Seriously, y’all. I have less than nothing left in my brain/writing quiver. Will try again next week, unless the sweet siren song of death calls first.
Seriously, y’all. I have less than nothing left in my brain/writing quiver. Will try again next week, unless the sweet siren song of death calls first.
Lies! They don’t open until 10 am. Will just have to find a shady bench and read by the water for half an hour
Kinda want to go get more of those onion rings I had yesterday, don’t need the burger, those were some damn fine onion rings
Oh, and they’re open! That’s breakfast then, and the aquarium after before getting on the boat this afternoon. Day, settled!
Alright Angelinos.
Name this place.
Gonna also say Randy’s, or possibly Lard Lad
That is one of the 10,000 Cambodian-owned donut shops in Los Angeles.
It was retro LA today.
Fuck it. I’mma write about this day.
Was it a good day?
Gotta say.
The donut store….?
Milk and cheese!
It’s hotel grocery for two days time, so time for Senorita Weaselo to read bread ingredients for ten minutes!
Update: After being presented with sourdough vs. French peasant I took the latter because it reminds me of Ol’ Choppy. Or Monsieur Choppy in his native tongue.
The exclamation mark tells me that your foreplay starts in a public place.
No, this is my commenting time, either here or in the diceball league text.
Sweden, vis-a-vis Four Nations tourney:
When they make it a Seven Nations event. let me know*
*I will still ignore it.
But Henrik Lundqvist is still handsome so that counts for something. Even if he’s retired and hangs around the MSG/TNT sets when he feels like it.
Found a funny:
Wifey is out in this blizzard, snowshoe-hiking like a sucker! Youngest skull fracture boy is out on his sled. Did either of them consider watching sports on TV instead? Nope. It takes all kinds, I guess.
Every time I’ve tried to go snowshoing there hasn’t been enough snow. Even in Lapland!
Nice. Put the Hammers in his rear view mirror with that win, too.
Mrs. Scotchy: “I’m going to drop in on Angelle’s 40th birthday celebration. I’ll see you later.”
Me: “Angelle? 40? [completely befuddled] She was in high school when we first started dating!”
Mrs. Scotchy: “Yup.”
This is just an excuse for me to post Cher
Catching up on my “Continuing Legal Education” credits today, and currently listening to one on attorney addiction to sports gambling. Feels like I should already get credit for my time on DFO.
I believe the official condition is called Litre-By-Proxy.
the next attorney I meet w/o compulsive tendencies will be the first
Those are the best programs. It’s CLE credit for what’s basically an hour long gossip session.
This one has been pretty dull so far, but he just started comparing Roger Goodell’s quotes about gambling before the NFL got in bed with the betting companies and after, and I’m always up for mocking the Gingerhammer.
Is there a whole series? Like one for blackjack, poker, craps, etc?
Marmoush-which yeah right will be making once he can find the proper ingredients-scored a hat trick today for Man City.
One for the hippo!
I absolutely scared Grandson Noodles out of his wits on that’un
Switched up the order of my chores today to get home before it really starts to snow. They be calling for 10-16″ of it* between now and Sunday night.
Can’t wait for all my hats and gloves and coats to be wet for days.
*D. Farve swoons
Don’t forget about your toques, eh?
After two winters of little-to-no snow, the sledders are out in abundance. It’s a goddamn raceway on our lake.
I’m taunting Litre with pictures of my snow-free, 1-degree C yard. He says it’s -25 just a trip over the Rockies from here. Poor bastard.
I’ve accomplished two of the eight things I have on my “To-Do” list. Why yes, the day-drinking has commenced!
Ok, so the day drinking is one, what was the other? A nap?
Her husband lost over 100k to Gamblor,, there’s no way she wins.
She might have a case with Draft King using people to encourage problem gamblers to gamble more. I think that would be enough to get her through the pre-trial motions and maybe force some kind of settlement.
Her piece of shit of an ex needs to have both of his knees broken.
Found a cool:
Portuguese editorial cartoonist Zez Vaz reaches back to Tiananmen Square to call on American defiance.
That’s Rocking!
Late, but I’ve come up with a topic – plausible government policy in this Darkest Timeline.
Starting off, I nominate hunting homeless people for sport. How much revenue might the government get for annual hunting licenses? Elon needs sum rocket moneys.
That’s dark but it would probably be the immigrants instead of homeless people.
my sense is they’s all being saved for slave laboUr gangs
Just finished The Executioners Song and despite the 1083 pages was a fairly brisk read.
Now I’m onto lighter fare with Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishuguro and I’m still sorting out where we’re going.
How goes the Border Trilogy, Hippo?
Just started “The Crossing” really enjoyed the first one.
NOBODY, save maybe Carlin, even comes close to understanding human nature like McCarthy
There are such moments of glorious sun dappled brilliance followed by hideous depths of horror.
May have to re-read it again.
Man, when it comes to grooming 16-year-olds McCarthy is right up there.
His writing is pretty good, too.
I have to run some errands, but this means I will have to put on pants.
It’s a conundrum.
But a choice none the less.
Jimenez should have about 4 goals by now.
Job done. 3 pts. To the pub!
We can haz lead?
told ya, these are getting dry-bummed
(well that sure was against the run of play)
Excellent, nay, exquisite timing on that.
More and more, I see King Hippo as The Emperor in the Christopher Moore vampire series books…
I like “Fluke” much better than “Lamb” so far.
Although Fluke is one of a few that I have yet to read.
I loved Fluke!
Fluke is quite possibly my favorite
Not a dog person, though, but otherwise an excellent analogy.
–Not a dog person-M. Vick
I’ve been reading too many Blake Crouch novels.
Upgrade – in a near future, guy gets turned into Captain America by parties unknown. Hijinks ensue.
Dark Matter – the novel that the Apple TV show is based on. Guy gets kidnapped and stuffed into an alternate universe. Guy has to get back to Jennifer Connelly.
Recursion – 18-car time travel pile-up.
I see the King’s Afrikan Water Pistols be putting the false back into the False Nine smgdh
(it got better)
Count your blessings, Majesty—e.g.,

Jerry Jones tells the truth for once.
This feels like you had slightly more than nothing, but maybe less than a full arrow.
Fireworks earlier, some offshore lightning now. Both enjoyable from the comfort of my hotel room
So I have 5 straight days whereby I don’t have to wake up the boy at 1:30, 3:30 or 4AM. The last two mornings I’ve woken at 4:30 and 4:45. Stupid brain.
Can you maybe just buy him an alarm clock?
That’s Doktorb advice, so maybe worth considering.
He’s the heaviest sleeper in all history. He can easily sleep thru his phone alarm at max volume.
My daughter is hooked on the snooze bar.
My alarm clock was under my loft bed when I was in high school, couldn’t hit snooze without going down a ladder so never had a problem with that!
There are specialty alarm clocks that have far more powerful means of waking than a simple phone alarm. Some will also make you coffee
This checks out…
Oh cheer up and check out some shoulders.
*waves hi from Saturday night*
I have two wolves inside me and they are both made of gin
Send one to Hippo. He sad.
One tropical gin wolf, coming up!
Ciao Cara.
Maybe let them out?
I’m not keeping them here, I guess they like it?
My kidneys will probably evict them eventually