 2nd in the same manner as all the prior games. NEVER REMOVE YOUR FOOT FROM THEIR NECKS UNTIL YOU HAVE WON!
So a flux capacitor?
The chip is soldered to a vacuum tube socket base. Me = Geek
A space tube sock… uhmmm… nevermind…
You might have forgotten more electronics than I ever knew, but I’m not gonna let that slow me down any. I remember vacuum tubes having big fat pins on the bottom. This thing looks more like pins suitable for soldering onto a printed circuit board. This is a picture of that device, from 1975.
And from the neolithic era, a vacuum tube tester like they had at the drugstore when I was a kid.
Are spouses allowed?
Allowed? Of course!
Advised? Not as such.
(Yes, bring the spouse so she can see how great you are compared to the rest of us)
We’ve met Horatio’s wife. I think the dwarf arrived after that.
It’s a rule; the dwarf always comes last.
I met SoS at the Frolic Room in Hollywood. I’ll let you all parse that one.
The hard part is having to code switch. Every time I mention Maestro (who Senorita Weaselo has met) I have to clarify who I mean, because she’s bad enough with names, so imagine pen names.
Also, I hope be so high that y’all may need to tie strings to me and move me like a Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade ballon.
I’m sure you all will be devastated to learn I did not stay all 10 innings in today’s Nats game, though I did stay a lot longer than I thought I would after Dok left for the airport.
Oh and the attendance of 10,064….if you believe that, I have oodles of DFO stock to sell you at well upwards of $12 per share.
There were MAYBE 3,000 (non-stadium personnel) people there.
Was this in D.C.?
Yup. I sent up a flare in the back office to see if you or anyone else wanted to join….
I never look at that. But thanks for the Roost recommendation!
I’m drinking 12 fl ounces of American freedom, dammit!
Come fight me bro
Back at the Legion or just looking to say “Go Woke or Go Broke” to someone?
I’m at the Capitol Hill Legion! I showed Angie the bartender the pictures we took last time; she asked where you were.
At home about to fall asleep because I slept like shit last night and spent too much time in the hot sun today.
But you can tell Angie I said hi.
I did!
Meeting Clubhouse denizens in meat space, and/or knowing Christian names…don’t make any of y’all – NOR ME – the slightest bit MOAR real. We remain, now and always, fully imaginary.
Except when you visit strip clubs when you lose bets…
Legend on the web, cautionary tale on the flesh.
The interesting part about first meeting one of these imaginary strangers on the hoof is that after ten minutes or so you realize that you actually know this person.
fuck that is an EXCELLENT POINT
I will be in Vegas in hologram form. Still drunk tho.