Thanksgiving 2024 FITBAW – Part teh First

Welcome to Murrika’s favoUrite holiday, where we celebrate Native American slaughter by eating more than a third world family does in a year, getting blackout drunk, and falling asleep watching good old American FITBAW!  Scotchy continues to be annoyed by non-sportsball matters, so I am stepping in.  Don’t worry, I am tired of reading my gibberish too.

Bearistocrats! (+9.5) at LioUns (12:30, CBS)

I recall Erik Kramer winning the Madden turkey leg in this one, but can’t recall which of these two teams he was quartered backing at the time.  Memory is like that, sometimes.  Chi**** is in its most familiar modus operandi (ie, freefall), while Detroit is fucking teams up like 1970s era Nebraska.  Does everyone start fringe fantasy players in these games, then instantly regret it?  OK, just me.  Yet again.

Sommet tells me that Caleb will relish this spotlight, and his charges will make things interesting.  I’d even say a cover is more likely than not.  Especially if I’m only risking YOUR moneys.

Nothing makes one feel more festive than putting “slutty Chi**** Bears fans” into one’s Google window.  At least it’s not my work computer this time.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Mr. Ayo

Nailed It!

— B. Walsh




Good to know I’ve been in the wrong room all day.

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Merry Thanksgiving.

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It’s understandable, I spent a good half hour doing the same thing before I thought to check for a new thread.


OK, that was a good Chevy commercial.

Senor Weaselo

Well that’s not making me feel any better about not starting Williams.


You know when your opponents both play the same non-descript guy and he goes off? Ladies and gents, Jaleel McLaughlin is going to have himself a game on Monday night.

Mr. Ayo

I am playing against him in math hard league.

As of today I am preemptively quitting that league at the end of the year.

Doktor Zymm

Turkey trot hurdle!


(Ric Flair-like chop to the back of the knee)

“Nothing illegal here.”

Game Time Decision

No chair, no flag
-duh, NFL replacement refs


Caleb Williams is lucky his NFL career didn’t end right then and there.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Senor Weaselo

Huh, none of us were expecting that.


Just joining at halftime, had a post brunch nap. That scruff on Romo looks horrible, like it has grown during the broadcast.


Glancing at my television while Romo was talking and hearing español come out put a big smile on my face this Thanksgiving.

Doktor Zymm

Minn has a kicker named Romo now, it’s eerie


Shaboozey to all the other gritty, scrappy, gym rat country musicians:

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Brick Meathook

Follow me for more bold predictions.


I had no idea what a Shaboozey was till now, and I am poorer for the knowing.


I actually thought he was decent enough. Certainly got more out of the crowd than Fat Joe at Game 2 of the World Series.

Senor Weaselo

Fat Joe in Game 2 managed to get more out of the crowd than Fat Joe in Game 3.


Right, right, Game 3. All those Dodgers wins just blend together in my memory.


I don’t like modern country music, at all. Waylon Jennings would have kicked Shaboozy’s ass and then gotten drunk with him, during the show!

Horatio Cornblower

I put that on mute and listened to Patton Oswalt

Game Time Decision

that’s Mrs.GTD’s current jam ( the song Tipsy)



Senor Weaselo

Salomon, for all your tai chi needs!

Senor Weaselo

Rush 1. So 10 in coverage would be the…
/let’s see, dime, quarter, dollar is 8, so…


Jefferson is on the $2.


NM, I see where you’re coming from.

Senor Weaselo

You imply the common man knows about the $2.


They’re considered bad luck.

Game Time Decision

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Last edited 3 months ago by Game Time Decision



Watching my mom’s dogs fight over a bone is more entertaining than this game:

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Doktor Zymm

Sudden but probably meaningless change!


Watching my mom’s dogs fight over a bone is more entertaining than this game


What the hell is an avif file?


It’s a variation of an .updog


JPEG replacement. Compresses more, sucks less.


“Why on earth would anyone develop such a technology?” – the Dr. Mrs. Deadly, firing up the trusty Dyson

Brick Meathook

It’s why I can’t post from PostImage anymore so I use instead.


I wonder if it would work to change the rule so that if the ball actually makes contact with the defender, there cannot be pass interference. So basically you can do whatever you want to the receiver as long as you actually touch the ball.

Doktor Zymm

I foresee a lot of ded receivers


I saw a guy get hit in the back this last weekend going up for a medicine ball, made me think of the good old days when life was cheap and the DB would have speared him in the small of the back at a full run.


[has also leapt in an effort to obtain medicine] – Jim Irsay


Committing two penalties on the same 3rd down play that would have resulted in a first down and giving up a first down on 2nd and 25 are pretty funny, but I expect more out of The Bearistocrats!

Doktor Zymm

It’s only the first half, I’m sure there’s more in store


That fourth down offsides penalty was rather droll, it looks like they’re stepping it up.

Senor Weaselo

Ah, I see now.


…said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.



Doktor Zymm

This is exactly why you don’t want to have any fantasy players from the Bears, no matter how talented they are


Fucking DJ Moore.

Senor Weaselo

How is this game only 13-0?


Guys, I don’t think that the Bears are very good.


The bears have more punts than pass completions

Doktor Zymm

“They both start with P so close enough, meh”
– Bears coaching staff

Doktor Zymm

So just discovered my soundbar has a ‘sports’ setting. It actually sounds pretty good!


Let’s us know if it automatically mutes chris collinsworth


Morbid predictions aside, we made it to another thanksgiving yall!


Two meetings down, both could have been emails. Approaching Fozz level rage.

Doktor Zymm

Go into that next meeting and make them grateful to end it early!


Gentlemen, I hope your Thanksgiving is going well.

I just want to make a prediction before it gets too much later in the day, I want tonmake a prediction for my money league:

After 12 weeks, I am sitting at 7-5, with an 86% chance of making the playoffs.

If I win one more game I can clinch a playoff spot. I am projected to win this week. It’s a 12 team league, and there are 6 teams in the post season.

I just wanted to let you know, here and now, that I fully believe i will miss the playoffs.

It is now 12:23 pm central time on Thursday, November 28th 2024.

You heard it here first folks!


Anyone else read that with a drunk slur beginning at the second paragraph?


Two games left in a 12 game league is 4096 possible outcomes.

I took the standings to all those and applied tie breakers, and I make the playoffs in 3/4of those.

I have no faith in my team


Is Fozz just like strangling three people at once by now?

Horatio Cornblower

Also the Bears strategy for picking a GM and/or head coach

Horatio Cornblower

(The part about sniffing glue; not sure where that top one about the sex orgies came from, although I would read it)




if you ate turkey early, there is good news: when your turkey nap hits, this game will likely start entering blowout territory


Erik Kramer was too good for the Bears.

Man, what a damning statement.


1995…the ONE year the bears had a quarterback, was the one year they did NOT have a defense

and lost the last wild card spot to a team with jeff george

Col. Duke LaCross

See also; the Mel Tucker era.

Col. Duke LaCross

That first Trestman season had a surprisingly cromulent offense.

Horatio Cornblower

Great job by the editors throwing the final score up right as the pass gets to the receiver, thereby blocking the viewer from seeing the catch.


16 yard punt seems pretty important.

Last edited 3 months ago by blaxabbath
Doktor Zymm

bearnuts, lol

Game Time Decision

I’ll take your word for that Mr. “googled slutty Chi**** Bears fans”


“Slutty Bears” and it’s just a picture of me.

Senor Weaselo

I hope both teams run it for 800 yards and 7 TDs.

/Because I have Montgomery and Swift… but Williams is on my bench




So the Lions have lost their last 7 Thanksgiving day games? Bears upset time? I’ll go out on a limb here and say yeah why not.


saxomophone anthem!comment image


It’s that magical time of morning where you pour your fresh coffee grounds into your coffee cup with half/half instead of into your french press with hot water.


What Shell station fuels you that has a french press that, I assume, hasn’t been busted against some guys jaw for taking the winning scratcher?

Must be fucking ooh-la-la at Thanksgiving with your neighbors.


Need me some sun god to avoid relegation!