Well, it’s that time of year once again. Maybe I have a mild case of seasonal depression but it seems like this time of year, I start longing to be somewhere else. Maybe it’s because after the holidays, I would prefer to skip straight to spring, and the fact that February is the Tuesday of months, but it’s definitely hitting me again. So I’m doing what I usually do. Crank up the Jimmy Buffett, Pretend I’m seriously researching flights, and having a drink that reminds me of warm weather. This week’s come courtesy of a new addition to the cocktail library I got over Christmas, and it’s a classic: The Savoy Cocktail Book by Harry Craddock, of the Savoy Hotel in London. It’s one of the first cocktail books ever published, and has some fantastic recipes in there. One of which featured Below is the Pegu Club Cocktail. Invented at the Pegu Club (how fitting) in Burma, because British Imperials have to cocktail when residing in tropical Southeast Asia.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1 Teaspoon Lime juice
1/3 Curacao*
2/3 Dry Gin
Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass
* I used Triple sec instead of Curacao since that’s what I had on hand, and they are (barring some slight changes in flavor) fairly interchangeable. Also, to add to the travel vibes, I used the Hawaiian gin I have on hand.
The aroma is very pleasant. Brings the mind to somewhere warm (hooray). The orange bitters/Liqueur combine with the lime to give a nice citrus-y aroma. It almost smells of grapefruit oddly enough. I’m thinking the bitters might be the main culprit there.
The sip itself however is not like that at all. It’s very much a gin forward cocktail, there’s no mistaking that. What stands out is the strength of the gin, not necessarily the herbal flavors you’d expect from a gin based drink. The rest of the citrus based ingredients see to that. Not only do they restrain the “harsher” parts of the gin, but they shine quite well in their own right. The triple sec and orange bitters give a fantastic underlying orange flavor that is prevalent basically throughout the sip. The lime juice isn’t noticeable on the palate, but it’s definitely working behind the scenes. It helps balance out the gin and the dual orange bitters and liqueur. Though the more I have of this, the more I can pick out the lime coming through, ever so slightly at the end. It adds a nice limey, citrus-y zing at the end.
Describing this as a warm weather drink is extremely accurate. I could easily crush a number of these (and let’s be honest, I probably will) sitting outside in the summer. However, I’m happy to report it also works out quite well as a cold weather drink. Especially while listening to music that at least works as a mental escape to somewhere warm.
(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)
Sure, yeah
AI does not stand for Anal Intrusion apparently
(sigh) Sasaki to the Dodgers, cuz why not?
Just fucking sign up Rodan to cover center field at this point.
Yankees are gonna sign Mothra to counter this.
Just between us [looks around for culture police]… I’m ready for some fitbaw. It’s snowing in BUF ffs
And Philly is probably gonna snow!
(knocks on Door that Flies Open)
Following Dok’s lead (QB Carousel)…since Jerrah and Deion/son wanna unite:
Dallas gets:
#1 Pick (to take Shedeur)
Tennessee gets:
#12 pick (draft a top WR or maybe a top DB)
One other starter, maybe a middling LB
The Titans have a DAK/Levis QB room, plus a couple other pieces to help
The Cowboys get all the Sanderses. They’d have to pitch in $$ to make the deal work, but money is no object.
Who says no? (Besides Horatio)
You may need to add a 2nd day pick for Dallas as a sweetener, but that may be enough.
6th round pick in ’25 plus a 6th in ’26, upgraded to 5th if DAK starts 15 games.
And one kilo of Peruvian White for Jerrah.
(tbh I don’t know whether “Peruvian White” is a thing, just wanted to seem cool in front of the older kids)
(the older kids are just Yeah Right and GumbysGirl far as I know)
All in on the Deion – Dallas overexposure mergin’. My kind of quarantine.
I insist TEN send Will Levis to DAL who must keep him on the roster until the 53-man roster cutdown. And I want Hard Knocks in DAL this preseason. I need to see Coach Prime make an example of waving goodbye to that poor bastard as he welcomes in the future, Team Prime.
Then just blame any loss on the vets who came in having been bred in losing culture, one so foreign to Team Prime…
Tennessee also gets the next Prime Time Toe that falls off.
Also, Deshaun Watson goes to Dallas and must be on the 53-man roster when healthy.
Count me in for any Will Levis reclamation project elsewhere. I’m rooting for him. On a different jersey.
People are saying the Cardinals may be realizing the Kyler contract is palatable to eat now.
And Mike Bidwill always enjoys finding some young rando runaway who needs a home while he “re-finds himself.”
Fuck it, go for it.
I’ve got a sweet Lee Roy Selmon replica Buccaneers jersey I’m aching to show off.
“Sometimes games like that leave a mark on you”
“Got three concussions to prove it.”
“That’s why girls don’t play the game.”
‘The Replacements’ has not aged well.
Dunno, this is still pretty good
It is true that girls generally try to avoid getting 3 concussions
All it took was one for Janay Rice to be on thin ice with Goodell for conduct detrimental to the league.
The previous elevator rides were recorded as back injuries.
Well I’m off to party with 80k plus at las Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián. But like I’ve said before: don’t come to PR. Too many people out out here having a great time in wonderfulweathah.
You’ve met me.
Would I be welcomed? I mean…really.
Why not? You’re already an islander!
What do y’all think of Darnold to the Giants?
Couldn’t hurt, either party.
Goddamnit Dok, it’s Friday afternoon!
Sorry, not trying to ruin your day, I am full of goodwill towards other members of the NFC East except obviously not Dallas! Someone mentioned it to me this morning and it actually sounds feasible.
I’m just having fun. He’s a cromulent bridge QB.
I want complete and random roster changes for each team. The players names are placed in a pool and each time pulls a name out based on their draft order. You do it by position. The league pays the players. Coaches and staff stay resident with their teams, but have to integrate the random picks into some sort of play. Let’s see who really is the best coach.
Now you’re playing fantasy football.
Fuck it. He already knows how to get to the stadium in Jersey.
I changed my return flight back to L.A. from tomorrow to next Saturday, and totally scored a primo seat because nobody is flying to L.A. right now. My Medallion status was upgraded from Delta Diamond Tier up to Delta Enriched Uranium status. That means I can also go to the Double Secret Delta Lounge at ATL (free Coca-Cola all the time, which actually means “coke”) and I’m allowed to fly the plane at cruise altitude. That’s strictly in the First Officer’s seat and I can’t talk on the radio, but it’s still pretty good.
Looks like you scored a primo cryo-pod location, too!
With hyperbaric oxygen and complementary lap dances. Also unlimited chips and M&Ms, which is a code word for drugs.
Er … Good on you
how is that an upgrade if you need work when on the plane?
The B-767 flies itself; ain’t no work to it.
It is surreal reading you guys discuss anything non-football. Anyway, Annie went for the jugular with “Cowboys of the AFC”
She’s awesome
“Daniel Jones has won more playoff games than Justin Herbert.” It’s true but did you have to cut so deep, Annie?
The Buffalo Bills, Detroit Lions or the Houston Texans may win a Super Bowl before my team. Just do what I’m doing: shut up and take the sour pill of truth!
Trump’s inauguration to be moved indoors | CNN Politics
Damn it, who told Trump what happened to William Henry Harrison?!
Dammit, I was coming here to make this exact joke!
This is why I love this place
I really thought William Henry Hair-ison would catch on.
[folds hands in prayer]
Dear Lord, I understand that this horrible intestinal gas is my cross to bear, and mine alone. But if you could see fit to transfer the burden from me for just one day…
The Mediocre Presidents (The Simpsons) – YouTube
Simply restored my faith in humanity…
I’m sure nothing has changed since 1982. GET THOSE RESTORED HOPES UP REAL HIGH NOW…..
Love it!
If you needed further proof MAGA are the true snowflakes, they are scared of the cold:
Was really hoping for Trump to turn into William Henry Hair-ison
I’d settle for Garfield. (the prez, not the cat)
All I want to hear about is how comparatively small the number of people in the audience at the inauguration are. You can make a color-coded map out of it. You can edit it with Sharpie, if needed. But I need some hard data.
the shrinkage, the shrinkage
It’s fitting that I have my colonoscopy on Monday. If you’re going to get it in the ass, might as well go…all in.
Did someone call my name?
No, nobody needs help digging out a splinter.
For two!
TikTok is banned?! Can you imagine a world without TikTok?
The banning was deferred. The law is supposed to take effect today, but Biden said, “Not going to bother enforcing it, we’ll let Trump deal with that.” Maybe a very small payback for Trump and Afghanistan.
And it’s only enforceable on US companies anyway, so all that really would happen with the ban is the app leaves the apple and android app stores, tiktok has to move to servers outside the US, and users might have to manually download app updates
Your zoomers might be able to jailbreak an iPhone or sideload TikTok on Android, but…
Alphabet, etc, was just mad because they weren’t getting the TikTok data.
Shouldn’t require any jailbreaking or sideloading, just downloading from a website and maybe changing a setting about allowing apps installation from ‘unknown sources’ ie not a monopolistic app store
No idea how many people would actually bother updating that way though, so the user experience and hence the overall user base would probably degrade quite a bit over time without implementing something lower friction
That’s interesting. Do you think the youth, being the digital natives as they are, will see this extra step to access TikTok as a way to put a serious line in the sand and, dare I use the term, rebel by going out to use the app they’re allowed to use but people without their skills now can’t?
I mean, they are but the question is — are old people really stupid enough to think they can beat their more experienced/knowledgeable/hates-you kids into not using a technology that is available to them? I guess they’ve been successful in forcing kids not to fuck outside marriage. I can see how they want to play the hot hand. Is there an old D.A.R.E. Director they got in there consulting the Supreme Court on how this will actually go?
And No, of course I don’t really understand any of the details of the case or the decision or the effects. And I am 100% sure I am correct.
Plenty of people have already bailed for Red Note, which is fucking hilarious.
Which, even more hilariously, is also Chinese owned and would run into exactly the same issues if it scaled enough
I mean could they possibly have named it anything *more* Chinese-sounding? Maybe squeeze in a “lucky” or a “dragon” somewhere but that’s about it.
Doesn’t matter. What matters is that they chose it because it’s Chinese.
Ah, I see
Hawaiian gin in the most pono of gins.
Beefeater is the most porno of gins
Not Tanqueray?
I answered your heat pump water heater question from the last thread.
Oh yeah that’s helpful taek. So “why not get a heat pump?” is like “why not get a big solar-warmed camp shower?”
Actually…I should do that.
I haven’t had a drink in 10 days, but likely will for Monday’s debacle. Debating bringing back the Impeachmint of bourbon, peach schnapps, and a mint garnish.
The next four years are going to be one of the few times when I *consciously* invoke my white male privilege and ignore everything this [euphemism for the chemical/biological warfare campaign my lower intestines have been waging] of an administration does with a dismissive hand wave and a “not my problem”.
It’s the only way. And being white was a good choice.
Gotta talk to my financial guy and ask what the best way to Get Mine is at this point. “I know we’ve talked about how crypto has seemed less stable than tulip speculation, but can we potentially get into the pump and dump of that market over the next four years?”
“Why bother getting more money when the democrats are just gonna tax it away from me for illegals? No sir — I’ve learned that, when you starve yourself, you starve that tax-sucking virus IRS that lives on your back.
Fuck your feelings.”
— Bulls (I guess that is the opposite of a cuck?)
Man I really hope “Generation Cuck” sticks for those currently designated as Betas.
I’m giving M&A arbitrage a try
I watched the documentary on the Rumble in the Jungle (I’m so
youngdisinterested in the sport that I didn’t even know who was gonna win! So that was cool.)Anyways, that work sounds like Don King.
Completely agree. Saw the original comment and thought “What’s wrong with MLK Day.”
I officially don’t “Politic” anymore. Don’t care. Not my problem. Serving the last of my US sentence then I’m out!
It feels really good too.
-Rachael Dolezal (sp?)
Has anyone come up with a recipe for a cocktail called a “Caribbean Queen”? Something rum-based, obviously.
It could be served at Club Tropicana!