Is everyone up early? I sure hope so, because David Moyes – and the Old Lady (ie, Goodison Park) get one last shot against Men Untied (7:30, USA).
Moyes’ United tenure ended at this very same location, to the tune of Evertonians serenading his demise. Yes, he lost BOTH matches against Everton as Red Devils boss. But life comes at you fast, and Moyes is a Goodison hero once again. It would be nice for us Bitter Blues to sing him off with joy and love this time. I will force myself onto the exercise bike for this one. Everton needs the Karma.
Later in the day? Ipswich/Spurs (10:00, USA) and Villa/Chelski (12:30, NBC). Hippo be all “meh” but YMMV.
Your Saturday De-motivational comes from Cormac McCarthy’s “The Crossing” – which Hippo is about halfway through:
Life is a memory, then it is nothing.
Banner imagine in honoUr of The Canadia, giving humanity a glimpse of hope. Undeserved hope, but hope nonetheless. Enjoy Maple Arby’s, eh?
New thread! Now with Jennifer Love Hewitt!
There’s a big low pressure system to the south of us, so we’re getting some higher winds/surf and we weren’t able to land at all yesterday. They’re scouting around for a beach spot right now so hopefully will be able to have a bit of a swim.
The system to the south looks to be developing into a cyclone, so there’s a chance I could get stuck in Honoria a few extra days if we can’t fly back to Brisbane. Oh darn.
Can’t lose with a world class right fielder!
Or a generational two way pitcher/DH. Oh wait, that didn’t work.
Hockey is back!
I see they didn’t tell any current Rangers that hockey is back, just former Rangers.
/Still miss him
Still can’t believe they let him go. He’s already a top 3 fan favoUrite and top 3 player here. I already have one of his sticks, next is to get a signed jersey if he resigns here.
Giorgia Meloni is a hawt tomatah. That is all.
PS –
*As fascist-curious women go
Wifey and youngest skull fracture kid are cooking/burning the pre-cooked bacon I brought home last month. I have no words for them-otherwise I’ll be divorced and estranged from them.
Born to ride Agent Orange’s tiny toadstool
Their carefully considered review of the proposed design (artist’s conception):
Where’d the dude on left leave his boots that he’s gotta ride in his pickleball sneakers? Many people are saying they’re under his drag queen boyfriends bed.
Good lord. Imagine the process one’s feeble mind must go through to purchase a Donald Trump rocker vest and then leave the house wearing it.
Do they not have mothers? Friends, wives, or girlfriends? A caretaker to explain to them the utter and repugnant foolishness of their behaviour?
Chewed so gum-deep in that bitter hole of idiocy and bitterness they’ll never consider spitting out. Loveless, miserable fools. Pray for them. Their god is wretched.
I am praying for them. I pray every fucking day that they all spontaneously combust.
Sidney Crosby scores.
So nice for him. About time he got a break.
How are the Caps a juggernaut now?
For the record, Caps scored 4 straight goals after crybaby Sid scored.
Ah, the soundtrack of my life.
Now it feels like baseball season.
We got nachos!
Nacho gifs
Too lazy to find one. Hey I just got back from the weed store, things are looking up around here!
That’s crude.
I just say drug store and no one is the wiser.
Good morning!
Working up to the moment where I have to put on pants to go get coffee and fruit and a tiny croissant. It’s worth the pants, they had almond croissants yesterday.
A good pastry is worth the pants, although too many do require the use of sweatpants/pajamas soon thereafter.
I just saw my first Juju Watkins ad. I feel blessed. Let her light shine on all of us.
Was it for Jujubes?
Oh HELL yes.
Spring training baseball!
I went to the store, you fucking bullies. Happy now?
Of course.
Yes! We care about you and want you to eat well!
I just heard an ad for a radio show/podcast telling me to listen in for, “legendary coach Urban Meyer’s thoughts on USA-Canada,” as if that’s something anyone who values their own sanity wants to make an appointment to experience.
Shitheads normalized as experts is a thing going forward. Oh, wait, I totally forgot about Terry Bradshaw! My bad.
If you’re not winning in today’s America, look in the mirror.
The TV is probably on nonstop.
I mean he does have some experience slipping something in through the five-hole.
Absolute horseshit result in the rugby. What a brutal sports morning for me. Things are not looking up, heading to Dogman the movie with Deci in a couple hours. Engage edibles.
I f
ell asleep duringsaw it last week with Lil’ and Lil’er. I guess it was okay. Pay better attention than I did, because I didn’t do well on the quiz they gave me later.When you joining all your neighbors here? It’s gonna be 70 at noon.
Scottie is going well though. BC is out but the AB NS game is going gangbusters.
I am led to understand that the English benefited from some questionable rulings, but as I don’t understand what the rules are in rugby I can’t take a strong position other than that if it benefited England I am against it.
It’s not real rugby, anyway. Like flag football. All for the quick and the light. I want the blood and guts.
Where’s the all rucks tourney? The Oklahoma drill invitational?
RIP Pope Francis
/he’s not dead yet
Latest I’ve read is that he’s an asthmatic-if only he had larger lungs…
The college of cardinals is absolutely going to elect someone so conservative they go back past bringing back the Latin Mass and go right to burning single women because they might be witches.
J.D Vance approves.
“But they’ll keep covering up all the pederasty, right?” – Father O'[redacted], Boston Massachusetts
Yup, Francis was too
Just thinking back to previous Wiscy coach Bo Ryan’s stratergy regarding getting what he wanted.
In the summer of 2015 he announced that the next season would be his last and he mentioned that his assistant coach Greg Gard was his preferred choice to replace him. The Athletic Department made it clear (to him) that they were in charge of the hiring process. His next move was to retire in December, thereby elevating Gard to head coach status. Gard then led the team to the NCAA tourney and making a coaching search look like pettiness on the part of the sports administration. As they say, well played, Bo Ryan.
I moved Deci’s swimming lessons to Mount Royal University from the local pool. There is currently a women’s vball tourney going on in the athletic facility. The boy will never swim at any other pool ever again.
/I feel old
Thanks for the reminder, I have been meaning to go watch one of the university teams around here play volleyball.
Mount Royal University is WCS’ favourite learning institution. ppl forget that.
[is incredulous that my Mount Royal joke didn’t land]*
*I threw an gymnastics reference in there, just for fun
[adjusts tie]
Feeling like
RodneyDangerfieldBrick, looking desperately for likesMy favorite Dangerfield line: “My wife came to the door wearing nothing but lingerie last night. (pause). She was coming home!!
I guffawed.
This week the Dr. Mrs. and I will have to make a tough decision as to whether to take my mother-in-law to Korea for her birthday in October or to buy a dozen eggs.
I can bring some in September if that helps
I was thinking maybe you could help MIL to catch a dick, yo. BotG!!
In all seriousness I would love for her to find a gentle loving person to spend her twilight years with, but that isn’t going to happen.
Eggs are cheap and plentiful here in CT.
My supermarket also switched to self-checkouts, something that may or may not be related to how much I pay for groceries.
Eggs are expensive in areas where Avian Flu has devastated local chicken egg-laying populations. It’s a huge problem there. In other areas it’s just not a thing.
Yeah eggs here have not been a thing.
They gots the birdy flu in Australia too, lots of places without eggs available
I bought some today, they were eleventeen million dollars!
Highest I saw was $Texas.
Gonna check out this Oregon/Wisconsin conference game. Them Badgers have scored 90+ points in each of their last two outings. Those two sentences are correct. Thanks, Obama.
Fragrant ones are okay though, right?
Also, with regards to the use of a UHF reference…
[slaps Jimbo on the ass, hard]
Will somebody make me go to the fucking store? Or else it’s popcorn and peanut butter for breakfast. Again.
Get fucking dressed, go to the fucking store, and get back in the fucking kitchen.
Like a fucking lady!
Your “going to the store” routine is poor but I bet your “Pooping in the early afternoon” routine is on point.
Why yes, it is! Wait…are you spying on me?
Absolutely! The good news? The camera isn’t in your washroom. I HAVE STANDARDS!
If you had standards you wouldn’t be hanging out here
I will not post that dumb country tune about friends in low places because it sucks. But I thought about it.
I won’t pay for Peacock so I’m not watching the game, but I am intrigued at how the Arsenal game went from 3 extra minutes to 10.
Seems ominous.
Won a poker tournament last night, so stayed out really late and got out of bed at the crack of 11.
Turned on TV to see Arsenal losing 1-0 to West Ham.
Thanks for keeping me humble, Arsenal. Really needed that.
what hand won it for ya?
KQ. Hit the Queen for top pair, short stack hit second pair and called my all in.
I got ridiculous cards at the final table. Rivered a fourth diamond to get a flush when I was all in, for instance. I’d love to say it was skill, but I basically just sat there.
Daaaammmmmnnnn. Hippo ain’t never win fuckshit with KQ. Is almost my “bogey” hand.
Heads up it’s pretty damn good.
Yeah, anytime hit top pair on the flop HU, you gots to go in.
Short stack bet on his pair first, I raised him all in, he called.
Pretty sure he just wanted to go home at that point. It helps to play people heads up after 1:00 am when they have to work later that morning.
“Tell me about it.” — Lowratio
all of em
Nice with the red card and all, but how on earth did Kudus get away with dropping a forearm on that defender’s neck?
Don’t blame me; I gave the red card to Kang.
[laughs maniacally in deep bass]
[waves tentacles akimbo]
The ladies on the footie shows are all wearing turtle necks today. I mean I know it’s February and all but still… Professionalism is slipping.
Oh come on, there’s nothing wrong with a good turtleneck…
“Preach, brother.”
lost him at “girls” though
Counter point
“She was going to make me a pot.”
Might I convert you into a #BFIB supporter? This is who is replacing the wretched Jim Edmonds as el Birdos’ coloUr commentator…
Yes sir you may.
Italian ladies won last night… So we got that goin for us…
I’m sure Marika will step it up tomorrow. Shoulders fer daze Buddy…
Whites need this win to begin the European takeover.
nods in WASP
TWO defenders shirt pull, and they VAR it off? EAT MY FUCKING CUNT, weekend ruined.
(this is my Karma for denying Uncle Teddy his Saturday prominence, I won’t repeat that)
Yous got a draw and is safe. Bonus new stadium!
Just saw the replay. Fuck VAR.
My only solace is that…we would have been down to like our 6th-choice penalty taker, based on who was on the pitch. So, more like 75% chance to win, not the usual 85-90%. BUT STILL
Mornin. Got a haircut yesterday. Went from Steve Bannon to Henry Francis. Hard to believe that Bannon character is non-fiction
Johnny Question 2025 takes a darker turn
I’m just here so I don’t get fired.
(work “asked” me to work a double)
Seeing Fergie’s fat, ruddy face – one supposes he’ll be having a double at HT, too. And then another.
“That’s funny because work asked me *not* to do doubles.” – Luka Donçić, standing sadly in front of In-N-Out.
/Andy Reid, mashing three doubles into a sextuple
Beto. Beto, Beto, Beto. BETO!!!
Just heading to sleep, night or day or morning to thee!