Both regarding this being a bit of a Carpenter-job and my Monday night. Some gigs are nice. Easy amount of time, little work, get paid okay. Others are less so. Like playing in a heated tent, but the top’s been cut out (in February), and then being under a vent blowing cold air for four hours. Then I thought I had lost my keys when I had just misplaced them by putting them in a different pocket.
My core temperature still doesn’t feel like it’s returned back to normal, and neither does my energy level. So yeah, can’t all be winners. Well, as the song goes…
But seriously, when I get home after tonight’s gig I’d better just pass out. Or whenever I get home after work tomorrow. Laundry day? No, go the fuck to sleep.
Knowing me, this will not happen. What will happen, of course, is the news. Of which there isn’t any football-wise. There is “inexorable march of time” news where Tiger Woods’s son is playing a pre-qualifier. Okay, sports?
Sports. On Ice!
Flyera vs. Connor Bedard and the Fightin’ Bedards (PHI vs. CHI, 7:30, TNT)
Breezly & Sneezly vs. Natural logarithm (BOS vs. EDM, 10:00, TNT)
No Pro Hoops, just JV:
#8 Duke vs. Miami (7:00, ESPN)
#24 Swamp Chomp vs. #13 Red Rover Red Rover Send Surfboards Right Over (Florida vs. Alabama, 7:00, ESPN2)
Pitino’s Rage vs. Hoya Adobo (St. John’s vs. Georgetown, 7:00, FS1)
Mute City vs. Tigeuxrs (Kentucky vs. LSU, 9:00, ESPN)
“Too Ole for Matt Gaetz” vs. CLANGA (Mississippi vs. Mississippi St., 9:00, ESPN2)
Free Wins vs. #7 Fightin’ D-Wades (DePaul vs. Marquette, 9:00, FS1)
“There is a giant swath of Arizonans who will never vote for this woman in no small part because of how much she has attacked my dad, who is a beloved Arizona icon,” she added.
Can you guess the speaker?
Same speaker:
“Now she’s trying to say it was a joke? I used to work at Saturday Night Live. I know what a joke is.”
I don’t follow Arizona news. Who is it?
Hint: not Kari Lake.
Who’s Kari Lake?
Self Portrait In A Truck
Hot bath or shower is the best way to get unchilled. Then the fluffiest warmest bathrobe you have.
I miss the giant bathtub at my old house. I do NOT miss the yard, or the mortgage that came with.
Hot showers are absolute glory on earth, though. I likely only used the big tub like 5x per year.
When we got this place, 15 years ago, we paid extra for the long soaker tub.
I’ve never used it
One of the best things about my place in Chicago is the bathroom. It’s not large, but it has a frosted window so it gets natural light, and is actually really pleasant for taking a bath. I have a little tray dealy with a wineglass holder and a bookstand, and a bath pillow. It’s great
The circuit breakers are in the basement so I have to go down and up 2.5 flights of stairs every time I needed to change the wiring and test the switches. Eventually figured out the passthrough setup but was too lazy to keep going up and down the stairs so the fan installation is gonna have to wait
In the meantime I’m leaving the bare bulb I was using for testing in place. Classy!
Sweet St. Tesla have mercy
The original wiring is probably from the 30s, it’s the black cloth sheathed thick copper stuff. The hot wire on the source circuit was helpfully wrapped in black electric tape by someone in the past, and the circuit that runs to the switch is much newer, so I was able to identify which bit was the hot for the fixture and which bit the passthrough, but it was still a pain in the butt. And also different from the other lighting fixtures/ceiling fans I’ve replaced in the other rooms. I would pay someone to replace the lot, but that would probably require gutting the place.
Electrons were still hand cranked back then I think
Still an improvment over the ‘millions of cats and amber rods’ method of electricity generation!
And I take it no ground wire in sight?
Of course not, lol. It’s kinda annoying since it means I can’t put in smart controls where the wall switches are, but que sera sera
Close up on the wiring. The pipe in the center used to be a gas line, there were likely gasoliers installed at some point.
You’re braver that I to put a fan in there. Hate my 2000’s standards wiring
There was already a fan there, I’m putting in a lighter and more efficient one so shouldn’t be any more unsafe than it already was at least. You could do pullups off the old gas line so it’s actually a decent mounting setup
Next time just short out the wires. Then you’ll know which switch tripped the first time.
You say that like there’s more than one breaker
Two buff men with walkie talkies would really come in handy now huh…
Even one would be an improvement! I did rig up a wifi camera so I could make sure nothing exploded when I was downstairs turning the juice back on, but that’s not nearly as good
Someone is going to have to explain Natural Logarithm to me.
And I’m an Electrical engineering major!
It’s log base e, so ln(e^3)=3
And that becomes Edmonton because of the e?
Differential of e?
Eulers number. e^x is it’s own integral and it’s own derivative and is useful for some other calculus stuff, hence why log base e is called ‘natural’. But it’s still just a logarithm, so the opposite of an exponent
I still don’t understand why Weaselo used it to refer to the Edmonton hockey club.
Oh yeah, probably just the e thing
I would have gone with Electronic Dance Music myself
The mass of the ass equals the angle of the dangle.
The square root of 69 = ate something.
It’s nice that Tiger Woods’ son is a little shit, just like his dad.
Could he possibly have turned out any other way, given the exorbitant privilege of his upbringing? It’s like being a British royal except without all the checks and balances of governesses and tutors and headmasters and so forth. Kid grew up in fucking New Jersey.
We should have some rule where rich kids can only go to private boarding schools that feed them crap, make them sleep in lumpy bunkbeds, and employ mild corporal punishment. No idea why they’re so coddled in the US, gotta make them kids earn it with 18 years of working for knowledge and such at least
Or just guillotine. Cheaper.
Pitino is the definition of “mercurial” – even when he’s absolutely furious about something you know he’ll get over it within thirty seconds.
And then be sleepy.
That show Reta…uh, I mean, Differently-Abled Doctor is back and they’ve reached the death spiral stage of adding a stupid baby. God, I hate it so much when shows do that. I know stupid babies need the most attention but I’m not giving this one any of mine.
Those commercials really test my “act responsibly in front of my family” abilities, and I generally fail that test.
The lead actress on Wynona Earp got knocked up and so they wrote her pregnancy into the show, but as soon as she gave birth they whisked the kid away on a helicopter and she went right back to the original drinkin’ and screwin’ hellion that we originally fell in love with. It was nice.
That Johnny Reb nickname is CHOICE. Well fookin’ done!
Also, Cage the Elephant are the tits. And you knows they’s True Southern Folk (Hippo stamp of approval), because they say “no rest for the wicked” – a Yankee or furrener might use weary instead.
They are the tits, in that I enjoyed seeing them up close and personal much more so than over the internet.
They put on a great show! (which ones are you talking about?) Yes!