Your “What’s Old Is Still Old Even If It’s Made New” Thursday Evening Open Thread

NFL Noise: The USFL is back, baby! They will return to play in the spring of 2022, and are hoping to bring back some of the old franchise names in cities where they played before. It will return as an eight-tm league (to start). A big difference this time is

Your Tuesday Evening Open Thread & Final Remaining NHL Second Round Preview


NFL Noise: I guess it's not tampering if you're a player - Patrick Mahomes wants to see Aaron Rodgers in the AFC West. "To have that challenge ... two times a year, every single year would be a great, great opportunity." But given that the Packers are intent on calling

Your Monday Evening Open Thread & Partial Remaining NHL Second Round Preview

NFL Nuggets: It's Memorial Day in Canada's pants today, so it's a very slow news day. To wit: ESPN is guestimating what it would take to make Aaron Rodgers a Bronco. Hint: June 1st, John Elway meddling in things he knows nothing about (i.e. - talent), and a whole bunch of

Your Sunday Evening Open Thread & NHL Second Round Partial Preview

So, it's the strange NHL COVID circumstance that the second round will play out like the first - with intradivisional matchups taking place. It has actually made for quite fun hockey, as the animosity that built up over the season is coming out in the shape of gritty play, the

Your “It’s My Own Damn Fault” Saturday Evening Open Thread

Item the first: Lambeau update He's back to being happy! The pill regimen seems to be doing the trick. Mind you, it's penicillin once a day & Gabapentin twice, so on that measure anyone would be doing fine. So we think that, by the end of next week, he will be back to

Your “Eventually Getting Paid, Again” Thursday Evening Open Thread

NFL Noise: The 2022 salary cap has already had its top-end set - $208.2 million. Any excess revenue above that number will be used to pay back the roughly $17 million in 2020 player benefits that were canceled as a result of the pandemic, rather than bump the cap further.

Your “Personal Drama Llama” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL Nuggets: Your Deshaun/Decrimebeat! update - the discovery process began today. Unfamiliar as I am with Texas civil law, I do know that this begins the process of each side officially investigating the evidence the other party has. Depositions are scheduled to begin in September. It is unclear whether there

Your Canadian HoUliday Weekend Open Thread – Victoria Day Monday Edition

As I cut & paste every year since 2016: Victoria Day: Under Canadian law, the date is reserved in anniversary of the birth of the monarch. A national commemoration dating from the time of Queen Victoria, whose birthday was May 24, 1819, an amendment to the Statutes of Canada in 1952

Your Canadian HoUliday Weekend Open Thread – Sunday Edition

It's Day Two of the three-day Victoria Day weekend up here in Canada. Reminder - Leonard Cohen is hippier dogshit than The Doors. We are a bit hampered here in BC because the "circuit breaker" closures for the third-wave mean that all indoor dining is still off-limits until Tuesday. Movie theatres are

Your Canadian HoUliday Weekend Open Thread – Saturday Edition

Two things of note to observe this Victoria Day weekend: Item the First: Since it's tWBS Tribute Week, I know this little Twitter moment would have had him rolling in laughter. For those of you not up to speed, U*NC (Seamus' preferred nomenclature) revoked a journalism professor's proposed tenure position because of her