National Championship Monday Night Open Thread

Well Gentlebeings, tonight is the culmination of a season of hard work, sweat and exasperation.  But enough about my last bowel movement.   This post written on my Motorola Razor phone, so forgive me if the formatting is off in some way.  The men’s national collegiate basketball championship, so no Warhammer, you know I don’t think a Titan would be able to dunk the ball since each foot is about the size of a basketball stadium and they can be over 700 ft tall.

So instead we shall be watching Purdue vs. the fighting Lowratios.  Personally, I have no stake in tonight’s game since the Wolfpack shat the bed and they only had to spend about an hour straining to shit out a loss – lucky bastards.  One of my best friends who graduated from N.C. State is married to a Purdue grad and they are in Indy to watch the games with other Purdue grads, so we know who makes the decisions in that family (I think the eclipse had a part in the decision).  But I am proud of him as he wore his Wolfpack gear for that game at the Purdue fan bar.

So tonight I give you pics of our rabbits, who are being taken care of during our trip by professional sitters who send us a daily update of their status as well as sharing pics of their time with the rabbits.

The solid black bunny is Noir whom we have had for 6 years, the black and white bunny is Orson, who is female, but still named after Orson Wells, because she is constantly drinking and eating.  The we have Flan the little brown lop ear, who is the most chill rabbit I have ever seen, as opposed to his bonded companion Snickerdoodle, who is very flighty an loves to explore and chew things.  No cable or baseboard is safe.  Have fun watching the game and may your team have a good game.

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Mid 50's geek/nerd, avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy, manga, Chinese Web novels, and British mysteries, cult movies are my thing (have you seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?)
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Horatio Cornblower

This has to be the greatest example of talking shit and backing it up ever.


And now I don’t have to hear my relatives say: “I wish grandpa was alive to see this”


purdue literally gave us the moon in 1969 and for balance’s sake isnt allowed anything else good, and today of all days was a particularly great reminder of that


btw: NEVER heard one shining moment, ever. if i wanted cheese waaaay past my bedtime im goin to taco bell to do some major regretting later


lol.comment image

Horatio Cornblower

Nightmare fuel. I see that in my yard I’m shooting immediately.

Horatio Cornblower


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never a doubt in my mind. NEVER trust this school

Horatio Cornblower

What the hell, Hurley?


if that were kim mulkey the play is still going

Horatio Cornblower

Mulkey would never touch another female that intimately.


Say what you want about bobby knight, ar least he waited for the clock to stop before putting his hands on his players


“My wife exercised the exact same discretion.” – Bernie Fine

Col. Duke LaCross

Zach Edey is one of those March Madness guys that’s gonna make the NBA and have an unremarkable 3 year career for the Utah Jazz.

He’s Gregg Ostertag reborn.

Mr. Ayo

Congrats on the Bracket Insanity win! Nothing better than the worst freezer vodka litre can provide.

Col. Duke LaCross

Thank you sir!

Horatio Cornblower

A Loyer doing something cheap while losing? Well I never!


I was not aware of those type of people ever doing anything for cheap.


the population of bloomington, indiana summoned him from hell, for one night. this was the first tourney since his death and of course arch rival purdue chooses now to make a serious run to finally win one

the pentagram to person ratio in that town tonight is nearly 1:1

it appears to be working


just about done here


— Lowratio, preparing

Horatio Cornblower

As a fan I am still shaking and nauseous.


“I know that feeling all too well.” – Hippo, waiting for the pharmacy to open first thing in the morning

Horatio Cornblower

State cops up at campus are starting to load the rubber bullets now.


this looking like a slightly different version of iowa/sc, at least iowa kept it closer for longer


edey went five game minutes without scoring a point?


Horatio Cornblower


Horatio Cornblower

UConn needs to put their 3rd string center in and have him hike a knee into Edey’s groin. Take the technical and DQ for the greater good.

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In Chicago we call this, “pulling a charles martin”

Mr. Ayo

On the west coast it’s known as the Draymond Green


Nah, green fights everyone

Martin only did it to one person in mind

Horatio Cornblower

Yeah, Green is more of a chaos agent than someone to be deployed selectively.

Horatio Cornblower

Over here doing stress whippets* with the whipped cream can from the refrigerator.

*only not with the nitro, or whatever, just shooting the whipped cream right into my gaping maw.


The term stress whippet just makes me think of Jenna Marbles’s dogs


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I love those guys. That was hilarious!

Horatio Cornblower

I noticed how the replays they showed at halftime to show how smart Edey is were reversed. The shot he made with a nice dipped shoulder move to the right came before the two shots where Clingan was able to push him left.


Really? I remember them happening in the same sequence that they broadcast them in.

Horatio Cornblower

I may not be the best historian, I’m high on whipped cream.

But I thought the right shoulder move was earlier.


purdue gotta take this 6 point deficit all day, since edey hasnt done shit for like half an hour

Horatio Cornblower

Raftery may have been right that Edey’s getting tired, even though Raftery seems to say that about two guys every game no matter what’s going on.


looking eerily similar to how clark/iowa started, but the other team is just too good and deep, and the black/gold team can only be carried by one person only so far


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Horatio Cornblower

Oh good, another time-out. I was getting worried we might see 3 minutes of game time without a break.


teams get one fewer timeout during national broadcast games

nba teams get THREE fewer timeouts during the playoffs to keep the final 3 minutes under a half an hour


if we can keep mlb games under 3 hours now, doing this for ncaa/nba basketball games should be the easiest fucking thing ever


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Mr. Ayo

Does not have that dog in them.


I swear to God, no other canine on earth embodies ron Swanson’s “any dog under 30 pounds is actually a cat” more than thus mutt here.

Most ankle biter dogs are called ankle biters for a reason.


Kind of surprised none of the martini afficionados around here drafted Michael J. Fox as their bartender.

Horatio Cornblower

I was waiting for you on that one.

Horatio Cornblower

This is going to be a long night.

King Hippo

Until the inevitable 15-nil run, yeah


Here it comes


less 15, more nil…purdue big man hasnt done much lately

Horatio Cornblower

From both of your lips to the many ears of Xenu.

Naturally as soon as UConn gets something going, TV time-out.


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My long time college roommate was part Mongolian.

Passing glance, you’d easily mistake him for yet another foreign student, but he was noticeably stocky.

He also told me that there were more than a few slurs specific towards his ethnicity, some involving goats

Doktor Zymm

People who make up slurs involving goats don’t know much about goats, otherwise they would realize that those slurs are actually compliments


speaking of playing sports in arizona, pretty sure the coyotes are goin to utah at this point, fuck bettman and his mistake


Scottsdale has all the nice shit around here for a reason.

Horatio Cornblower

Then it’s only fair they take on the shitty Coyotes, lack of water be damned!

King Hippo

I am very much not going to be able to stay awake to HT, even


Yeah it’s a late start for you eh?

King Hippo

plus I ate WAY too much Sesame Chicken


almost time for the state of indiana to do what they do best:

disappoint a LOT of people


You’re both wrong it’s “consume gravy”.


covid 19 killed off a lot of the gravy consumers


Yeah but those who survived will pick up the slack. It’s a state pride thing.

Mr. Ayo

Perfect timing!


Absolutely. Fire up the bathroom fan and do it in there with the teevee on loud



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King Hippo

Bernard Gilkey needs to survive 6 more fixtures to complete his 2nd ever Invincibles season. Have to win out to get 104 points and break the all-time Prem record. Which Bernard Gilkey holds, obvs.

Senor Weaselo

The real question is how do you get to 114?

Doktor Zymm

I just had what felt like a good first round interview with Shopify, which is a Canadian company. It was mentioned that people there are very poUlite!

Game Time Decision

Fawk you
/ good luck

Last edited 10 months ago by Game Time Decision
Horatio Cornblower

Was just up at the UConn campus. I’m not sure which of the two it was, but either the National Guard or a State Police SWAT team is unloading just north of the campus.

Yeah, things’ll work out fine win or lose.


Going streaking?

Doktor Zymm

It was so lame when the city of College Park banned basketball riots

yeah right

We’re back in the hotel room and got to watch the sunset from here.

Second time today that damn sun disappeared on the same day!

Get back on your job Sol!

King Hippo

There is no such thing as the sun WAKE UP SHEEPLE

Doktor Zymm

Wait… Does that mean the sun is Wyoming??
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King Hippo

Connect. Teh. DOTS.

King Hippo

I fucking can’t the fuck believe it’s only fucking Monday. For fuck’s sake.


I don’t give a damn about basketball, but I did take advantage of a pizza special, so thanks, NCAA!

Mr. Ayo

Haha, the Leafs are beating the shit out of Sid. This is awesome.


would pay all the monies in the world for a 69ers sweater, especially since zach wilson taught us all how freaky them mormon milfs really are

King Hippo

That morning Canadia Draft must have inspired the natioUnal team, eh?

Mr. Ayo

Nawt high sticking! Gotta love those refs.

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Mr. Ayo

Also not a penalty!

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Welp, I just downloaded the Gaunt’s Ghosts series. Books 1 and 2 are loaded up on my kindle…

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(actually I can wait – until the game is over)

Doktor Zymm

Hmm, it IS kindle double points day

Game Time Decision

17 books. That will keep ya busy


Eat more edibles

Doktor Zymm

Whenever I’ve been in a car with a scary driver (not too often since my early 20s thankfully) I try to go to sleep. It’s both less stressful and you’re more likely to survive an accident when your body is relaxed

Doktor Zymm

No ad hoc skylights?

Mr. Ayo

Damn, this game starts late. They should be tipping now.


Don’t you have a dump to take somewhere in town?

Mr. Ayo



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Doktor Zymm

It true, if I had a job I would be done with it by now


Nah my buddy is probably still sitting in crosstown traffic, staring into the 5 o’clock sun.

It’s a beautiful day.


“Nah.” – LeSean McCoy


This is speed rust. It makes the truck go faster.

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“‘Stainless’ steel? What a country!”

— Elon “Dr. Nick” Musk


It looks like a shitty Aztec.


delorean and aztec had a crack baby

Doktor Zymm

An obese crack baby, those things are bulky


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ah, meth baby, instead!

Doktor Zymm

At least he paid for the undercoating, it’s just the entire rest of the body that’s gonna rust out!


Old Gil tried to warn them…

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We had two Dutch rabbits, a Rex, and a silver mutt rabbit at various times. The Rex, Eddie, was like a cat.

Game Time Decision

One of our rabbits is also named Rex. He’s a white one. The other is Lola and she’s a lop


I had a lop eared bunny once. Domino. He loved metal music, any time I would fire that on he would hop and shake. Cool rabbit.

King Hippo

But y u name him after Fats Domino? He wasnt very metal imo godbless


I did nae name him. Buster Puggsy aka Litrepug was my doing.


With a name like that I presume he was into pizza.


iowa/sc gettin 18.7 mil is legit insane, even if a fraction stick around, that a BIG boost for either ncaa womens tourney and wnba


(fraction of the new people, that is)

King Hippo

WNBA still has the NBA stank on it. But womenfolk NCAAT will keep doing well, I suspect.


I don’t watch the pros but watch the hell out of the tourneys, and have the MBB on in the background in Jan/Feb. Same holds true for the women.

Doktor Zymm

Indiana WNBA ticket sales already spiked in anticipation of drafting Clark. She’s gonna draw new fans fo sure, even if not as many as for college.


The wild part of it is that so little of the ad space sold. During the first half the majority of commercials on the ESPN broadcast had *nothing* on during the breaks.

Doktor Zymm

That’s odd since all the ad space was reported as sold a few weeks in advance

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I think that must have been something specific to the stream you were watching


Glad to hear it. I honestly wish they’d broadcast those on my stream (which was a perfectly legit okay sorta legit ESPN3 feed) because the sound that loops on the above clip is infuriating.

Doktor Zymm

I once knew a Purdue alum and he was kind of a dick, so go Fightin’ Horatios I guess?

King Hippo

He was probably just shocked to see, like, an actual GIRL in the wild

Doktor Zymm

It was in my math graduate program at UMCP (first grad school) so that might be it. He also idiotically forgot to feed his car engine with oil when he knew he had a massive oil leak and it seized up somewhere in Appalachia


Banjo pickin starts in the distance

King Hippo

I am taking bribes to wear my Indiana University sweatshirt for the basketballing match, so as to jinx Purdue. Brocky, Horatio – I will accept bids in opium, by total dosage or pill count. Starting the bidding at lots and lots.


Only if you do it at the Nudie bar

King Hippo

They’ll dress code evict you for a sweatshirt!


I have a shih tzu and a heavily used Lincoln continental


You can sleep in the back of that badboy.

Doktor Zymm


I just want to pet and hug them and hold their flop ears out like wings while making airplane noises. AirForceBun cleared for landing!

King Hippo


/but tempered by my reticence to be bunny-shat upon


It’s this why you judge me WASPily?

King Hippo


Doktor Zymm

Bunny poo is just little pellets, cleaning out a litter box is more unpleasant. Unless the bunny has diarrhea I guess. Do bunnies get diarrhea?

King Hippo

I only have to clean a litterbox for Bronco. Kruger will not go terlet inside upon pain of catapault, and he has trained Noodles to behave similarly.

Doktor Zymm

Handy! I am very impressed by those cats that can use toilets

King Hippo

I have heard of such, but pretty sure my brain would break if I ever saw it live.

Doktor Zymm

I learned a new thing about bunny care! Horses do, but it’s generally not serious, just messy. It’s far, far more worriesome if they don’t poop at all


Aww!! I love those little bunnies!!


quite enjoyed the totality event

felt like dawn with a weird disc in the sky, with jupiter and venus beside it

also it was the first totality solar eclipse to go over indiana since 1869…

…the year purdue was founded. with that in mind, uconn by 10 instead of 20


lol downtown indy last saw the total eclipse when genghis kahn invaded fucking chinacomment image


Dude! That’s a cool map!