Bringing Back This Week in Fuck You — Depression

Above Photo From Here

It’s 5:26pm right now.  Or at least right now as I sit down to write this, not right now as you’re reading it. You’re not THAT high. At least most of you (probably) aren’t. The reason the time is relevant is that I started drafting this during what was a light just-after-the-holidays-and-before-everything-is-fully-back-in-the-swing-of-things workday, but still a workday nonetheless.  And 5:26pm is the time I finally brought myself to work out and shower.

I can tell myself it’s because I deserve more of a break coming back from visiting my family. I can tell myself, legitimately and credibly even, that this cough and head cold is taking me out and I need the rest. I can tell myself it’s because the to-do list is really fucking long, and that shit can be really overwhelming to me and lead me to not want to start at all. I can tell myself all sorts of things. But the truth is the biggest reason I laid in bed most of the day and didn’t bother to do the things I know make me feel better is because of that horrid bitch, depression.

So rather than spiral further into the melancholia, let’s bring back an old friend: THIS WEEK IN FUCK YOU.  And it will be an homage/remix/head nod to the OG TWIFY post from our friend Xmas Ape. And a bonus hearty FUCK YOU to UPROXX for making it you can’t read 90% of old KSK posts without going through the wayback machine.

Anyhoodles, I’ve written before that Ape’s post on depression is what turned me from a quasi-lurker/open thread kommenter into a full fledged member of an actual community of imaginary friends. Now more than ever, with snow falling outside my window and the coming civic calendar contrasting Jimmy Carter lying in state with the second chumming of Grover Cleveland ready to be sworn in on a copy of mein kampf, it feels justified to be depressed. But it being justified doesn’t mean it’s something to accept.

As Ape wrote:

There are some who romanticize the idea of depression as an essential rite for those in creative fields. It’s an association that has persisted through the ages, even dating back to classical literature. Every once in a while in online writers forums, you’ll see this John Dryden quote from “Absalom and Achitophel” proudly displayed:

Great wits are sure to madness near allied,
And thin partitions do their bounds divide.

It’s a horseshit sentiment. Yeah, you heard me, John Dryden. I know because I used to try to convince myself of that in my worst times. “I feel like shit because the world sucks and other people have done this to me. At least I’m smart enough to realize that. One day all this misery and wallowing will make me stronger, better!” Depression is a good self-promoter like that.

Depression sucks.

It makes us doubt ourselves to our cores.

It takes kind souls from us prematurely.

And it can rear its ugly head in different ways on different days.

One of the ways my depression often manifests–especially since 2020–is the inability to finish even basic tasks. So it’s no surprise that I….did not finish this post within two weeks of setting out to get it done and in the content bin for a slow day. But I’m back on it. And honestly, I’ve had some pretty damn good days since I started working on this post. I’ve also had some very escapist ones. The dark ones, though….those are the hardest. It’s not sexy, it’s not a boon to creativity, it just sucks. And I mean that literally and figuratively.  The bluest days suck out all the light and energy. They make it nigh impossible to get out of bed, to work out, to finish a dick joke blog post, to function at anything beyond a basic level.

As noted and implied above, depression isn’t one size fits all, whether that’s from person-to-person or day-to-day for an individual. Sometimes it’s fine (or fine-ish) and other times it is soul crushing. There’s no one “right” way to manage it.  I unfortunately now have a lot of experience dealing with my own depression and that of friends and other loved ones. Ape was right when he said it’s bullshit that the sadness makes you stronger. It just makes you more adept at dealing with it. That means some days saying “hey, it’s ok if I can’t get fuck all done today” and other days saying “nah, get your fat ass out of bed and onto the bike or outside for a walk around the block so you can actually get a modicum of momentum to start turning this warship.”  Some days you can be ok by yourself, and on others the loneliness is so heavy that you can feel it weighing you down as if there were real sinew, flesh, and fat of another perched atop your chest and pressing down, crushing you until you can’t even tell it or yourself that you need it to stop.  Those other days are when it’s critical to look beyond the mirror and say FUCK YOU, DEPRESSION since Depression will otherwise trick you into saying “Fuck you, me, this is your fault you stupid piece of shit.”

That voice, in whatever form it might take for you, can be hard to quiet. In fact, I often find myself looking for ways to drown it out rather than shut it down. I’m not at a place where I’m able to talk to it, reason with it, and get it to pipe down for a while. I hope that I can someday. But whether or not I can, what helps is knowing that the voice isn’t mine and isn’t me, and that I’m better than I feel like I am on my worst day, and that no matter what, I’m not alone. And neither are any of you. At a very minimum, you have imaginary internet friends who know you are a helluva lot better than the voice inside your head may lie and say you are. Which is why all of us can say with a healthy communal voice FUCK YOU, DEPRESSION.

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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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New thread up.

Doktor Zymm

Not living in Chicago has been great for my mental health. I can quite happily spend a lot of time there now, but don’t think I will ever go back to living there full time.

Not working at Facebook has also been a plus, although that was never as bad.

Papua New Guineans seem pretty happy, but not sure the lifestyle is for me. Amazing place to visit though, and glad I’ve got the energy right now to fully enjoy


I suffer from seasonal depression, it is brutal.

King Hippo

#MeToo. Though it IS easier to stay in bed all day when it’s cold.

Doktor Zymm

It’s not coincidence I started taking a longish trip every February


So you’re saying it’s a conspiracy?


Maybe just listen to Frankie Valli’s solo albums?

Senor Weaselo

Senorita Weaselo suffers from reverse seasonal depression, which is also rough for the previously mentioned traipsing about in the snow.


I love Jesse Welles!


Hey, if the Trumpification of the Hockey Thing has got you down, you can watch the US Women’s Soccer team play Colombia in the SheBelieves (in imaginary female orgasms) Cup instead. The soccer game is on TBS at the same time as the hockey game.

And though I probably won’t watch the hockey game…go Canada.


Go Beavers?


I try really hard to stay positive, but I’m not gonna lie- I have days where I can barely drag myself out of bed. My imaginary friends, you have no idea how much you help me. I love you all.


We’re here for you!

We’re queer for you!

Get used to it!

wait i’d like to retract that 2nd part


Silly Spam, I know you’re not queer for me ! You’re queer for Rikki.

Senor Weaselo

…Is Rikki Moleman?


I just picked him because he lives in SoCal. Proximity! It could as easily been Yeah Right, Taj, or Balls. Not Brick though, because he gets butthurt if you tease him.

Horatio Cornblower

Depression isn’t real.

Hi, I’m Andrew Tate. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go be such an enormous asshole that I somehow get arrested in Romania, and I have to do that by being so fucking dumb that I post pictures of myself showing a pizza box that allows those same authorities to easily trace my whereabouts.

I am very intelligent.

Game Time Decision

no link to your supplements or online coaching courses?


And so handsome. Chicks dig you!

Horatio Cornblower

Nobody who hates women as much as he does is into chicks.


Yeah — life is about turning those warships. I think we all agree with this sentiment.

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Last edited 1 day ago by blaxabbath

Instant depression lifters: new apple turnover Pop-Tarts are absolutely great,


someone just donated $20k to Grossi’s thing around 06:00 EST. Tom just woke up and is seeing it now.

Piss off, depression. Hang in there, everyone. We’re all here for each other.

Game Time Decision

we show love with GIFs
/too lazy to look for an appropriate one


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That works!


[redacted – meant for the other thread]

Last edited 1 day ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
  1. Stay in touch. Don’t withdraw from life. …
  2. Be more active. Take up some form of exercise. …
  3. Face your fears. Don’t avoid the things you find difficult. …
  4. Don’t drink too much alcohol. For some people, alcohol can become a problem.
  5. Try to eat a healthy diet.
  6. Have a routine.

2, 3, 5 and especially 6 work for me. I have to break 6 to get after a 3 issue from time to time, but nothing is better for your overall health, in my humble opinion, then a routine. All else flows from that… although Wifey thinks its way to OCD of me…