Yeah, there will be a third for the evening game. Look who has too much time on his hands/is ignoring chores! Here’s a few things that caught my eye.
-Much like teams obeying The Rooney Rule but in reverse, I think Vrabel interviewing for the Jets job is a “going through the motions” sorta thing. He strikes me as having a bit more integrity than that and who the hell but a first-timer or re-tread would want to work in that toxic organization? You would have to watch your back when Woody’s kids are on Spring Break.
-The field in this Liberty/Buffalo game looks “Cleveland Memorial Stadium in the 80’s” bad.
-The Panthers linebacker DJ Johnson was concussed the old-fashioned way-in a car accident. Asked to comment he said, “I never saw that airbag coming”.
To The Game!
-The initial 18.5 spread has ballooned to an even 20 because the Ravens need this to win the division and Cleveland is sitting some of their “talent”. Starting QB Bailey Zappe was more than a little pissed when the film he was given to prepare for the game was a copy of The Expendables.
-Feeling Like Preseason: Some of the folks you may see on the field today includes the likes of Jamari Thrash, John Kelly Jr., Brenden Bates and James Proche!
-Zappe holds the distinction of being the 40th starting QB for the Browns since 1999.
-His counterpoint Lamar has a chance to finish the regular season as the highest rated QB ever. He’s sitting at 121.6 and the record is 122.5.
-Lone Bright Spot: Myles Garret is tied for the league lead in sacks with Trey Hendrickson. He’s the very first dude to have 14 sacks in four consecutive years.
-Just in Time: Baltimore’s lackadaisical pass D is finally coming around-they held Houston scoreless last week.
“He just plays in Tampa.” Right in the heart.
I don’t think I was that fat when I was 365+, but I never wore anything as unflattering as an NFL uniform.
Fat guy was not about to run!
Yup. Made the grab, took a couple of steps and then just said “Nope!”
Quick question, really just random and please forget it right after this but…
Do you have a current passport?
Yes I do. Do you think I’m going to need to make a run for it?
Not saying anything but I’m sending in an away team first.
That was fun, and very very relatable for us fatties.
Nooooooo. That could’ve been the best FATSIX
Put him back in. Let him rush it in.
Was asleep, now mainlining coffee. One assumed #ThePauls Pauled to the max?
Yeah, pretty much. Zappe just got a garbage TD, tho
From Garbage Pail Kids to #GarbageTimePauls, welcome to NOBUMMER’s Murrika smgdh
Basically ever Dallas HC since Switzer? Johnson?
Alt. Daniel Snyder as owner-GM of his old franchise and any future franchise he taints.
That’s a touchdown.
Nope! Why not? Because Cleveland, that’s why not.
I want to shave this stupid thing so badly.
Sissy Spacek in Carrie.
-Tim Donaghy, talking about points, 2003-2007
Go for it.
I did that once in college. Never again.
I also tried shaving my legs but just managed to cut a huge chunk of skin that even thinking about now hurts like a mother.
Well, apparently Jesu is a Ravens fan. Here he is in the stands, turning water into wine.
That’s not Jesus. That’s Luke Wilson in Royal Tennenbaums
Patiently waiting for the Redshirt show.
I want a burger now.
/shakes fist at Dok
there’s shame pizza. Is there shame burgers? If so, what would it be?
/just curious
Hippo is probably asleep, he would know.
That’s a little too much shame.
Haven’t eaten at a McDonald’s since 2002.
I had a quarter pounder yesterday. It was good, zero shame!
Had a craving for shortbread, so making these with the game on in the background
Shortbread is on the Playlist for Sunday Gravy this season.
Let me know how it turns out.
They smell awesome as they just came out of the oven
The mix was very dry so added more butter, but think it is supposed to be that way
Will update in about 30 minutes when they have cooled
They are exactly what I want in a shortbread. Would recommend
Knees don’t bend that way.
Well, they do but only once.
Sleepy. Second half might be hammock nap time
How could you possibly be sleepy during this absolutely thrilling, blockbuster of a
It’s official: God does not want the Bengals to make the Playoffs this season.
It took this long to become official?
Noticed this while reading the details.. /snort, giggle…
Pretty much my reaction right there, yup….
Made use of the leftover Thanksgiving ham bone and made lima (butter) beans and ham. Housemade jalapeno, cheddar cornbread and some fried taters.
It smells delightful in this place.
Made turkey and rice soup with the carcass and some of the leftover turkey. Always so good
The Exepedia commercial with the Korean women learning how to line dance is cute – and is probably the number 1 downloaded video amongst fetish enthusiasts
What was that about exposing people to radiation in that drug ad?
RFK needs to kill all of these Pharma people.
He’ll probably kill a lot of kids first
That’s America’s best skill
Samoa was just a warm up…
Pluvicto? That’s how it works. Part of the molecule attaches to a cancer cell, and the other part is radioactive atom/atoms.
I’m only drinking a beer when the Ravens score.
I’m mature!
Dry January!
you shut your bad mouth!
I am trying not to drink after finishing the last booze yesterday to get rid of it because it just doesn’t do anything for me.
I respect and admire your restraint.
I would ask if you’re going to do a shot every time the Browns get a TD, but I think we all know that’s not going to happen…
What are you drinking on every other play?
Why do they even bother making other types of hamburger buns when pretzel buns exist?
yeah but brioche
Cheese buns rule too.
Sure, they can make a few of those in case people are allergic to pretzel bread or something, or if you have brie on your burger
I’ve got a triple cream brie that I’m pairing with an aged English cheddar and holy shit is that working famously.
Ooh, cheese team!
If you were to throw a badass blue cheese in the mix, you could blow some damn minds!
/Hippo has left the chat
Bun talk? Surprised Balls hasn’t chimed in yet…
Or yeah right
Homemade buns are a whole ‘nother thing.
The best thing.
Can confirm
My youngest child would trade me for a brioche bun. Fucker.
He’s halfway to using a donut.
Buttery, garlicky, and toasted texas toast is not a bun, but is better than a pretzel bun.
Grilled sourdough would like a moment of your time and consideration.
I can’t think of any bread or bread- adjacent products that I’m not ok with.
They all have their charms, really. Had a wonderfully crusty everything bagel this morning that I’m still thinking about fondly.
Ryvita can beat it. Scandinavia be damned.
That’s a cracker.
Bread adjacent!
Just because they’re made of flour, doesn’t make them bread- adjacent. By that logic, noodles are too. Don’t make me come up there, Litre!
‘what is bread’ can be the next ‘what is a sandwich’!
It is -20 C up here, bring a coat!
That’s in the category of cold that smacks you in the face when you step outside
I gave my Montana jacket to my sister, she’s going to Iceland.
Sure, but they aren’t all good at the same things. For example, egg salad sandwiches, a lot of breads just squeeze the egg salad out the other side so you need a softer bread like a croissant. With a burger I want something easy to bite into but sturdy enough that it won’t fall apart when it absorbs burger juice and some moisture off the pickles and tomatoes and such. Then grilled cheese is totally different criteria yet again!
You sound wise in the ways of bread.
Patty melts are a whole different category
Buenas tardes. Colombia RAWKS

Instead of being sued into bankruptcy and the officers imprisoned (Well, in a perfect world), Dave will become the next Comptroller
What’s with the foreplay, Ravens?
RIP Zappe, we hardly knew ye.
Updated player analysis. Zappe; still crappy.
Bigley Crappe, Esquire.
I found the image I mentioned, Rikki! (Warning: NSFR)
Oh, right in the chassis!
The 20 pt spread is looking dare I say low?
The Mayhem commercials are the very best
Also, I’m drinking steadily, not quickly, but steadily
The show he did as a cop, “Battle Creek” was a lot of fun due to his character.
he portrayed a cop, me know English double plus good.
Zapperudder fires back and to the right.
Factory of Sadness, peak production occurring.
A belated Zappedan gift!
Zappe with the WrongDown!
Insurmountable lead?
Holy Crappe!
You know when a cold snap arrives, it is time to cut Flowers.
The snark in me wants to boo you, but the Dad in me nods with a smile.
Did Lamar grow up in Hawaii or something? Even in games in warmer climes, dude always looks like he’s gonna die of hypothermia.
Soft – Canadians
I liked the hat. Made him look like a dim, but lovable dog.
Zappe gonna go straight up Sex Dragon in this game. Not like he has anything to lose.
King Henry turns 31 today! I looked to see that if he were to run for 200 yards he’d reach 2,000 but he’d still come up 17 yards short.
Balmer fans saving the purple camo for the playoffs?
Did Jameis sleep with Stefanski’s wife or something?
Stole the crab legs from his surf and turf.
He ate her W
Did not bet on this game because I won’t know who half these Browns are. I should have dropped a dime on Garrett to get a couple sacks though.
Just heard how many dollars it would take to get a ticket to the game in Tennessee today. The answer?
Before or after fees?
We were just talking about the Washington Team and I’m honestly glad they are doing well and washing the stench from owner Assbag off of themselves.
I still think they have karmic retribution coming because of their previous team name.
Don’t forget! The former team name of the Washington basketball team was the Bullets!
Come on, Cleveland!
“Way ahead of you.”