For the third straight week, Tuesday finds your Supreme Spiritual Leader buried in a tomb of ice and frigid winter.
For me personally, this is fine. Spending the first half of my life in Northern Climes and being swathed in a generous layer of blubber (seal-style) has me reasonably well set to deal with “polar vortices”. A lifetime of depression makes Seasonal Affective Disorder something of an academic phenomenon.
However, in a town that is thrown into disarray by snow (as well as rain and occasionally “being too sunny”) it is a Fucking Disaster. The Little Mayhems have run out of School Snow Days, so instead they have Zoom School. They do not like Zoom School, because they are small children. Dr. Mrs. Mayhem and I do not like Zoom School because Zoom is the invention of Satan, Lord of Lies.
So what would be an unpleasant case of cabin fever has blossomed into full scale insurrection. Tempers are flaring. Tears are flowing. A miniature Lego Tie Fighter impacted on the back of my head as I attempted to negotiate both a long-term supply contract and how much lunch Deacon had to eat to qualify for Wild Kratts before bedtime.
In fairness, it was a hell of a shot. Baby Girl has a cannon on her.
NFL NEWS: the drought is not as bad as May, but when Andy Dalton is your leading news item, you know it’s still dire.
-Yes, the Red Rocket is returning to Carolina. Two years, $8 million, six of which is guaranteed. Dalton allegedly helped transform Bryce Young from a disastrous quarterback to a merely below-average one. That probably qualifies him as a Quarterback Whisperer, except that at 37 he’s probably considered too old.
-The Taek Industrial Complex is off to a strong off-season, with dumbfuck Mock Drafts coming hot and heavy before the Underwear Olympics even kicks off. As our steaming consumer maws are still not sated, we are also getting a slew of “who could get cut/traded” articles, which are the cold vegetables of off-season content: there primarily to take up visual space on the plate so you don’t notice how little actual meat you are getting.
I will say I am enjoying the relative dearth of what are misleadingly called “thinkpieces”. There’s no “where does this Eagles team rank in terms of dynasty” talk, nor even 1000 word meditations on The Crisis in Offensive Football. Perhaps America’s hard turn against intellectualism has one upside.
-Vlad. Vladdy. Vladdito. Come on, man. Canada is in a really tough place right now. They kinda need a win. So maybe reconsider closing the door on negotiations. Sure, you can make Huge Money signing with the Dodgers to be their third-string first baseman/batboy. But why be eighth on the payroll when you can be the Undisputed King of the North?
Deep Space 9!
No, don’t. Really. I didn’t need a Gritty Realism Trek back in the 90s, and I sure as fuck don’t need it now.
I don’t want to see you Sisko Stans in the fucking comments either. There is a straight line to be drawn from DS9 through Voyager and Enterprise to Discovery, and that shit was some of the stupidest, most overwrought horseshit scifi I’ve ever crammed into my brain. And I watched the new Battlestar Galactica all the way through, if that gives you a sense of scale.
Also: fuck Battlestar. Courtrooms in Space? All Along the Watchtower as the eternal song of the Universe? Die in a fire.
Just filed my taxes, maybe Elon will 1000x my refund
You mean we’re saving 8 trillion? Magnificent!
This has a become a love ballad of sorts for princess and me. Mallrats just continues to be treasure trove of awesome.
Green Day up until W. used the Electoral College to win was good. I’ll join tWBS on this.
I guess I’m technically a Millennial, but I definitely identify for more with Gen-X. Does anyone know if there’s an official demarcation timestamp for that? The year 1982 seems like Indiana in the Civil War: Who’s side are you on, really?
Ditto. I’ve heard a lot of terms for us border folk. I kinda like ‘geriatric millennial’
For the Doktorb who’s just never busy enough, here’s a side gig.
Oh I would totally do the Gettysburg one
I’m from 1975 and always considered myself on the cusp of true Generation X. I’d say 1982 puts you on the cusp of true Millennial.
One of the very few positives of the time spent (wasted?) in Roanoke was finally getting to appreciate mid-90s REM. Just before the cellphone takeover of MP3 players, I still listened to this CD many, many times out running through the admittedly pretty areas of that overall shitheap of a “city.”
I managed to wear the cassette out in the mid-90’s, and sort of did the same to the CD in the WCS Roanoke Era (2009-11).
the poster is rockin’ Fleshwound’s look haerd.
That middle section goes so damned hard.
uh oh, he’s in a nostalgic high school era mood tonight
Just went snorkeling and saw a bunch of colorful fishies. No sharks though. There were a bunch of little jellies, not super toxic or anything but still tried to avoid getting a facefull of ’em
And would you believe it, there are no pokestops on Dobu island!
That sounds awesome!
I had some chicken noodle soup from a can and the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is on, so kind of the same experience.
Much like fish, the Housewives also have evolved colorful patterning to deceive predators and lure prey
Both can be full of toxins to keep predators away, too.
That Sutton is a bitch on wheels. No wonder her mother doesn’t love her.
There is nothing redeeming about any of them. LET’S WATCH.
But do they have a KFC?
Yo Rev, thank you for this.
Ciao tutti. Time for a nut freezer run.
So your old nut freezer broke down?
Maybe it just needs gas.
I just knew the freezer – nut remark would hit a chord with this crowd Buddy… My work is done here…
Satan is really running out of ideas, although it was always gonna be difficult to follow up the invention of oral sex
I can never remember the Star Treks by the title, I play Who’s yer Cap’n? I will accept Kirk and Janeway, the other ones blow goats
Yes, the video of Picard blowing a goat is one of the top 5 Vimeo clips ever.
There was Cap’n Crunch, Cap’n Kangaroo, and Cap’n & Teniille.
Ok, the first two can stay.
[gives you a high five] – Eli Manning
Deep cut
I’m a Picard, Sisko, Kirk man, myself. But really, what I want is Troi. In the yoga outfit.
Deci just had 5 days off. Litrepug is an exercise freak and neither can do fuck all. I took Deci to a public swim yesterday just to keep him busy. That friends was sheer hell. Had I been hungover I would have ended it all there. Thankfully the deep freeze ends Thursday and then I can kick them both outside.
Yes it dipped below 50 last night here too. Can’t wait for spring.
My friend. Been -25 °C or colder every fucking day for too long.
Yikes. That would require socks.
Can you tie them together and have them run each other around in circles? Maybe hook up a generator
All right, I’ve procrastinated in every way that is possible for a human to procrastinate. It’s time to bite the bullet and go work out.
I’m watching The Gunslinger and good Christ this is one of the worst-written scripts I’ve ever encountered.
/Baby Girl, holding a tie fighter while watching Rev negotiate a long term supply contract
I always get Star Wars and Star Trek mixed up.
Which one had Doctor Spock and which one had Bigfoot?
You’re thinking about Dr. Who.
He was the one with all the animals. Eddie Murphy was a fat guy for that role. Or was that Tyler Perry?
MEDEA FARTS ON THE ENTERPRISE full circle blockbuster coming this summer
Anybody see “Conclave” and if so, was it good? I’ve decided that the next domino to fall in This Darkest Timeline is the election of a fascist-friendly Pope to replace Francis.
That domino has already fallen….
I have and it was a good film. Could have edited a good 30 minutes from it with no loss. It was shot really well using a ton of natural lighting sets.
It didn’t feel like the best picture of the year but it won the BAFTAs so what do I know?
I enjoyed it
Yeah, I hated the ending of Battlestar Galactica too.
Still was a good show.
Oh, absolutely. If I hadn’t enjoyed the earlier seasons so much it wouldn’t have bothered me.
My personal choice ’90s sci-fi.
Yeah that right there.
What are your thoughts on Babylon 5?
I confess to a fondness for the Bruce Boxleitner seasons. It was awkward but had some truly glorious moments that changed sci-fi. https://youtu.be/25_5aBnMHwA?si=t2FlXiLdlpJTOAmZ
Which Star Trek show had the hot chick with the boobs and the ass?
Indeed DS9 is the best Trek.