Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Wanderlust

Hello once again, and happy long weekend Friday! I trust you’ve all got something entertaining lined up for the bonus day off we all get. For me, I’ll be heading down to New York for an overnight. I’m very much looking forward to that. Speaking of traveling, I came across some pictures I took almost this time last year in Hawaii. Not only did it make me want to go back there, because it was so awesome, it gave me inspiration to finally make the Honolulu # 3. I’ve been sitting on this for a few weeks and life just kinda got in the way. Now that I’ve had a calmer week, this seemed like a good time to use it. Also, it gives me a chance to break out some gin I brought home from Hawaii and use it here. It just makes sense to use it here.

Honolulu #3

2 oz. London Dry Gin

.75 oz. Pierre Ferrand dry curacao.

.25 oz. Fresh lime juice

1 dash Angostura bitters

1 dash Regans’ Orange Bitters

Add all ingredients to mixing glass. Add ice and stir for 30 seconds. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon peel.

I ended up using triple sec here. I could have sworn I had some curacao, however when I went looking for some, I found not one, not two, but THREE bottles of Triple Sec. I have no idea how that happened. But no curacao, so triple sec it is.

Orange heavy aromas coming off this one. The more I smell, the more gin I pick up. Definitely a little more intense than I would have expected. Though this is the first time I’ve used this gin so it might be a tad stronger than what I’m used to

The sip starts out a little more tart than anticipated. Not bad, just more intense than I would have thought. I think I chalk that up to the Triple Sec, instead of Curacau. I will say this does give off some island vibes, so the name is definitely fitting. Going back to the tartness, it’s almost a bit much for me. The saving grace is that it dissipates fairly quickly. Anything longer and it would be very detrimental to the drink’s appeal.

The gin flavors slide onto the palate when the sour flavors disappear, and I think this is where the drink’s true colors shine. you get the juniper/spice bite from the gin, mixed with a subdued tartness from the lime and the curacao and that provides a great flavor combination. That combo lasts all the way through the end. A bit of citric tartness lingers on the palate a little bit, but again, not enough to ruin the drink.

I’m interested in trying this one again, with curacao to see how the tartness/bitterness is. If changing that doesnt work, I’d definitely back the lime juice down a little bit to give it a bit more balance.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)


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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Watching the original Friday the 13th, really not as good as I remember, the horror movies that came after really built on the framework. What is so funny to me is that the “murder” victims keep giving signs they are not dead, like twitching eyes or moving their heads.


I did not remember that she had the killer knocked out and at her mercy more than once and did not FINISH HER Or at least tie her up!


 I will say this does give off some island vibes, so the name is definitely fitting.

Do you like island vibes?




I wonder how many bitches he be pullin’?


Not a nice way to refer to young boys.


Christopher Cross -yawn-. Turns out that fucker can shred. Subbed for Ritchie Blackmore in San Antonio for Deep Purple way back when. Ride Like the Wind has a guitar solo mixed down to nothingness right at the end. Here it is live and turned up.


MTV kinda ruined him because he wasn’t pretty. Had some really good songs though.

And of course…

Last edited 2 hours ago by SonOfSpam

And yeah, he jams.


Christopher Cross in high rotation in the extended family growing up with Miami keys beaches and boat uncles.

and now drawn into another trip through Yacht Rock tonight


En route to a drinking/Thanksgiving with BC Dick. But 1st a 5 and a half hour drive through the mountains.


Happy Thanksgiving to the hat! Safe trip Litre.


I say hi.

Horatio Cornblower

My wife is on the couch, recovering from dental surgery.

Her: “How do you spell ‘bury’?

Me: “Wait, really?”

Her: “I’m high as fuck. Just tell me how to spell it.”



Horatio Cornblower

I almost went with ‘Barry’ but then decided I didn’t want to be murdered.


I’m more concerned she’s about to put you out to pasture.

With those cows from next door, obviously.


Maybe she’s trying to look up essays by Ms Weiss. One would have to be high.

Horatio Cornblower

My mother finally put her dog down this morning. I’m pretty sure that’s what it was about.

I hope.


Aww, sorry for your mom. Always a crappy time.

Horatio Cornblower

Yeah, it sucks, but it was an Old English Sheepdog at 14 years of age and it was definitely time.


And this one


I am certain a lot of you got some of these also. But my daughter who lives in Maine sent me these last night and I found them to be astonishing.


These pictures are gorgeous! What a show


Not nearly as good. I had to turn on night sight, which kind of messed it up. Naked eyeball didn’t see anything.

Horatio Cornblower

Chris Russo acting like the Padres are the second coming of the Visigoths because they made his little buddy Ken Rosenthal work extra hard by not talking to him after Rosenthal’s mouthpiece article for the Dodgers; fucking sportswriters/announcers/talking heads are the absolute worst. You are not important. You add nothing to society. Be happy you get a paycheck and that anyone is willing to talk to you about anything.

And yes, I changed the channel 6 minutes into his show.

Senor Weaselo

Impressive, as Russo’s a Giants fan.


Listen, I’m no fucking traitor Woody Johnson over here but I did make a couple fantasy football waiver claims this week.

Got tired of losing so ordered this on ebay. Feeling ready to kick ass.

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Oh, now that you’re playing me you’re going to try to win? Not Fair!

Game Time Decision

I thought I was playing you in the freezer vodka league, but maybe not
/chesterfield dreams


Yes we’re going at in Freezer but Blax and I got it going on in Math Hard!

/DFO-everywhere all the time, even in semi-real life


That’s not me. That’s blaxGlumplich.

Doktor Zymm

The 2018 draft guide edition? Bold choice!

King Hippo

I am more downcast and bitter about humanity than usual. Just read up on a law school classmate of mine, who is now Mayor of Asheville (western NC).

I didn’t know her well, but we were always on good speaking terms. She was a “no bullshit” type, quiet, but 100% a good egg.

Now she’s getting death threats, for no apparent reason that (i) she’s Jewish; and (ii) a Demmycrat; and (iii) in a hurricane-ravaged geographic area that’s become ripe with “Information War” disinformation tactics.

I know the goal of these fuckweasels is to wear us out, trying to “drink from the firehose” – but fuck me, am I ever exhausted. Humanity is doomed.


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Also — just get off social media.

King Hippo

I have never done social media. Read on it on news website.


Same thing.

Horatio Cornblower

She should play their game: “I’mma kill your commie-Jew-libtard trader (sic) ass what fer you makin’ up dem hurrycane (sic) what blowed up my trailer!!”

“Not if I kill you first”

“Wait, whut (sic)?”


Gumby and I were talking about this last night. There was an article about tv weather forecasters who are getting these threats too. They interviewed a guy who has been on the air in Birmingham for like 30- 40 years, James Spann. He’s getting this shit from the crazies too. I’m not exaggerating when I say this man is probably the most trusted person in B’ham, and he’s worried for his family. How the fuck do we come back from this, when a good thirty percent, probably more, of our country has lost their damn minds?


You adapt.

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Now that most of them are anti-vax, we just need another hardcore flu.

And I’m not entirely kidding.


Expect it to get worse if Garland doesn’t stop sitting on his dick. What an ineffectual wanker…

“In 2021 – a peak year for the activity – more than 9,600 direct threats and “concerning statements” were leveled against members of Congress, according to the Capitol Police. Another 4,500-plus that year were hurled at judges, attorneys, jurors, and others who are protected by the US Marshals Service.
The datasets reviewed by CNN showed that, in 2021, just 72 threats against public servants or institutions led to federal charges.”


Maybe members of Congress and attorneys and judges should man up and do the right thing.