Hello there fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain. There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.
This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
Death ends a life, not a relationship [in bed].
Mitch Albom
So, there’s lotsa fishies in the sea?
As a reminder, Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post.
Note that during the offseason, I’ll probably look at the Sunday posts.
Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.
I don’t care whether he really annoys the fuck out of you or he just mildly irritates you: Cris Collinsworth has an unquestionably punchable face
The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Don T
Bond needs more dakka.
So, had a bit of a thought today
Since the chiefs won their third superbowl in five years, I’ve heard a lot of complaints about them being subject to favorable calls from the refs and it got me thinking….
If we wanted to, could we come up with a top ten times the brady/belichik era patriots benefited from the refs?
- The tuck rule…
- That pass interference against Cleveland
- The roughing the passer calls from the Baltimore games.
- The roughing the passer against the chiefs..
I could go on .
But the tuck rule screwed the Raiders, so
I want you to know it was me.
Down votes fired.
So I’m sick as hell today, (feel like a fever but isn’t, body aches, coughing, nose stuffed form here to kingdom come, exhausted), but I’m in the system at work trying to plug along because of fucking course the deposition that the plaintiff has canceled 7 times is going forward today. I should not even be practicing law right now.
And our new system has decided to shit the bed, and if it doesn’t get back up and running in 18 minutes this deposition is going to be very hard to get done.
God bless us, every one!
Horatio Cornblower
Dad is firmly ensconced in his new home.
First hour:
Pretty Nurse walks in: “Hi Dr. John.”
My dad: “Hi. You’re very pretty.”
Nurse: “Thank you.”
My dad: “So, are you single?”
[editor: glad he’s setting in already and that he actually got there]
The young lady on the left in this picture is our niece, Katie!
Way to prove the point by constructing this gem of a sentence, vastly superior to anything in PK’s ouvre:
King’s writing, beyond windy prose to convey basic facts, is a collection of clichés, internal contradictions, and NFL orthodoxy from the Church of Everybody Knows, blended into a fine paste and spread on Stoned Wheat Thins to trick you into thinking it’s Fancy
Listen, just because it has five commas and however many clauses…
Well, again, I’m an amateur. These things are endearing when you’re an amateur. Like a drunk baby.
The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
I have 2 more final round interviews over the next couple weeks, plus a manager interview tomorrow. Since the behavioUral/conversational portions of these things require their own special form of communication that is pretty much only used in job interviews and testifying before Congress, that’s the part that has been my bane thus far. So I’m fixing the problem the way I fix most stupid, artificial problems: with a spreadsheet. STAR methoding the crap outta my ‘tell me about a time you..’ stories over here.
Doktor Zymm
Margin Call, MAGA Dingleberry.
Mitch McConnell losing control of the Senate (Artistic Interpretation)
We got hit last night with some heavy rain and flooding in low ground near the river. The stadium which sits right next to the river was hammered.
(books immediate trip to Italy)
-Ben Shapiro’s wife
I’ve been getting endless left-wing emails (several a day) for an Ohio Democrat named Sherrod Brown (never heard of him but apparently he’s the sitting senior US Senator). He’s running very anti-Trump and he desperately needs my money. Fair enough; he ain’t getting any.
This morning, on an old Yahoo email address, I started getting right-wing emails. One from some broad named Kari Lake calling me a fellow Patriot and then another one from no less than Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (his picture on the email makes him look like a dork) and he’s wholeheartedly endorsing that Lauren Boebert wingnut for Congress. I wouldn’t fuck Lake or Boebert with Mike Johnson’s little dick let alone give them any money.
What have I done to deserve all this attention?
Brick Meathook
Did you turn off your spam filter?
Doktor Zymm
That’s so fucking offensive.
February 28, 2024 9:59 pm
The Cincinnati Bengals , who were criticized following last year’s survey for not providing players three meals a day, made a very slight change to that policy and now offer three meals at the facility on Wednesdays.
“One boiled egg plus a packet of ramen counts as a meal, damnit!” – Mike Brown, literally counting beans
Just another reason to love the Scots
I totally need this:
Brick Meathook
“If one or both of your grandparents were vaporized in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, you’ll get an additional 3% off! Why? Because we care.”
Sorry about your back, but I’ve had a really bad cold and cough for the last two days, so let’s make this all about me.
Seriously though, feel better. Even spending two days confined to a couple of rooms drives me nuts.
Horatio Cornblower
I’ve had a really bad cold and cough for the last two days
he’s got a man cold, deal with it
-Lowatio, making a crying motion
Game Time Decision
I wish you a speedy recovery Buddy. Do the PT, try to double the reps if you can. I trust you will be back at it soon, until then keep the faith and rest. Ohhh… and that’s some cool writing there Alex.
Hey thanks. I just want to exercise again! Right now putting pants on feels like exercise
Putting on pants!?
I’m sorry Alex, but we’re going to have to ask you to leave DFO. We have very few rules, but the wearing of pants is strictly forbidden.
Horatio Cornblower
That’s the problem right there. Why the hell are you putting pants on?
DFO policy clearly states No Pants
Don T
This sounds like something the Dr. Mrs. would really enjoy. I think I’ll make one for her tonight.
On another note, while I was logging in here Google just informed me that the password I used had been found in a data breach. What I want to know is WHAT THE FUCK IS GOOGLE DOING SNOOPING ON PASSWORDS THAT I AM ENTERING INTO NON-GOOGLE SITES?
Of fucking course…
Found a funny;
ME: hell yeah I’m into Dune 2. Dune 2 others as you’d have them Dune 2 you!
JESUS: descends from heaven stop that
300 comments for a Friday night thread?
That’s mighty impressive, kids!
Happy Kraken Day to all who celebrate! (3/2 for the 32nd NHL franchise) I’m celebrating with a matinee of Release the Kraken!!!
Mr. Ayo
Was watching the coverage of The Brier last night, and a spectator was ejected for hassling Brad Gushue. Imagine how big an asshole you have to be to get kicked out of a curling event. Only in Canada!
So, I love my Canadian buddy Glen and his cooking channel, “Glen and Friends” but was disappointed that his last vid was about glazed carrots. And then I remembered that he currently has a series called, “What I Found In The Discount Aisle”. Why is he doing that? Because he is financially squeezed because he is restoring an old plane. What does he do with those old planes? He participates in a program-Hope Air-that flies folks from isolated communities to cities where they can get badly-needed medical help.
I heard the Royal Canadian Mounted Tax Service got after him because he tapped his own maple trees, thereby bypassing the Royal Canadian Maple Syrup and Nanaimo Bar Tax Act of 1832.
BC Dick just sent me this beauty.
Don T
Before anyone makes fun of BFC for watching preseason Aussie Football you should be aware that I’m watching the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles play the South Sydney Rabbitohs in what I’m almost certain is a game of rugby.
I do not know the rules, do not understand the terms being used, and frankly have trouble understanding the “convict English” accent the Aussies use.
It’s great.
Horatio Cornblower
I trust all y’all will let Hippo know if and when the Carlton Dance is warranted.
King Hippo
Not me. I have no idea what’s going on. Apparently a “try” is good.
Horatio Cornblower
Ayo, want to do an F1 post for next Saturday morning? I want a week off from futbol.
King Hippo
“Verstappen’s gonna win like every race because the Red Bulls are hilariously good.”
That’s the post. Maybe throw in a “these new courses suck” in there.
Senor Weaselo
Politics is weird
Doktor Zymm
Without context or knowing who this is, it’s a cheesy cute picture.
Shall we say another way to give your feet a break while in heels is to get down on your knees during Beetlejuice the Musical?
Doktor Zymm
Chris Mortensen just died.
Just told my piazza delivery person.
Thought they would cry.
Mr. Ayo
Mmmmm, pie! Here’s my latest disaster. The other day, we drove up to Big Bear to return SIL’s dog to her. We all went out to a nice old resto up there, Captain’s Anchorage, highly recommend. We split the bill, I paid half with my Amex. SIL paid half with her Visa. The place is very dark, both of the credit cards are dark, and we each had a martini and split a bottle of wine They returned hers to me, mine to her, and we signed, never noticed. Today she called and asked if she left her card in my car. She called the resto, they don’t have it. I looked, not in the car, but I found hers in my wallet, with the receipt. I have to call them at 4:30 to see if they have mine, please let it be so, and get them to permit SIL to pick it up since she’s still up there. Why can’t I just have a steak and get pleasantly buzzed without it turning into an ordeal?
[a few hours later]
Good news ! The restaurant has my card, and SIL can pick it up. They think we’re morons, and we probably are, but crisis averted.
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
Stay busy and safe out there.
NOTE banner image from here
I imagine Sarah was all like “Why should Supreme Court Justices get to have all the fun?”
‘Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) watched the game from a luxury suite and celebrated on the field. However, unlike Swift, who is dating one of the team’s star players and broke all kinds of records with her ongoing multibillion dollar tour, it’s not quite clear how (or if) Sanders and her family paid for tickets to the most expensive football game of all time. ‘
She also bought a podium that doubled as a trip to France somehow. I mean, her constituents bought it. Whatever, same-same.
My cat just caught a hummingbird that made the terrible mistake of coming inside the house. For a second I thought I might try to take it away from her and see if it might survive, but when I realized the futility of this I just threw up my hands to told her that she’d earned it.
My main issue with Chicago-style food isn’t the flavors, they usually taste unhealthily good. It’s that they consistently take things that are supposed to be hand foods and make them almost impossible to hold and eat. Even the Italian Beef sandwich, arguably the best Chicago food, is at it’s most Chicago served wet enough that the bun falls apart when you pick it up.
I never get peppers on my Chicago dogs, it bugs me that they leave the stem on and it’s already enough of a challenge with the entire pickle spear and the full tomato slices
& you didn’t even mention the Chicago style pizza casserole…
I judge so-called “hand foods” by their structural integrity. I have no interest in hamburgers that are built six inches high, that photograph great but are inedible by conventional means. That goes the same for deli sandwiches that are packed equally high with corned beef or pastrami; all for show, not for eating.
In L.A., the now defunct chain Jerry’s Famous Deli was notorious for this, while the still in business Canter’s and Langer’s make proper sandwiches. Also, any restaurant that lists meats as “protein” is on my shit list from the get-go and can fuck right off and I’ll walk out before ordering. I want to read a menu not a biology textbook. Learn some showmanship, you stooges.
These are just my opinions of course but I am absolutely correct as usual.
Yeah, if I have to remove stuff to be able to fit a sandwich in my mouth, that’s a problem.
New Vegas stadium for the A’s is straight outta Sydney
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I guess.
Are they really employing BIG ARCHITECT??
Pitchers and catchers report to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way
I’m much more interested in getting into Sydney, if you know what I’m saying…
More structural calculations going on for the bra than for the entire A’s stadium.
To be fair, of course, Ms. Sweeney’s boobs are probably worth more than the entire shittastic A’s organization.
They should paint it like a ladybug.
Finishing up the last round of interviews for our open position
Last dude seemed like a nice enough kid but…
Got my name wrong, entered the interview with his ear buds in, his phone rang mid interview and he swore 3 times including dropping a “Jesus Christ.”
I wish him luck in all of his future endeavors.
I genuinely am relieved to know that someone has less social skillz than Hippo.
Rare bout of normalcy to go with the usual bullshit.
Honestly not sure who this helps; can’t imagine any Democrat voting for her. She was gonna be a distant third.
It helps her future career as a FOX “analyst.”
I said the same thing when Joe Lieberman was forced to run as an independent, and we all saw how that turned out. Incumbent inertia is worth a *lot*.
Fuck Lieberman. Useless fucking muppet.
You both make good points.
Bye, bitch.
Just worked out during my workday. Killed an hour. This may become habit instead of after work.
Working smarter, not harder.
That’s what I did during COVID when we were all working from home. Got in the best shape of my life!
How did I not know about this??
Plus: Nudity
Minus: Pittsburgh nudity
You may see me
Oh, I see what you mean.
On the bright side, with all the fat and sagging body parts, they won’t need a censor budget.
That’s like, ten minuses.
Hey now. [Looks in mirror] Erm, never mind.
Been fucking with the Pollsters again, Brick? (or was that Gumby)
“For example, in a February 2022 survey experiment, we asked opt-in respondents if they were licensed to operate a class SSGN (nuclear) submarine. In the opt-in survey, 12% of adults under 30 claimed this qualification, significantly higher than the share among older respondents. In reality, the share of Americans with this type of submarine license rounds to 0%.
The problem was even worse for Hispanic estimates. About a quarter (24%) of opt-in cases claiming to be Hispanic said they were licensed to operate a nuclear sub, versus 2% of non-Hispanics.”
So is that one of those base line establishing questions like the ones they use for polygraph testing?
/ would be serious fun at a polygraph because he’s way past the point of lying or giving a shit about consequences.
I’m only qualified (not licensed) to operate an SSBN submarine, and a particular one at that.
However, when I was sixteen I would have answered “yes” to
allmost of the fucked up questions just to skew the poll. I would have done this on general principal, and if it was a marketing poll I’d still do the same today.Good news is that anyone can pilot a Titan submersible.
I’d argue nobody can at this point. Or, they can but won’t get a response.
I’m gonna cite this next time I tell someone why I don’t like survey metrics
Related to absolutely nothing, I’ve discovered that the one band I can’t stand on First Wave is The Cars.
Every single time a Cars song comes on, I change the channel.
Alice In chains is like that for me on Lithium. They also play too much Nirvana and RHCPs, so they are usually “go see what else is on” type of song.
It’s OK for you both to be wrong here.
I get that if overplayed The Cars could be a bit much but I will not stand for Alice in Chains slander.
/unless it is with new lead singer
I liked their first two albums but after that they fell off with me, went too bubble gum.
She was bad back in the day
Back in the day?
Buddy, the only reason I’d say no now is that Mrs. Horatio is very skilled with cutlery.
Even this one?
Radio station in Charlottesville, VA played the shit out this when it debuted in 2011.
The very early Aughts in Central East Virginia really were a blast. It really was the most fun I had during my first marriage.
That’ll be my “old man gets nostalgic” days when talking to Lil’ and Lil’er WCS about their mom.
I didn’t mind their music, I just couldn’t stand looking at them.
I’m likely to change that channel when it’s The Pet Shop Boys. Or that German guy, can’t think of his name. The Cars don’t really bother me.
I’m really glad the Dune/Dude poster made it. That thing is a masterpiece.
Dok’s burn on Boobert is a first-ballot Hall of Famer.
“That’s my kink!!!”