This is on account of me getting to Senorita Weaselo’s late last night, after dinner. So it was already divvied up and I just got part of her share. Which sucks because if left to my own devices I will eat a good amount of them, because it’s just glutinous rice flour and brown sugar, and maybe some walnuts which I don’t like as much—not a big walnut guy. Doing better there though, they just don’t have anything interesting going on there.
(Also we would have had a Nocturnes Magazine for you this week but some genius thought it would be a good idea to use the day off from school to schedule 5 straight hours of makeup lessons. So this is all being done from the studio, again. Nocturnes Magazine will be after our annual Hate Week.)
Is there news?
I mean nothing too major, fluff pieces like the Hoodie recommending that if they were to rename the Lombardi Trophy to do it after Brady. I would say that’s probably not changing, HOWEVAH, the Super Bowl MVP doesn’t have someone named after it! I think.
Do you want an ad spot? First off, you’re SOL because it’s sold out. Second off, do you have a spare $8 million? Because that’s how much it’s costing.
Actual notable news! Chuck Pagano unreturned to join the Ravens coaching staff as their “senior secondary coach.”
What’s on?
Hockey (Flyera vs. Fuck Jack Hughes at 7; Sid’s corpse vs. HTTHC at 9:30), basketball of all varieties (including Nuggets-Knicks and Thunder-Warriors because we’re almost at caring about basketball time though give it another month or so), and possibly other stuff.
I’m unfortunately back at Apartment Weaselo after teaching, so no piling on… I don’t have a steamer or glutinous rice flour to make my own.
Good to know, sailor.
Aye, skipper
It was an alien drone helicopter.
I mean, if I’m just reading news headlines anymore.
Can’t wait for the government’s official response to this incident.
How could Barack Obama do such a thing?
Leonard Bernstein breaks down the opening of Richard Strauss’s “Also Sprach Zarathustra” on a Young People’s Concert titled “Thus Spake Richard Strauss,” which aired nationwide on CBS in 1971.
This is pretty cool:
Loved this. When music geeks get geeky…
Meanwhile: Lemmy. “We will kill your lawn.”
Both are true and I love them equally.
Paging our resident Bernstein fan! (The Maestro)
They will not let him go
lemme go
No no no no no no no NO!
Beelzelbub hasn’t got a got a devil put aside for DFO.
Not til jerrah dies anyway
I’m going to Hell for this but…
This is like number 47 on the list, but it’ll still be nice to know people
I’m driving. Where we going?
This is the timeline we live in.
I am such a loser that I am writing tomorrow’s Europa League preview and am watching Fulham’s 2010 run highlights. I still hate Diego Forlan.
I still maintain peak Patriots SB run(s) weren’t as insufferable as the current Kansas City run
Go Birds?
This is the order for this year:
Winning Squares
Nuclear winter
Heat death of the universe
Kansas City
I’d put Trump before Kansas City. Downvote me all you want, at least Donny Boy earned his win.
Did he though? There’s more than a few Charlie conspiracies (elon, et. all) that suggest otherwise.
*places tinfoil back upon both heads*
Eh, I don’t know about that.
lol that’s quite wrong
Well shit, this year just keeps on coming
One time I wish Dan Snyder was still in Washington just for the chance
The callsigns not Marine One, perchance?
was a DoD Blackhawk that collided with the plane, ignored ATC
Geez, ignored ATC and apparently have no peripheral vision
Not a great combo
Good thing we just got rid of the Aviation Safety Committee clearly was no need.
Still, this happened because woke. (yes that’s already very much a thing on Elon’s shitscape)
Yup, trumps already blaming “DEI Hires” for the wreck.
Found a funny:
RFK Jr trying to distance himself from the antivax movement is like Bob Seger denouncing old time rock and roll.
Or that he ever had night moves unrelated to his bowels.
So for those among us who supported the Tasmanian Devils, apparently they do a founding member spotlight in some of their emails. Who is gonna be the one to let them know about a bunch of support coming from an American football (adjacent) dick joke blog?
I just got an email from them today! Apparently, they are going on tour… In Australia.
They really need to be aware of their American fan club…
I’m so disappointed they wont be playing yet when I’m there in August!
I mean, we deserve international acclaim for our 10 bucks.
We gotta do a DFOCon and get a picture of all of us in whatever merch to send
Arizona is doing a name a snowplow contest. It’s one of those public deals for the DOT and they put the decal of the winning name on a plow.
Here is last year’s winner.
Plowie McPlowface
Plow King
Doktor Snow
As opposed to Arizona State University, which is doing a “plow” competition (wink wink nudge nudge).
Death by Snow-Snow-Plow
(which would be funny until it accidentally kills a motorist or a pedestrian)
Oh Fuck, you’re going to make me plow
Plowing Arizona
Game, Plowses
Boom Boom Plow
Betcha By Golly Plow
Jeremy Rennerator
East Plow and Down
Plow Now or Pay Later
You Wish You Plowed Like This
Don’t Hit Bottom But The Sides Are Clear
And Gator. Because. (miss you wee baby)
The world/humanity just keeps getting more and more terrible by the minute. That Brady award re-naming tidbit might just have pushed me over the edge.
(Don’t worry, Ballsy has graciously already agreed to cover the Owl for y’all)
At least I found an old batch of antibiotics one of my idjit kids didn’t even 20% finish, so I can self-diagnose and treat my diverticulitis.
NEVER, ever throw away old medicines.
Unless it’s that one anti-malarial that causes really fucked up psychosis. Although maybe you should save that and give it to your enemies. So yes, NEVER
Doxycycline? I’ve taken that. All it did was give me some very vivid dreams and also this halo of miniature mythical creatures that argue incessantly about what I should set on fire first.
Mefloquine I think
Edit: Nope, Chloroquine!
Yeah with proper spelling even…
Is that the horse paste our dear provincial leader told us to take for covid?
Nah, we tend to avoid making our horses psychotic when we deworm them
Mefloquin is the fucked up one. I was on it several deployments before the bad side effects made them change to Doxy.
But I am completely normal (he tells the voices in his head)
Same with a cum sock
Oh also on this Korean medical drama one of the characters is nicknamed “Anus” because he’s a colo-rectal specialist.
And he takes it in the Ko-rear?
Modern American culture in a nutshell: “You’ll always be forgiven for cheating, as long as you win.”
You guys really don’t want to hear of me in a fight downtown when we lose.
So Trump is now saying he’s going to send all the migrants to Guantanamo. How exactly is that supposed to work? No one knows! Free flights to Cuba for all!
I’ve always wanted to visit Cuba but not like this.
Unfortunately they haven’t mentioned anything about mojitos or ropa vieja
It’s awesome. Havana is so cool.
I’d go voluntarily if ice showed up at this point.
“But you legally belong here!”
Yeah no…you take care of me now.
Oh fun. I want to unsubscribe from the 1930s speedrun please and thank you.
According to a bunch of young Republicans we’re redoing 1928, just wait until they find out what happened in 1929
Is it Great Gatsby 2: Electric Boogaloo???
That’s what happens when you pay someone else to write your homework.
*may have done this for rent money*
Britain had their own high-level executive offed last week.
Beaten to death.
That’s why the rich want guns flooding our street’s. They want the least painful deserved death.
Pretty brutal way to end DEI
I may have mentioned before that my new job is more technical than my past jobs, and today I finished and tested locally my most complex project with a bunch of new-to-me stuff to date. I’ve learned a lot in a pretty short period of time and I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished so far, with more good stuff to come!
Combine that with all the stuff going on at Meta recently and I have never been happier that I was laid off when I was, which is saying something because I’ve been pretty happy about it the whole time
Celebrate with a shopping trip to the hammock district on Third.
Can never have too many hammocks
My old college roomates and I are all turning 40 this year. We want to do a long weekend trip together. I’m trying to convince the collective to go to Edinburgh. 3 days in Scotland from the East Coast is plenty of time right? I’m not completely insane for suggesting that right?
Not since you’re flying in from Boston, the closest US city to Europe.
Sounds fun!
Yeah, and this time of year it’s quick to fly east, so you’ll get there faster than if you were headed to Cali. Coming back will suck, but just make sure you’re hungover enough that you can sleep the whole way and you’re set
We’re looking at the end of June, and San Diego was suggested by another guy. I’m gonna do my best to get them to go to Scotland
The time of year just impacts the difference between the east and west flight, so either way EDI and SAN are equivalent in flight time (about 6.5 hrs) the only difference is whether the outbound or inbound is longer
So yeah, if they’re willing to do SAN then they’re willing to do EDI even if they don’t know it yet!
Here’s something you can use to persuade them: Has no one heard of June Gloom?!?
In June in Southern California, which includes San Diego, the marine layer comes in off the ocean and blocks the sun until the afternoon. Your mornings are cold and wet.
If you’re going to be cold and wet, you might as well be in Scotland!
Note: For normal folk from the northern 2/3s of the country June Gloom is actually perfectly nice, and you get similar effects anywhere on a western coast, but you don’t need to mention that to your friends
That’s what I’m saying! So far I’ve really only talked to one guy and he was waffling because of the flight and jet lag. That’s what the whisky is for!
We’re watching a Korean medical drama and they keep scoffing at where the main character went to school. I assume it’s the Korean equivalent of Gudger College.
or Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.
I actually went out and shot a basketball today for the first time in God knows how long. I did better than I expected to, as long as I stayed within six feet of the hoop.
I shovelled the driveway twice, that’s the same kinda thing, right?
“Eh, it’s my last $6. I’ll just throw it in this bet and come back to the app next NFL season.”
Nice! Want to do us all a favor and stick the lot on KC?
Reasonable. I did my part.
5 hours of makeup lessons???
How long does it take to learn a perfect smoky eye?
“I learned about creamy eyes in ninety seconds one morning in the Hollywood Hills circa the late 80’s!”
-SoS, not making the point that he wanted to
What about creamy thighs?
– Prince