Your Sunday Night NFL Football Open Thread

[Barry Manilow’s “Looks Like We Made It” plays softly in the background] We got here you and I. Our eyes and butts are sore but it was worth it. Also, it would appear that the Bears, at long, long last, have a QB on their hands. The question remains, “How are they going to fuck it up?”

To The Game!


-NY favored by 3 1/2? (cue Lombardi, “what the hell’s going on around here?” thingy) Goodness, Cincy is sinking fast.

-These two squadoos don’t get together very often-they’ve only played 11 times in total with the cats having a one game advantage.

-In what figured to be another long, lousy year with Dimes at the helm the Giants offense is a middling 20th overall and 12th in passing(?!). There’s one guy primarily responsible for that but we won’t see him this evening, he’s still in concussion protocol.

-Burrow better beware of the DT’s. Actually, just the one-his name is Dexter Lawrence and the monster is having a monster year with six sacks already. The Giants are stunningly leading the league with 22.

-Cincy is a woeful 28-56 in regular season games played at night but Dimes is 2-17 in prime time games so maybe a tie tonight?

-Burrow just passed Jeff Blake (I liked that guy) for 5th in passing yards. He and Danny Boy are two of only four QB’s with three or more games of 2+ TD’s and 100+ QB ratings in the same game.

-Singletary is out another week with groin issues so Tracey Jr. gets another chance to solidify his place as the #2 RB in the pecking order. Honestly, I can see a committee on the horizon.

-Chase Brown is listed as questionable but a local beat reporter is saying that he’s good to go. Cincy will need his impressive 5.6 ypc number.

There you go.

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How do they figure out “Next Gen Stats”?


They make them up, but use a more modern font.


Yep. 58% of statistics are made up on the spot.


83261% of undecided voters in potential swing districts in traditionally liberal and conservative areas agree and disagree with the potential statistical probability of of those statistics.


NextGenStats says, regarding the product on the field:

SNF is the new TNF.

Doktor Zymm

I feel like there won’t be any more scoring, yet this game will somehow end in a tie


That brown Hyundai looks like a little kid drew it. Not as ugly as a Ford Flex, but not for lack of trying.


This game blows industrial chunks.

King Hippo

It hurts my soul that I have to keep (and AM KEEPING) watching it



Mr. Ayo


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Brick Meathook

That dog is saying “Oh boy more veggies!”

The Maestro

Happy Sunday and Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone. Lady Maestro is in Vancouver seeing friends this week so I am at my parents’ house hanging out and have been drinking for 11 hours as well as playing golf earlier today. Hope y’all are having great weekends. Glad my spell check is working well tonight.

Doktor Zymm

Spellcheck for MVP!

King Hippo

hey, at least it wasn’t a punt!


I can’t find anything about Wade Phillips from KSK on (since Internet Archive is dead and Google got rid of page caches), but here’s a post where Dave drew all the team logos with dicks in them.


I like that the Browns are just their helmet logo but with a dick in it.


As someone who just turned on the game at halftime, that 1st Half Replay does not have me excited for what is coming up.


First Half Replay is just the pregame bullshit.


I see Bungles-Team Carl is proceeding about as anticipated.


That photo they throw up of Woody Johnson on the halftime show — he has a huge cross around his neck.

You’re all seeing the future.

Horatio Cornblower

That guy Winker on the Mets has always stuck me as an idiot, and hoo boy did he just prove me right.


It’s a Sunday evening in October. Why isn’t there some must-see HBO series I should be watching instead?

Horatio Cornblower

I’ve heard good things about the Penguin show.


yeah Penguin show is good, only mid spot the kid who is a little too clean in episode 1 does get better in episodes 2 and 3.


I’m literally watching the latest episode right now, rather than this shit game


Sex in the City is on Netflix.


410 AD: Rome is sacked by goths

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Mr. Ayo

I’m ready to be sacked


Jerruh is getting a hard on with all this attention.


There should be guys wagging theirs dicks at him like they did at Cersei to disabuse him of that feeling.


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yeah right

Every time I watch the Giants play I regret not buying carrot cake.


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Game Time Decision

This has 20 questions written all over it

Doktor Zymm

Carrot cake is a fine cake, but I will admit I don’t see the connection

Game Time Decision

No walnuts and cream cheese frosting for me, please
/takes 2 slices


I could totally see Harbaugh holding back his shits so hard that he gives his heart an arrhythmia. 


Toxic Megacolon

Doktor Zymm

Every time I look up to see if the ganme has gotten more interesting it’s been 3rd and double digits

King Hippo

/Hippo looks up

//somebody punting again

Mr. Ayo

NFL Blitz!!


At leas this game will be over quickly.


So, did they just stop the game after the Bungles got 7?


I’m okay with that.

King Hippo

it’s certainly last play I can really remember

King Hippo

I honestly had no idea (until last week) this was a supermodel and married to that weaselly fuck from the Twilight movies. Pretty banging song, though.

Horatio Cornblower

That is a good tune. Sub Pop keeps promoting her. I wonder how much of that is her and how much is autotune.

King Hippo

Good point. A purty lady with the voice for good garage rock is quite marketable, one would think.


No Doubt

yeah right

Gwen Stefani does not count.


True. She’s pop punk.

Doktor Zymm

Is this game actually happening or is the NFL just looping some generic stock footage?


Someone is playing Madden on Easy

Doktor Zymm

I haven’t actually looked into how I want to vote on the propositions yet, but I don’t think this commercial is having the effect on me they want by telling me Gavin Newsom is in favor of it

King Hippo

Comforting to think of just how goddamned furious he must be that VP Harris is the one running for POTUS instead of him. It must be eating him alive.

Doktor Zymm

That is a delicious thought


Yes, but …

The Newsom political dynasty is one of the Hapsburg Dynasty-like Bay Area/Central California families that made the VP’s political career possible. So I doubt he’s that heartbroken.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he does the same thing to Kamala that she did to Biden.

Horatio Cornblower

So for obvious reasons I stopped watching the Cowboy game and went and did some other productive things around the house, (up to level 115 in Fortnite, WOO!), and missed the second half.

Was the hit that broke Hutchinson’s leg dirty, or just one of those shitty things that happens when a bunch of large men are colliding at high speeds in confined space?


Not dirty at all. He was tackling a guy and got twisted and something went the wrong way

Last edited 20 hours ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Horatio Cornblower

Glad to hear that, anyway. The injury sucks, and I always liked Hutchinson, but man the NFL is a cold and unforgiving bitch.

yeah right

Correct. Just the shitty part of football raising it’s ugly head.

King Hippo

Instead of sacking him, Jerral should make BlueBunny coach in bra and speedo the rest of the season.

yeah right

I’d watch that.

King Hippo


Horatio Cornblower

It’s not a bad idea, because I think Blue Bunny has this year and next year left on his contract, and Jerry ain’t paying someone to sit around with their feet up.

Maybe he’ll make McCarthy the world’s highest paid bathroom attendant.


Didn’t he do that with Phillips?

Horatio Cornblower

I don’t remember anymore how much what went on with ol’ Wade was really happening and how much was KSK making fun of Wade. But I do think JJ started undercutting him in public a lot towards the end.


Raise your hand if you DIDN’T immediately imagine Barney in a bikini from the Mindy episode of The Simpsons.

King Hippo

To his friends it’s Brian but to you it’s MISTER BURNS!

yeah right

Watching the Dodgers and Mets.

I got my last hair job, nail job, foot job and hand job at Gavin Lux and so should you!



Raiders need to get Bryce Young, give him a Demolition Man haircut, and replace Antonio Pierce with anyone.


So he looks like Wesley Snipes or Sandra Bullock?


Peacock has caught on. The commercials are in English.

Col. Duke LaCross

Even when you’re trying to get away…


Bengals vs giants sounds like a superbowl Matchup from the 80s that no one has good memories of


Lawrence Phillips had memories, just not anymore.


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King Hippo

There is nothing I would rather see than a safety called for holding on a kick return.


Oh, I was going to show you a video of (some really hot female celebrity I can’t think of right now) and (another really hot female celebrity I can’t think of right now) making sweet love, but good luck with your gay football thing, damn this really fell flat because I can’t think of super hot women what the fuck


Tracy Chapman?


YES THANK YOU. Just need one more.

Horatio Cornblower

Janis Joplin.


Maybe all the drugs preserved her?

King Hippo

Nothing will ever dethrone Mulholland Drive in that respect


Needed better lighting and to be about 10 minutes longer.

Horatio Cornblower

OK, Superman.


Oh, I wouldn’t need all that time, but maybe someone could use it.


/Room in Rome and Blue Is The Warmest Color have entered chat

Brick Meathook

Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies?

King Hippo

Daboll has lost a ton of weight. Perhaps he quit putting mayo in his coffee?


mean stopped putting coffee in his mayo

Doktor Zymm

I assume Andy Reid has the exclusive rights to fat NFL coach schtick. Everyone else has to lose weight or pay him tribute in the form of buckets of riblets


Is that what happened to the Ryan Boys?


Who is more fucked long term: Hashtag Pauls or Jaguras?

King Hippo

1) Yes

2) Probably #ThePauls, because salary cap hell

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, they really upped the factory’s production targets for years to come


Jaguras aren’t much better vis-a-vie salary cap. Prison Girlfriend’s only better by the two sweetest words in the English language right now.

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The Cleveland Browns are like a bottom-3 NFL franchise. They are a culture of failure.

Though I don’t see Trevor Lawrence as a SB QB.


Stafford won a Super Bowl as soon as he left Detroit. That is totally reasonable.



Oh, no. It’s Dungy.



I don’t know why I have such a visceral hatred of him, but he can eat shit and die.


There’s that whole “I hate TEH GEYS so much my son killed himself” thing.


He coached Jayden Daniels’ one bad season.


That’s it, really, but I’m not wedded to the issue. I don’t care nearly as much about what a shitty father Andy Reid or any of these other assholes. Maybe it is that the proximate and actual cause are so close in my head vs. the Walrus, et al.

Doktor Zymm

I wonder if BlueBunny and Sirianni have a last longer bet?


With their wives?


Keep in mind that I will look like the banner picture in a few days. Oh, and my green contact lenses arrive tomorrow!

What midlife crisis?


I make a point to not comment on stuff like this from Zymm, Gumbygirl, or ballsofsteelandfury….

Doktor Zymm

I had green contacts in high school! They didn’t shoot lasers though


I can think of one big difference between you and the banner.

/rubs forearm


I don’t throw back breaking interceptions


Okay. Two.

But there’s still time on the interceptions.


I’m amazed people put in contacts. The idea of placing anything on my eye gives me the heebies.


I just wish my contacts didn’t suck. Which reminds me that I need to get new ones.

Doktor Zymm

It takes a couple weeks to get used to it, but easy after that and way better than glasses

yeah right

Just don’t fall asleep with them in.


Or drink the water that a lady put them in at the end of the night beside the bed.

yeah right

This sounds very specific.


I threw my sister’s out once. She stuck them in a seashell for some unknown reason and put them on the bathroom counter. I was cleaning said bathroom, and thought hmmm, wet seashell, lemme fix that. This was somewhere around the bicentennial, and she still gives me shit about it.


To be fair, contacts were expensive as Hell back then.

Doktor Zymm

I always sleep with mine in. They’re gas permeable soft contacts. Never had a problem.

Doktor Zymm

Reading some about the WAS/BAL game and pretty much every comment from a Washington fan is similar to what I said, that they’re already exceeding expectations, and it was exciting to see them be able to hang in there with the Ravens. Amazing how humble a couple decades of pure evil grinding a team into a sort of sticky footballish paste will make a fanbase.


The Bandwagon is stupidly loyal.


Do they still wear the pig noses?

And headdresses?


Yes. As far as I know.

yeah right

Love the Danny Ha-penny moniker and for the nomenclature correct crowd it’s pronounced Hay-penny!.

Thanks Irish travelogue show!

Use that in a sentence please.

I crossed the hay penny bridge in Doughblin at least tree times.


This sentence contains the words ‘hay penny’.


“Did you walk over it? Walking over it is the only way to cross that bridge!”

-yeah right, 2027


Does setting it on fire count as “crossing” a bridge?


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This is basically my family’s motto and crest.

yeah right

Goddamn right I did!

stumbled is walking.


Hay, Penny, you were great in Laverne & Shirley!


Shut.Up. Cris.

Just getting ahead of the broadcast.




I just realized the Spanish version was never coming back from commercial until kickoff because everything fucking sucks.


Wait, seriously, HOW THE FUCK are the Giants favoured???

King Hippo

yeah, my computer says is WKRP favoUred by 4.5


just need 20 pts from Danny Dimes tonight thanks to my Ford breaking down today

King Hippo

I am ded in all leagues except money (where I also had Ford), but I’d need a yuuuuuuggggge performance from the J-E-S-T running game (starting both Braelon and Breece


I can see that. Bengals defense can’t stop anything.


If I’m going to watch this piece of shit, I may as well watch it en Español.


Stuck at the mother-in-law’s for the day. But even still I found out the Cowboys score.

Does Jerry fire McCarthy before or after the post game meal?


had he lost to the yinzers and fallen to 2-4, he wouldnt have made it to the locker room

3-3 is still not dead and the commies give up too many points to be legit favs right now


Consensus is after the bye to make it hurt more.


I’m convinced Trump’s people staged each and every one of these.

I mean, do you really think they’re above killing a rallygoer and one of their accomplices in an effort to score political points? I don’t.


Did you ever read about the facility where that first shooter worked?

It’s a miracle he didn’t do it sooner.


over/under is midterms if he wins, natural causes or not

(suppose the line is mostly similar even if he loses)


I’m starting to think that maybe calling him a fascist (he isn’t) and an unprecedented threat to democracy (he isn’t) for the last nine years may have broken some brains.


Caleb Williams looks like Kyler Murray if they’d finished adding the size needed to be a successful pro quarterback.


I like the Dak flexing image they put up on the head-to-head screen with Goff.


I hate Darkest Timeline
