TGIF! Turkey day is done and dusted so enjoy those leftovers this weekend.
Survival – Personal Edition
Let’s finish up last week’s subject and go over a few more ways to open a bottle without an opener.
- Table Edge. Do not do this on a table with soft wood on the top and you will ruin it. Put the teeth of the cap on the edge of the table, then with a fist pound down on the top of the cap. BOOM! Open bottle.
- Spoon/Fork/Knife. Pry under the cap and slowly go around the cap. Once it starts to move make sure to push the tool higher under the cap and repeat until it pops off.
- Belt Buckle. Fit the cap into the buckle with one edge of the cap wedged against the buckle. Slowly pry it off. Make sure to refasten that belt buckle if you’re currently wearing it.
- Deadbolt Lock. Fit the cap into the lock recession in the door frame, then slowly pry it open.
- Pool Bridge. Don’t do this over the pool table, please, that’s just rude. Fit the cap into the opening on the bridge. Then slowly push down on the bottle to pry the cap off.
- Vending Machine. If it’s an older soda machine, there might be an actual bottle opener, so use that. If not, use the coin return opening by wedging the cap against the top of the opening and slowly pressing down on the bottle.
Now enjoy that bottle of beer! Or soda, we don’t kink shame here.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
There we are.
First of all that wasn’t a backward pass that lost the game.
Second of all never watch an NFL Network replay of a Prime game.
It was the NFL equivalent of The Little Drummer Boy challenge today.
Worked all goddamn day and managed to avoid the game results.
Come home, hit the recording and they’re showing Andy Reid’s great big fat ass with the final score in 72 Point Futura right behind him.
Fuck the Chiefs is the short version.
If Georgia Tech fans existed, they’d feel like they’ve been burned to the ground.
We’re free. I’ll never forgive the state of Georgia for this.
(30 seconds ago)
“Hey, Coach? I found the Running Plays Playbook.”
Tuple names – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was that a legal formation? The center was the end.
BLEEERGH has decided to intervene. I’m shocked.
And it still doesn’t matter.
Let’s just play BINGO with the kickers. Kicks can occur from anywhere in the stadium.
Kicker H-O-R-S-E seems like a valid way after the 5th OT.
That sounds like fun, actually. They should add something like that to the Pro Bowl.
They can’t even get in on a run!
Need Georgia Tech to call a seance to General Sherman for this play
“My bad, coach.”
10th OT: Starting Offense vs Starting Offense
11th OT: Starting Defense vs Starting Defense
12th OT: Essay Contest
13th OT: Bake Off
14th OT: Armbar!
15th OT: Home Run Derby
Paper Rock Scissors
Start trying field goals of 40 yards and moving back five each round.
Haha, just imaging the kickers having to attempt 100yd field goals repeatedly with no chance of a reprieve.
Don’t stop at 100. Attempt it from the stands.
Attempt it from the parking lot! Let’s go!
But try not to suck any dick on the way through there.
Hey, get back here!
At this rate, I’m going to drop a 2 before either of these chucklefuck teams.
Maybe they should resort to field goals or a coin toss.
Somebody ought to try running the goddamned ball
When I reopening my post images account after years I saw a bunch of those 503 messages. It is so random. I figure the specific drive they are on in some city-sized data center in Utah shat itself to death.
Definitely a 2 bit operation. Always have issues with them on Friday afternoons, but always fixed before post time. Except this time.
It was weird hanging out with people who prefer college football. College sports is depressing. It’s all the bs of football and all the bs of higher education and all the bs of the NCAA and now NIL seems to exist to make things feel even worse than if they maintained the lie of amateurism.
Yeah but the CTE hasn’t destroyed their brains enough for them to beat and murder all their loved ones, so…
So far
best Duel since Hamilton vs Burr
Third time’s the charm?
CFB Penalty Kick Time!
Just gave a couple malorts out. I had one as well as I am not a heathen.
This is. Nice
Mrs. Cola “Wait for it.”
Carnage 6bsecs later
Who else is rooting for FUMBLE time???
ok, missed XP then?
SHAN’KLOR rests, the time to feed hasn’t arrived.
Well, PAWWWWLLLL, this just shows the DAWGS have that DAWG in them and must be in the playoffs!
Okay, Novemdecuple Overtime it is.
PICK 6 !
oops alternating possession lets go TD
Leave it to Carl to properly sum up this ending:
So, they decided till now to press the “PLAID” button I see.
There are quite a few common allergens on this flight, the kid that ended up next to me is eating some sort of peanut candy, the dog, and someone spritzing perfume. Waiting for someone to whip out a bag of shellfish next
He’s eating the dog and someone spritzing perfume?!
He’s a fat kid. They’ll eat anything
This is an outrage. No pictures. Just ten little, there’s a nice picture under here, icons… with no nice little pictures under them. HTF is a guy gonna Sexy Friday like this? Could be my crappy old phone, but all the pictures in the comments show.
Such sadness. Somebody hose me down please.
Scusa. It all worked when I wrote it. Then the hosting service shit the bed.
I reloaded the page and can see them now so maybe those shitheads fixed their shit.
Except #7. Such a tease. Wish I remembered what it was.
I’m still not getting anything, but then again I’m at the end of the electronic food chain over here.
I’ll have to trust you that lady 7 was as equally hawt as Liz Hurley back in the day.
Makes you want to run away…
I may have jinxed the…(checks notes) Yellow Jackets? Georgia Tech is the Yellow Jackets?
They deserve to lose.
TRUE HIPPO STORY – When WCS first started the PPPPAAAAAWWWWLLLLLL bit like 10 years ago….Hippo had no idea who Paul Finebaum was.
I wasn’t aware I was the one who did that. Seriously.
yeah think pawwwwl was Every Day Should be Sunday, not sure if it was Spencer or someone else column
Yeah, I got that from somewhere.
oopsie doodle, then! I never really read that weblog
Lucky you.
SEC contacting Sarah McLachlin as referee as the Dawgs are in danger of being put down
Tech gonna Tech
PPPPPAAAAWWWWWLLLLL, I think SEC gettin’ 5 ought be back on the table now wut say yew????
Nebraska games are ALWAYS so goddamned funny
I read today that there’s a portion of the Husker fanbase that wants Rhule out and Holgy in.
They are a weird and hefty ppls
im gonna hang up and listen
At least this puts Bama back in PAAAAWWWWWLLLLLL wut say yew?
Are you Tammy from Tuscaloosa IRL?
Georgia Tech-Georgia game (Artistic Interpretation)
Martin’s revenge
Got my burger and my drink, hobo first is almost as good as the real thing!
Somewhere in the wilds of Ontario, scotchy smiles…
Referees: The Reviews Of Fate
Personal foul, DEEP HURTING.
I bet it was a wet one
Josh Allen and Hailee Steinfeld announced their engagement with a romantic Instagram post
How in the hell did Josh Allen outkick his coverage?
By all accounts he’s a pretty nice guy, and having an entire rust belt city love you probably helps too
UGA might be in trouble.
Can’t wait for a 4-loss SEC team to make the playoffs.
I slept through the afternoon. Fuck
#MeToo. Except the “fuck” part, sleep is easily my #1 hobby now (and going forward).
You know what? Yeah.
I am glad I did that now that I’m up.
The Chiefs chiefed, the Raiders Raidersed, that’s about it
Let’s not forget about the Officials
chiefingI mean officiating.(to be clear, the Raiders deserved to lose that fumble every bit as much as Cincinnati deserved that touchdown in the 2021 playoffs after the inadvertent whistle – but it’s tiresome to see the officials make a mistake that would benefit the Raiders and then pretend that it had never happened)
Lucky. I only had 4 hours of sleep last night thanks to stupid work and then spent all day traveling.
This is chaos, lol. Like 50 people preboarding, and it’s a widebody so they started boarding group 1 through the forward door before preboarding finished. And of course most people in group 1 aren’t in F so they all charged straight to the back and blocked the other door. I’m in the bulkhead and all the overhead space four rows back was already taken.
And some people just switched into the seats next to me with what is very clearly NOT a service dog.
I would happily sit with them !
Meanwhile, up on the flight deck:
was this the same flight Honest Abe was on?
This is not a Photoshop. They didn’t even have Photoshop back then.
Assholes. Hope the doggie doesn’t poo.
The dog has calmed down now that boarding is done and we’re just taxiing around waiting for our turn to takeoff, so should be fine. I think all the people milling around was a bit overstimulating. They also moved seats again (they originally booked themselves in exit row seats which of course you can’t sit in when you have a fake service dog)
i don’t know if I plus one this or….
Feel free, I have a sense of humoUr about it, it’ll be fine once we get in the air, unless the dog pees on me
I can’t believe that game played out the exact same way all those “Lord and Savior Patrick Mahomes” instagram reels go.
That #7 is making me harder than Chinese arithmetic!
All I get is broken links. WTF??
I can see 9 out of 10 on the other phone.
This is weird.
I got all but #7.
That’s the one I’m missing too
Just rebooted and same. Wierdsville.
the Timeline we DESERVE
This is what I got
Same. This is a disaster!
Stupid free photo hosting service.