Sexy Friday – 20250314

TGIF! And Happy Pi Day! Eat some pie today.

Survival – Personal Edition

Doing some traveling? Here’s some tips to bribe customs officials.

  • If you’re being hassled, stay calm and aloof. Determine if there’s an actual problem or the official is just looking for some unofficial compensation.
  • Never overtly offer a bribe. For one, the official might now be looking for a bride, and two, that could get you into even more trouble.
  • If you’re accused of something, ask to pay a fine on the spot. Explain that you don’t want to deal with mail or go to another location because you’re afraid the payment will go missing, and by paying here you know it’ll go to the correct person.
  • Deal with only one official, and make sure it’s the one in charge. If you bribe a junior official the one in charge is going to want a bigger payout.
  • Offer to make a donation to the official’s organization. Explain you want to help them out with their expenses.
  • Not carrying cash or want to hold onto it? Be prepared to deal some goods instead. Watches, cameras, electronics, even alcohol.
  • Remember to not carry more cash than you’re willing to pay. If you peel a few bills off a wad, they’re going to want more. Hide the rest of your cash elsewhere.

And just like that, you’re back on your way!

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Mr. Ayo
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Brick Meathook

One great thing about the semi-outdoor pavilion of the LAX Delta Skyclub is the cool ocean breezes that gently waft through.

One bad part is that those breezes are about 30% jet exhaust fumes.

One good part is the exhaust fumes enhance the effects of the alcohol and barbiturates I’m consuming at a healthy clip.

God Bless.


Ok, Anteaters moving on to tomorrow night’s final. We’ll be the underdog, deservedly so, to UC San Diego. If we lose, we go to the NIT replacement. Maybe we’ll win. Maybe. But probably not. But either way, I’ll be drinking.

Brick Meathook

Here I am in the semi-outdoor portion of the Delta Club at LAX; I didn’t even know this existed until just now. I have about 2 hours before my flight boards because everything is delayed. Free booze and food though; I guess that’s what I’ll do. God Bless.

yeah right

But you just got home.

Brick Meathook

I know! I am a jet-setter!


Where are you going?

Brick Meathook

Back to DC for 7 days then back here.

yeah right


It’s fucking cold and shitty out but I’m still here.



Yes, we have miserable weather today.

And it’s still shorts weather.

yeah right

One of my ways to tell a California tourist anywhere in the world is they’re wearing shorts, T-shirt and sunglasses.

Regardless of weather.


I haven’t worn long pants of any kind in…two years?

That’s also an indictment of my class or lack thereof, but whatevs.


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Horatio Cornblower

The crowd for the Big West semis…

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I considered going. Briefly. Then I realized how much cheaper it would be to get beers from my fridge. And here we are.


First call of the night! Impressed with WPXI for getting this posted. Normally, don’t see incidents until the 07:00 or later news.


Yeesh, stick to cars. They have more (gestures around) metal.

Horatio Cornblower

Always fun to get a car-vs-motorcycle accident case and eventually take the deposition of whatever’s left of the motorcycle rider. Or more likely the representative of his or her estate.


Oh, they’re wiping what’s left of this guy off the pavement with a sponge. He very dead.

Horatio Cornblower

This isn’t mine, but beer came out my nose when I read it:

[if Chuck Schumer replaced Liam Neeson in Taken]

CHUCK SCHUMER: [on phone] I don’t know who you are or what you want, but I will find you and I will help you kill my daughter


Amy Schumer needs better cousins.

Horatio Cornblower

Which one of you is a UC Irvine Anteater?

They’re on now in the Big West semi-final. Tight game, and I have to believe that they need to win because the NCAA isn’t going to take 2 teams from the Big West because then they can’t take 14 teams from the SEC.




You are correct, we cannot get in without the championship.

But we could make the FUCK YEAH WE’RE NOT HOMOS tourney on Fox.

Horatio Cornblower

I shall root for them to win.


Anteater Nation (me and like two other people) thank you!

Horatio Cornblower

I know. I noticed the crowd.


The tourney is being played in Henderson, NV, about 10 miles outside of Las Vegas. The conference has zero teams in Nevada.


Big 12 (16)’s tournament is in Kansas City, MO. There hasn’t been a school from Missourah in the conference since 2011.


I’d like to be in the kitchen with lady number 6 this week Mr Ayo.

Last time I traveled I got into a bit of a hassle with a lady customs officer at the Frankfort airport. My common sense kicked in and I toned it down but she was obviously not charmed by my wit and sarcasm.

Horatio Cornblower

Didn’t bother getting past #1 this week. Game was over there and then.

Horatio Cornblower

UConn lost to Creighton and one of their players looked to start a fight because Creighton player launched a (pretty sick, if we’re being impartial here) dunk as time expired.

On the one hand, dick move by the Creighton player. On the other hand, maybe don’t take the first half off to the point that you’re 17 points down, and forget to box out down 6 late when Creighton misses the front end of a one-and-one, and mayhap you won’t be in position to get dunked on by someone as time expires. Just a thought that perhaps you should take into your upcoming 8-9 game in the NCAAs.


Unexpected existential crisis mode unlocked:

Lil’ WCS asked me as I was leaving for here if I intentionally hurt her and Lil’er WCS’s feelings with my actions.

Ooof. Right in the soul, kiddo.


Conversely, she was thrilled to discuss her history lessons this past week on Ancient Rome, this guy called “Caesar,” and the Punic Wars.

We also rode their new bikes for the first time in excellent weather.

Horatio Cornblower

You’re good man, WCS.

Kind of a shitty 911 operator though. I called because my house is on fire, not to hear about how DK Metcalf is going to help the Steelers.




Kids know how to do that. But you’re good. I’m an excellent judge of character as my MAGA hat will attest.


For march madness and dems getting dunked on yet again today

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I had a shitty day. I was getting in my car to go to Riverside for a few days, got the cat and all my stuff in there- motherfucker wouldn’t start. So, I called AAA. They sent a fucking sleazebag douchenozzle out, who jumped it, claimed he tested the battery and I needed a new one. Then he couldn’t enter my VIN into his system to sell me one of his wildly overpriced ones, so he told me to drive to some random battery place and buy one there. I fired his ass in the driveway, and he took off without even putting the hood back down on my car. I expressed my displeasure like a fucking lady to his employer, and Triple A sent out a new guy. My car started right up when he got there, and he tested the battery. Guess what? There’s not a fucking thing wrong with it, it just needed a jump. SHOCKING!


That’s too bad; I’ve generally had good experiences with AAA, but of course they sub out to local guys, so it’s kinda random.

It also helps if you let them touch you, but maybe you know that already.


Triple A was fine, it was that fucking asswipe from the local towing company who needed to be dickpunched. I’m not putting out for a car battery, I have much higher standards than that. They’d at least have to throw in a tuneup and oil change!


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Horatio Cornblower

Good for you to telling that first guy to go fuck himself.

Like a lady.

Doktor Zymm

I love this for Alaska


Player for Texas Tech is named Federiko Federiko that was a bold choice by his parents.

Doktor Zymm

Also possible they are bad at forms or just really uncreative


What’s his middle name?



Doktor Zymm

Ok, this isn’t new, but it’s new to me and it’s hilarious

Horatio Cornblower

Isn’t that the ‘Mommy Milkers’ guy?

God I hate that I know this.

Horatio Cornblower

Jordan Peterson is solid proof that you don’t have to be particularly smart to get a PhD.

Doktor Zymm

To get a PhD from a real university you have to be smart in a very specific field. There is tons of evidence that going even slightly outside your lane may result in extreme stupidity


the extended story of getting so high on benzos and getting your daughter to kidnap and put you in a coma in russia to recover is a fun story for his fans too

Horatio Cornblower

That is hilarious.

Would have been funnier if he died, if I’m being honest.


I think the most concerning part is that this machinery/porn genre exists…

Last edited 4 hours ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Doktor Zymm

I’m going to do exactly zero research on this, but I suspect it’s not even in the top ten of concerning porn genres

Horatio Cornblower

When you just don’t give a shit about anything…

Doktor Zymm

Replace the fruit punch with powdered kool aid and you’re there

Horatio Cornblower

UNC loses because they committed a lane violation on what would have been the tying FT against Duke.

Somewhere an addled hippopotamus spins his tail extra hard.


Belichick telling his girl to compose sternly worded email to staff to make Steve the new basketball coach as well

Doktor Zymm

At the bar for dinner/beer. Once I get home gotta play MOAR CIV 7

Doktor Zymm

Temu is still 🔥


If you guys are looking for a cyber truck fool to mess with…


That really looks like a PA license plate.







Ted Cruz was rude to my niece today. Her current internship is with a Texas online newspaper. I’m hoping she finds a way to get a dig in at him in her article.


I’d advise against it, he might retailiate somehow. But she can put in as many digs as she wants at his ugly wife; he won’t do a damned thing.

Doktor Zymm

I wonder if the Kraken ever gets lonely without other Kraken being released?

Horatio Cornblower

Isn’t the Kraken an Elemental? There would only be one of them. He’d need to hang around other Elementals.

It’s possible I’ve had a few beers.


Brick Meathook

I know all about this place and its entire history, along with the history of LAX from when it was Mines Field in the 1920s through its three major expansions over the years.

Doktor Zymm

Man, been rereading and reading a few newer books I missed by Christopher Moore and I really wish SF was more like it was 30+ years ago


Time to play everyone’s favorite game: How Are The Bengals Gonna Screw This Up?

Doktor Zymm

Not leaving enough cap space to pay more than league minimum for O-linemen seems the obvious choice


This was my choice but you’ve given me something to think about.

Horatio Cornblower

Forgetting to make Joe Burrow’s direct deposit, inadvertently making him a free agent.

Doktor Zymm

Oh, or the fax machine thing!


LOVE me some underboob!

Doktor Zymm

Discovered another awesome thing about the butt keychain today, when I check my pockets to make sure I have my keys I can feel the butt shape through my pocket fabric so it speeds things up!


Plus, you’re boosting your butt-touch count every time you do it!




It’s my favorite kind of boob.


I’m not currently loving mine at the moment. I suspect there’s going to be more scalpel action at my next dermatologist appointment. Fuck.




No, titter.