Monday Morning Mock Draft: Get The F*ck Out

Two more of these to go. I had a topic in mind all day, but didn't get around to it until after midnight best coast time, because I eventually got around to walking the dog, mowing and raking the lawn, and CHASING MY NEIGHBOR'S FUCKING CATTLE OFF MY YARD AGAIN!!  Totally

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Tight Ends

Good morning and good start to what I assume is the work week for most of us. I spent Sunday climbing Mt. Everett in Massachusetts, which involves 2+ hours of driving, climbing up Race Brook Falls, in some cases off the now-official trail, (because it was "too dangerous" or some namely-pamby

Monday Morning Mock Draft: On Guard!

OK, let's make this quick.  Thanks to something called 'the Greenland Block', (Zymm, while you're stuck there anyway see if you can give that thing a quick shove and get it moving), Connecticut has been stuck in a weather pattern involving near constant, and heavy, rain and/or thunderstorms, along with

Women’s World Cup: Here Come The Norse Saturday Night Open Thread

Editor's note: I am a bad bad Balls. I screwed up AGAIN and just realized I was supposed to write a Saturday Night Open Thread. Instead of a Karen Carpenter job, I present to you Horatio's fine Norway preview. Enjoy! The Norwegian women won the World Cup in 1995 and they've

Women’s World Cup: Is That A Great Dane In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Fun fact, per Wikipedia, the Danish Women's National Lesser Footy team represents both Denmark and Greenland, so if you've been sitting tight on "how many Inuit does it take to get a soccer ball into a net" jokes, well, today is your day.  Also you're probably a lunatic. Nicknamed The Red