Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 31


Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your host John Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between John Fecal, Jack HandeyBalls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the thirty-first edition of a potentially sporadically recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC! Now also (occasionally) in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open  attempt at an advice column.

  • We live in ridiculous times. Leaving aside the dumpster fire that is the American political system, I present to you: mailbox lasagna.
  • And not only that’s….existence but the fact this story is OVER TWO YEARS OLD but thanks to the power/inanity of social media (combined with oppressive and existentially threatening extreme heat) it has come back to make the rounds again. 
  • Yes I get that’s a summer story, but per my very much not on time Bears preview post from last week, I started a lot of drafting and fell flat on my face. 
  • Thanks to you all, I now get Blair Witch content pushed my way by the Almighty algorithm.
  • Which Don’t Tread on Me satirical take on MAGA is your favorite? Please Tread on Me, Don’t Read to Me, or Don’t Call Me Weird?
  • This one was new to me but feels very apt. 
  • If one eats chicken soup dumplings, do you get the same health benefits as eating chicken soup when you’re sick?
  • While we’re on a food kick,Restaurants that bring an odd number of pieces of bread in the bread basket for two people need to be fined.
  • While we’re on a food kick, there’s a conveyor belt sushi place in DC I’ve now been to twice, and while it’s not as good as the one on sawtelle, it’s pretty solid. I just have two questions (for now):
  • If most of the staff is Latino rather than Japanese, is it weird to say arrogato when they bring items that aren’t on the conveyor belt?
  • Would it be weirder to say gracias?
  • What the fuck is this and why? 
Photo credit: ME
  • I know the answer now after digging into it with an employee at the restaurant, but I want you all to guess what that is.
  • I guess I have one more question, but it’s for myself rather than the restaurant: why the fuck did I go get DC sushi less than a week before flying to Japan?
  • My ass hurts. The meat, not the hole. And it’s been persisting for a long time. Anyone have good sports medicine advice (other than a sensual massage from balls)?
  • With Thanksgiving and Head Coach Matt Eberflus both in the rear view mirror, what’s next for the Chicago Bears? More Bearsenscheisse? Unexpected cromulence rather than continued crapulence? I would wager Hippo is probably betting on the outcome….
  • This is a choice for a headline on the Flus firing….
  • Well, I’m on a plane now, so eff it, let’s wrap it up with another fill in the blank: “The only way things could get worse for the Chicago Bears is ___________________.”
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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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Ongoing DFO storylines I am curious about:

Spur’s work Gambit
Blax’ patent drama
Dok’s new job
Yeah Right’s retirement in Portugal
WCS’ job as a 911 operator
Blax’ Hawaiian volcano lair
BeerGuyRob’s Union negotiations
Litre’s trip to see the Cure in Pasadena
Toronto DFO meetup in April
RTD’s acting neighbors
Brick’s new website


To echo BFC’s thoughts from the previous post, I too am now invested in Spur’s work drama.

Here’s hoping for an update…

Mr. Ayo

What in the actual fuck did The Ringer do to its web site? Makes it impossible to keep up with any of the great writing on that site.


‘The only way things could get worse for the Chicago Bears is’ if Caleb Williams goes on an ayahuasca retreat with Qaaron and decides that football is harmful to his aura.


He is from USC, so…


Is the sushi eel with shrimp?


That’s a good guess. Certainly looks that way.


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JD Vance wants to be a transgendered woman?! Props to you, 2024. You’re going out swinging.

Doktor Zymm

If anyone is looking for a business idea I would throw wads of money to get a severely stripped down version of windows that basically does nothing but run windows programs. It’s become a bloated monstrosity (and Apple is no better, makes you use their proprietary hardware, and sucks for gaming so don’t even go there)

If I’m feeling motivated over the holidays I might just see how much crap I can delete before it just dies and I have to do a system restore

Last edited 3 months ago by Doktor Zymm

I mean, I looked but I have absolutely no clue.

Doktor Zymm

Is that spam? So like a shrimp spam musubi?

Doktor Zymm

I’ve been removing a lot of leading whitespace from text recently and it feels vaugely political


[“other” of the month] WILL NOT ERASE US!


I know for certain I survived 2023 and 2019. I’m like 95% I made it through another year, circa 2018. That’s two absolutely sure, and I’m giving meself a third. Alas, 2024 won’t be one.

Fuck you, drummer shit stain boy.

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Last edited 3 months ago by WCS
Doktor Zymm

My ability to automatically tune out background music combined with my avoidance of places that play background music means I’ve only missed once. That was in 2021, cruise ship dock in the US Virgin Islands where there was a steel drum band playing it. It was actually a pretty good version so I didn’t mind


see above.

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There’s a conveyor belt sushi restaurant here in Columbus that I’ve been wanting to try, just for the experience. Columbus OH sushi is pretty much the same, once you get past supermarket sushi.

One of these days I’m going to end up in a fight when someone takes offense to my saying “Moron label,” whenever I see a ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ bumper sticker.


The first time I ever had sushi was at a conveyor belt place. It was good enough that I continued to eat sushi, but not good enough that I kept going there after learning what better sushi tasted like.


Which is the one in Sawtelle? I’ve been looking for a good conveyor belt sushi place!


Btw, I found out they’re opening one at the Santa Anita Mall near me. No driving to the West Side!!


Honey, I’m thinking your ass would hurt worse after Balls is done with it!


Hey! I’m very gentle!

Game Time Decision

I’m “just” going to put the tip in