(Which is to say Senorita Weaselo dragged me upstate for the weekend, even if I drove.)
First off, I would like an “I survived the Taconic State Parkway in the beginning of a snowstorm” pin. Mountain roads in the beginning of a snowstorm? I have a running bit with both Hermana Weaselo and cellist best friend about the Taconic (the former because of where she works/worked/went to school, the latter because she’s from outside of Albany) and yeah, that was a “okay, be careful” moment from both of them. Especially in the Fahnestock Park area.
(I reserve the right to make a future post on the Taconic State Parkway.)
But second off I finally got to see a little bit of the West Point Foundry Preserve, ruins of buildings that made the guns that won the Civil War.
Buildings, almost all of them lost, removed brick by brick in the name of progress, save one, an office building that’s now kept and landmarked. A building from the 1860s, lost to time, left in the snow, and though I’d wanted to check it out for a couple trips now it did get me thinking. Because pardon me for sophomorically believing in a time where we, at the very least, had an ideal of America. Not that we’ve done a good job of actual equality over the years, as the execution has certainly led much to be desired considering slavery, Jim Crow, the suffrage movement, and now *points to destruction of rights because of “the drag queens,” as opposed to the destruction of rights for naked greed, cronyism, and the government equivalent of a private equity firm based on a Shiba Inu THAT DID NOT DESERVE THIS* all this shit, but at least for the idea that all men are born free and equal in the eyes of the law.
A concept passing us by like water in a brook…
Well, good thing I also got to saw this trail in the snow! It’s a state park so hopefully the state of New York won’t have lakes that were on people’s estates mined for whatever the fuck.
Sorry, Senorita Weaselo has the good pictures since my phone at any given moment has about 40 MB left. Mainly because I’m still trying to clean out my messages. (Mostly but not entirely Senorita Weaselo based, but like, I don’t want to delete some things she’s sent me over the years which means I need to be at the lappy to clear it out.) But this is a bit of trip, and at least something nice while we still have it.
We got college basketball and CONCACAF footy tonight, sorry. The good stuff’s tomorrow night’s open thread.
Hey Sharky? Boo the motherfucker. (Who’s now no longer going? I thought kings were powerful! SAD!)
Picture 1. 1865 Building, West Point Foundry Preserve, Cold Spring, NY; Picture 2. Foundry Brook, WPFP; Picture 3: Wonder Lake State Park, Holmes, NY. All pictures by me.
Just watched the highlights – Mbappe is Mbackk!
The only people stupider than WOKE snowflakes are MAGA snowflakes. Both are disgraces to the American flag. Both are idiotic weaklings.
Come fight me.
Nah, I can handle a broken jaw, but you hurt FEELINGS
I think you’ll get more takers elsewhere, my only quibble would be that you could do a lot more with the snow metaphor if you wanted
ha ha I was really hammered when I wrote this. I regret nothing.
When the Venn diagram is marginally similar…who do you fault?
To be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, I’ll hug a tree.
Would have boo’d. Glad I don’t have to now. Though I might avoid the anthems.
Yeah, just the talk from the coach has sorta cast a pall on it for me.
But have a great time, get in a fight, and drink too much!
I’ll definitely do two of those things!
I get it. Bill Guerin is the GM. He’s the one who invited him. The coach is from Massachusetts, so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
All white, Christian, property-owning dudes from a handful of North European countries got to be equal at least, pretty revolutionary letting some Catholics in there (not the filthy Irish, obviously)
We’re certainly backsliding right now, but we won’t go all the way back, and hopefully we’ll go even further next time
I’m so sick of hearing about the Irish wanting equal rights when they refuse to join a conference.
Good evening from
AlbertaI mean, New Luhansk I am practicing to speak with a drawl just to be ready.We’ll trade you for western Washington and western Oregon.
People refer to this incident as “13 in 33” which is surprising to me because I thought the producers of the Mary Kay Letourneau biopic held the copyright on that expression.
Buddy, we started losing rights on 9/11. It’s been downhill ever since.
Well, yes. That’s true.
But this is an escalation. And there is no warning too alarmist about what’s happening and what’s gonna happen.
It’s not an escalation. It’s a natural progression. It’s like the frog in the pot that eventually realizes it’s boiling.
And the frog’s been told, repeatedly, it’s getting hotter and hotter, but said frog is too MANLY MAN MAN MAN MAN to believe DEI WOKE LIES
It doesn’t help when the party that pretends to care about these things doesn’t do anything to restore those rights when they are in power…
It’s almost like the GOP controlled Senate made use of every arcane procedural rule they could find to stop the Democrats from doing anything.
And it’s almost like the Democrats are an organized party capable of doing anything other than shooting themselves in the dick at every opportunity.
“Hi. I’m still here, and am still completely useless.”
Chris Kluwe, out here doing good work:
He is a great guy!
Friend of the site, even!
I’m kind of shocked that Huntington Beach still even *has* a library. I’d have expected them to have burned all the books years ago.
Where else all the pre-millionaires gonna get their free internet?
Tell me more about the drive. I’ve never driven in serious winter and, when I did, it was like to go skiing and those roads are like snow manicured. But there’s never been a winter road trip in my adult life. We lived in Northern Nevada when I was little and, on the whole, none of the adults (including old people) seemed *afraid* about driving in snow.
Was it crowded? Was there a lot of other people who seemed unmoved by the message board declarations regarding Safety First (cuz you ain’t gonna enjoy this drive anyways, I think we can all agree on that)? Tourists from The City? Is there like bullshit construction eating up your travel lanes every 35 miles? Arbitrary speed limits? Too cold in the car? Bad coffee? Still drunk from the night before’s, I dunno, white wine sprintzers?
Thanks. I’ll take your response off the air. Thanks. Fuck Michael Bidw– …
I remember getting snowed in at Lake Tahoe on a family road trip when we were young. The scenery was beautiful but the driving was brutal and both my parents said we would never do that again.
We never did
Go up to Flagstaff to ski they had a shit tonne of snow 2 March’s ago. I love that damn town.
Flagstaff is indeed pretty great.
Two March’s ago was before the last two record-breaking-in-every-single-way summers.
Winter in Flag is soon gonna consist of January 3rd from 3:45a to 5a.
We left Brooklyn Saturday afternoon and there was a little traffic through Brooklyn, to the bridge and in the city. Nothing major though, maybe a little bit just getting onto the Major Deegan from the Willis Ave Bridge.
The big thing is that the Taconic is a parkway from White Plains to Albany, but once you get into Putnam County it becomes a proper mountain highway, mostly two lanes, no real shoulders driving through Fahnestock Park and the Hudson Highlands before we got off at the I-84 exit—I’ve gone basically the whole highway from when I did summer stock.
As I’ve gotten older and traversed it it’s a fantastic drive in the daytime. I love the view crossing the New Croton Reservoir and I make sure to wake Senorita up when we get there. Not so much at night because of those curves (though of course it’s doable), and in the snow it’s even just a matter of being careful. There wasn’t a ton of traffic though there was the obligatory douchebag in a Swastikar bobbing and weaving through traffic on the way home!
“Goddamnit, why didn’t we think of that?” – executives at Volkswagen
In these trying times, something genuinely awesome
Thanks for the pics!
Great advice – go see stuff while it’s still available to be seen. But do not take risks, as there will probably be no rangers/medics to help you.
Also, that State Parkway name sounds like an adjective. “I was gonna work on that proposal last night but my computer went all taconic and I had to call tech support” or “Her face was meh but her rack was absolutely taconic” or what have you.