Monday Open Thread – Warhammer 40k Orky Titans

Per Usual: Images and links are from Lexicanum or the Warhammer 40k wiki


So last week we went over the Psi-Titans, nasty bunch which rarely let witnesses live, the week I thought we could take a look at another race’s weapon of mass destruction.  And I decided to do the Orks, of course the Orks do not call their giant machines Titans, they call them Gargants, and they come in these classes: Gargant, Great Gargant, Mega Gargant which is just big, bigger, and biggerer of the same type of Mecha.  The thing is, and all ork tech is like this, orks tend to create these machines with found materials.  There is no real standardization either with weapons, modes of locomotion, or fuel used to power the monstrosity.

Picture from Lexxicanum
Gargant with what looks like a whole lot of pain and Dakka

And not sure if anyone remembers, but it seems like the Orks have a group mind when they are in Waaaaaggghhhh! and the more Orks there are the more, advanced their technology becomes (or whatever the technopsychic species the Orks are).  It would be like an engine tech going to sleep and waking up knowing how to build a fusion reactor – parts and all.  And feel compelled to start building one.

I have no idea about what the Codices say about the garants weapons, except that they are more than merely scaled up versions of the normal Ork weapons.  They seem to be imbued with the power of the Waaaaaggghhhh! to increase the power of their weapons, Plus, they will scavenge any parts they can use from any of the factions – so you might see a Mega Gargant using weapons from a fallen Titan – probably nothing is scarier to the Imperium with an Ork Gargant armed with Star Fury cannons or void shields.

One of the reasons I like the Gargants is that you don’t have to buy a single model to build one, just build one out of household items – toilet paper rolls make great cannon tubes, use sprues, bits of cardboard, and a whole lot of imagination and you will have the bestest, shootiest, burniest, dakka-dakka Gargant that Gork/Mork can inspire.

Also, I was wondering if the Vermicious Knids were the inspiration for the Tyranids.



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Mid 50's geek/nerd, avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy, manga, Chinese Web novels, and British mysteries, cult movies are my thing (have you seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?)
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Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook

Frankie & Ellie

Brick Meathook

That’s 2016. They’re both long dead.

They were both good dogs and true friends.


Well, the Lakers blew it. 2020 seems so long ago.

Brick Meathook

B.C. or A.D.?


I don’t even know any more.

Brick Meathook

I remember when the Lakers won in 2020. I never watch basketball so I had no idea what was happening, but that night massive fireworks went off everywhere. I thought a war had started.


“Do you want to go to Ikea?” – the Dr. Mrs., right now

How do I tell her that I feel the same way about going to Ikea that the dog feels about going to the vet?

Doktor Zymm

Not a fan of the lingonberry meatballs?

Game Time Decision

Every time you find a product name you can’t pronounce, take a drink

Last edited 8 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

Do the cashiers at Ikea check your glands?

Doktor Zymm

One lonely bottle of Malort at the Duty Free




Poor lil guy. I hope he finds a home.

Doktor Zymm

If anyone wants to get me an early birthday present…

Doktor Zymm

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Or just get one for the clubhouse, I’m sure we can share


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Game Time Decision

Just hope that it comes assembled or Mr. Ayo will break it before its even set up

Mr. Ayo

Hey! I wouldn’t assemble that while drinking!

Probably. Maybe.

Doktor Zymm

Nothing high proof anyway

Mr. Ayo

Again, maybe! Let’s do a few steps first before making that rash decision.

Doktor Zymm

I look forward to someone setting their face on fire after using Fluffy as an assistant bartender!
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Last edited 8 months ago by Doktor Zymm
Game Time Decision

Did the jet engine run?

Mr. Ayo

It does! I was on the second to last step which is just decorative stuff when I messed up.


I’m just worried that if we get one Kristin Noem will show up and shoot it in the face.

Doktor Zymm

But it can shoot back!


Yeah, but can fire hurt a T-1000 model like Kristi?



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Ice Fins not LOLing around this playoffs?


Yet Colinsworth still gainfully employed…


Fire the lot. Bring in an all DFO booth


Hey, man, I’m not going anywhere I don’t have to with pants on.


“Come work for CNN!” – Jeff Toobin

Doktor Zymm

Like anyone is wearing pants if they’re sitting behind any sort of barrier. Or, alternatively, DFO utilikilts

Game Time Decision

Colour commentary by Senor Weaselo

Senor Weaselo

I may not be allowed to wear pants, but my jackets are going to be from the best in the biz.
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Brick Meathook

Frankie & Ellie
March 2008

Doktor Zymm

ORD-LHR boarding in 2 hours, and flying out of T3 instead of the gawdawful T5! Woo!

Doktor Zymm

There’s someone sitting nearby who looks super familiar but I can’t place them. I wonder how many celebrities I’ve seen but I just didn’t recognize them?


I’m terrible at spotting celebrities, but I’m reasonably sure that Weird Al was behind me in the supermarket checkout this weekend.

Brick Meathook

I once went to a pet food store and George Carlin was there, so I’ve always got that on my resume.


Lewis Black gave me a cigarette and we smoked outside of a bar in Boston.


Oh yeah, I don’t smoke cigarettes, but when Lewis Black offers you one, you say yes.

Game Time Decision

Said the guy that goes by Sharkbait. Like how much trust do we have in your stories


Fellas, fellas, relax: I don’t trust either of you.

Doktor Zymm

Trust fall day at DFO, more head injuries per capita than the NFL!


I gave Peter Falk directions to the men’s room. I just wish he had asked by saying “oh, one more question, sir….”

Doktor Zymm

Making my first resume in high school was by far the most useful ‘real life’ thing we did


So that Carmax commercial where the woman spills to her family about her sister’s new piercing…what kind of piercing do you think it is? Despite the grandma’s reaction, you gotta assume it’s just a navel ring, right? Otherwise it would be the equivalent of a full thermonuclear launch in response to…I don’t know, sending a spy balloon over the border or something.



King Hippo

would you really tell a sibling about your pierced pussy, though?


I just remembered I have to write my post on Wednesday at the latest. I’m driving to Pittsburgh for my friends wedding on Friday. Yes he’s getting married on a Friday.

Doktor Zymm

All weekend to party at least!


The real reception is the day after. They’re double dipping and having a Derby party.

Doktor Zymm

I just bought a ticket for my stepsister’s wedding in September in Virginia. It’s a town right next door to where my ex-girlfriend lives! How lovely!

Doktor Zymm

Does she work at the Phillip Morris plant?
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Is that around Richmond? I’ve been past it many times.

Doktor Zymm

It is! Right on I-95


(vacuuming intensifies)


I got married on a Friday.


Very near Pittsburgh too.


There are regular fans, dedicated fans, diehard fans, and then there’s Mike.

Doktor Zymm

So you could do Goldilocks and the three Gargants!


Something something Roethlisberger something something chocotaco?


Oh! Gaunt’s Ghosts finally encountered something other than Chaos soldiers – Eldar!


I always assumed the Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise of movies was the inspiration for the Tyranids.


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