Sexy Friday – 20241011

TGIF! We’ve got a rocking dirt ball game starting, so let’s get to it!

Survival – Personal Edition

Not a cat person? Well here’s one way to make them a more palatable option in your abode: toilet training! Let’s get that kitty using the toilet and get rid of that smelly mess of a litter box.

  • Move the litter box next to the toilet. If you have the option, do this with a seldom used toilet to make your life easier.
  • Once kitty is adjusted and comfortable with the next litter box position, start periodically raising the litter box using books or stands. After raising the litter box, leave it at that level until kitty is again adjusted and comfortable with the new position. Repeat until the litter box is level with the toilet seat.
  • The next step is to move the litter box to on top of the toilet seat. Again, leave it there until kitty is adjusted and comfortable. This is also why I suggested a seldom used toilet for this exercise, as you’ll have to remove and replace the litter box each time you want to use the toilet.
  • Now for the switch-a-roo. Remove the litter box, and replace it with a metal mixing bowl that fits securely in the toilet bowl and under the toilet seat. Fill that mixing bowl with some cat litter.
  • For the first few uses, keep a sharp on your kitty and help them position their paws when using the toilet: Two paws at the front of the seat, and two at the rear of the seat so that kitty is squatting.
  • Continue until kitty adjusts and can use the toilet comfortably and without your assistance. Then replace the cat litter with just water. Be there when kitty finishes and empty the mixing bowl into the toilet and flush while kitty watches.
  • And finally the last step: Remove the mixing bowl and let kitty go straight into the toilet bowl.

That’s pretty easy, it just requires a lot of patience because cats are notoriously difficult to train aside from feeding times.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Brick Meathook

I had to take a vicarious trauma class and I stupidly paid attention instead of just flying through it in a perfunctory manner. So instead of taking five minutes it took a couple of hours because it made me think about my own bullshit, which was the topic of my two non-work interactions with humans this week, and so that’s my day.

Doktor Zymm

Curious what a vicarious trauma class is? Don’t know what your circumstances are, but if it capured your interest then maybe not a horrible use of the time?

Doktor Zymm

I just looked at a bottle of fancy rum and thought, “oooh, 2007, that’s quite old!” then realized I graduated from college in 2003 and felt even older


I saw a “You must be born after this date in 2003” sign at bar last weekend and wanted to die.

Doktor Zymm

I remember when it rolled over to ‘oh you’re birthdate starts with a 1, you’re good’
I haven’t actually gone out to places that card in the past few years, and I know the millenium is an artificial landmark, but still

Game Time Decision

Youngin, class of 1996


(sigh) ’91


You’re a kid.



Wait, college? 92


Then there’s this

Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 9.54.26 PM.png

I went to go pick up dinner. It is a 20 minute round trip. In the course of that time here is what I complained about, out loud, to myself:

  • The lack of customer service at the sub shop
  • The price of a liter bottle of Canada Dry
  • The condition of the parking lot where the 7-11 sits
  • My wife’s view of me – that I am a fucking dunce

Jesus Christ. I’m my father.

Doktor Zymm

The price of crappy ginger ale IS outrageous


Lmao ⚾️


Well, Padres, there’s always game 6…wait, I’m getting something from the control room…


Found a funny:

Cool desire, bro. It would be a shame if it was the root of all suffering


What is Donald Trump telling his friends and family he’s running for president?

I’ll take Animal Genitalia Audio Clues for $500, Ghost Alex.


Hopefully this commercial goes viral!

That would be Rocking!


Any time you can get cat training tips from one of the most influential bassists of the 20th century you gotta do it


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Doktor Zymm

He was too good for Archer

King Hippo

There’s sommet just inherently uplifting about seeing someone enjoy needle/spoony time while wearing a tie.


It’s professional.



Doktor Zymm

Maybe comfortable, but doesn’t actually feel better


Buffalo Springton would be a great name for a Spinal Tap tribute band.

King Hippo



For reasons, I’ve cropped the picture. No nudity but it’s obvious what they are doing.

If Mods give the okay, I’ll post the whole thing.



Horatio Cornblower

I’m not a mod, but I approve.


Once again, I succumb to peer pressure.


I have my doubts

Doktor Zymm

Eh, it’s good but not the best



Doktor Zymm

I love 4 but I think my week was more of a 6

King Hippo

Depending on my level of gastrointestinal discomfort, I’mma 2 or 7


Which one is the Elmer’s factory? That’s how Qaron’s week has been.

King Hippo

New GRATE idea! What if a rival college sponsoUred a school’s JV NFL stadium?

Doktor Zymm

Roll Tide at the Vandydome!


“Michigan Stadium, sponsored by THE Ohio State”

“Welcome to UCLA football at The Trojans Rule Rose Bowl”

“Gametime for Army at beautiful West Point…we’re coming to you live from Go Navy Beat Army Which Is Full Of Pedos Field”


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp football team, sponsored by Mossad.

Doktor Zymm

Fuck if I’ll let Putin buy out Kiev Dinamo

King Hippo

Now THAT would be a spicy meatball World Cup final!


Proposed Suggestion: The Rival School chooses the name.

Jerry Sandusky Memorial Stadium

Notre Dame Stadium: Where Altar Boys are Turned Into Men

Michigan Stadium (Ohio Branch)


Do you all see an increase in dogs replacing children and these dog people who let their shitty pets get fur and shit and slobber all over places that used to only be acceptable for people to shit and shed and slobber on? It’s basically Children of Men out there, and it fucking sucks.


Yes, I see the pets replacing kids thing. I don’t get it.

I have neither.

Doktor Zymm

The ones who are shitty dog parents would most likely be shitty human parents as well and the dogs don’t live as long and can’t cause as much harm. Seems like a win to me


Sometimes they’re both!

Doktor Zymm



Never mind. I don’t want to drag everyone down. We all know what we’re really here for:

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Ok. Fine.

[lifts up t-shirt, exposes nipples]


Why do you have a third one Scotch-taped between the other two?

Doktor Zymm

Fine, I’ll get the sharpie


Last picture for me this week.


I prefer 6.

King Hippo

#Leadoff para el Hippo

King Hippo

Fun earworm! Replace “soul” with “hole” (aka The Nightman Cometh), and this is a funny anti-anal song:


Also! This is the song they led off with when I saw them a couple years ago. And it’s a great stadium song.

King Hippo

I bet they’s quite good live.


Yeah, worth leaving the house for, and not much is.



Horatio Cornblower

Seems relevant to a discussion about personal survivors. Don’t draw straws against a smart dog.

Doktor Zymm

Gary acknowledged he drew the dog without arms

Doktor Zymm

Legs? Top legs? Front legs?


We may have read the same thing, because I remember him saying his favorite part of this cartoon was the look on the dog’s face; serious, but confident. Like he’s not celebrating, but he’s ready to make sure the rules are followed.

Doktor Zymm

Yes, it was a large format book of his comics that he annotated I think

Doktor Zymm

Not the only use for an artificial tongue, but a useful one for sure!


Pretty sure I’ve seen that before in a video with a castle at the beginning

King Hippo

Northwestern/Maryland, reminding us it’s still 2+ hours until Secular Big Love v. Sparky.

Last edited 1 hour ago by King Hippo

Were I in Vegas, I’d love Sparky plus not-quite-a-touchdown.

(Utah will obviously roll)


Can someone that follows the basedballs answer this question:

How gritty is Ohtani?


I assume White counts for at least 99% of grit.

Horatio Cornblower

That might be a tad low.


He’s more…. clever than gritty. Crafty even.


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I want to post a Cum Town clip, but I won’t.

Doktor Zymm

Kitties are both awesome and fuzzy. Even the dumb ones can learn, I cat sat for an adorable idiot for a year and she learned to drink from a dripping tap. Best kitty ever, she liked upsidedown hugs