OK, let’s make this quick. This topic was between this and another one, (which you will almost certainly see very soon), and I wasn’t sure if this one would work. Then I remembered that I don’t get paid for this, that we do this rather than work on a Monday, and that frankly this topic should probably be great for that. So here it is.
This week we are drafting iconic scenes from sit-coms. Not characters, not shows, not theme songs: Scenes. This came to me a couple of days ago when the open thread lacked all organization and for whatever reason I just had to post what I think is the funniest scene in the history of sit-coms.
I’d post it here but I need it for the first pick.
The rules are, as usual, (and much like your author), simple: If it is a scene, from a sit-com, that you think is very funny, it is eligible for the draft. Multiple scene from the same show may be used. Only the drafted scene is eliminated. There could be some overlap, I supposed but the chances seem pretty slim, and also I don’t care.
Your commissioner is the late, lamented Norman Lear.
Ain’t nobody done sit-coms like Norman did.
With the first pick I will take the iconic “slow down” scene from Taxi.
The rest of you are on the clock.
Barry – Stovka is coming!
Everything in Community with John Goodman is gold, but this tee up and pay off will always stay with me.
Mr. Show
Just finished up another 4 hour panel interview, two segments I definitely did not do great on, so not super optimistic about this one.
Gonna make everyone cry
You son of a bitch.
But enough about Seymour…
Mock Draft Idea: Tear Jerking Sad Moments
Since someone broke the seal on the League, one of my favorite things is the Fear Boner thing:
Someone left what I think is a vape pen in the airport lounge shitter. Sucks to suck.
Real happy to see Martinelli hobbling off during a 6-0 blow-out.
They should let each team have unlimited subs when the margin gets to 4 or 5.
This has resulted in my first Thomas Partey sighting in quite a while.
Andy Reid wants to know what he can do to help support your unlimited subs proposal.
Damn, hope he can still make the sparkling apple cider.
Holy fucking fuck, Gooners. Way to make a statement. Knifey, on the other hand, brought a broken spork to a gun fight.
Forgot that was on.
Apparently Sheffield did as well.
Must be nice to have a side that relaxing to support! Was just telling Litre I have no idea who to root for (based on likelihood of denying the Shite) when y’all play City of Men.
These kits are still hideous.
Very much a Fashion Risk
The thing about Arsenal is that they always try to walk it in (with a great deal of success today, apparently).
The last few games something seems to have clicked and they seem much more inclined to fire away without the unnecessary dicking around that was driving me nuts a little earlier.
Or maybe it just seems that way because they keep racking up 4-6 goals a game.
Kind of funny to read this seconds after a classic example of dicking around too much (on a breakaway, no less).
Other than Gabriel Jesus it looks like everyone got the message to stop running up the score.
Jesus, however, is by god gonna get a goal if it kills him.
The pool trial in Community.
Fifth pick:
Archer Season 1 – the scene where Pele of Anal was born.
I couldn’t find a clip of it, but the scene in the elevator where Archer tells Barry and says, “Can you smell it? Here, take a whiff” and waves his hands towards Barry kills me.
Also, Revenge Anal
The darkest timeline inception point:
Twas the very first episode I watched. I then realized I needed to go back and watch from the beginning, but I am mildly impressed that my brain didn’t explode by starting here.
You are the clear and obvious winner, between this and The Batusi. Bravo, Brick!
Flintstones – Ejo’s baby is that?
Archer vs Irish Mafia
The throwaway “Hey relax, Hannity…” is awesome.
All this draft is teaching me how uncultured I am.
Idk, you didn’t say no simpsons, so here’s my favorite scene from my favorite episode:
No one here seems to know the difference between sit-coms and skit shows, so don’t beat yourself up too much.
Of course, I could have defined that better in the post, but that would mean taking responsibility and I’m not about to do that.
ignores Horatio
Yes, +1 A A Ron!
With that kind of attitude you’d be a great candidate for the Supreme Court. You should send Leonard Leo a copy of your resume.
We are rebels.
My video got moderated. Not sure why.
No idea, but it’s fixed.
So many to choose from but I too want a monkey that doesn’t ask any bothersome questions.
Yet more VEEP
We could, and likely will when I’m dragging for ideas in late July, do entire drafts based on specific shows.
Fourth pick:
Monty Python Germany v Greece
Where it all began
I avoided picking this just for you.
You’re a gentleman, thank you.