DFO Art Week: Bad Photoshops

Welcome to hump day!  It's the third day of our celebration of the art history of doorfliesopen, and today we'll be taking a look at some of the most ham-fisted photoshop work that has ended up on here on the site.  Endearingly ham-fisted, we hope.  Enjoy! Note that we could do

Request Line: Title Tracks

INT. NEW YORK JETS TRAINING FACILITY - DAY A pair of men are standing outside an office, inspecting the name plate that is mounted on the wall. JANITOR: So...you want it changed again. ADAM GASE: That's right. JANITOR: But... GASE: Listen, the hierarchy here is...fluid. JANITOR: Okay. GASE: And it's important that my title here accurately reflects

Request Line: Names, Names, Names!

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A well-tanned PRODUCER and a cheerfully lit-up DJ 3000 stroll into the office. PRODUCER: Well that sure was a relaxing eight week stay in Puerto Vallarta, wouldn't you say, DJ 3000? DJ 3000: SI, SI, FUE MUY RELAJENTE. PRODUCER: We're back in the States, buddy.  Better switch back to English before

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 8 (The Morning After)

INT. KITCHEN - DAY It is morning in the Manning household.  A dozen martini glasses are drying on a rack next to the sink.  A young man sits at the table eating a bowl of Captain Crunch.  --- [kitchen door flies open] --- OLIVIA MANNING: [humming cheerfully, then notices Eli] Oh!  Good morning,

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 7 (Pillow Talk)

INT. DARKENED GUEST ROOM AT CASA MANNING - LATE NIGHT VOICE 1: Are you...are you sure this is a good idea? VOICE 2: It's fine. I mean, we're both adults. VOICE 1: Yeah, but...[trails off] VOICE 2: You're worried about what they'll say. VOICE 1: A little bit, yeah. VOICE 2: If they find out. VOICE 1: Yeah. VOICE 2: Honestly, it's none of their business.

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 6 (Up All Night)

INT. ELI'S ROOM - LATE NIGHT ELI MANNING and DANIEL JONES have returned to ELI's room.  ELI's cheeks are covered with tomato sauce from the pizza rolls he just scarfed down. ELI MANNING: Wow, man, I'm pretty stuffed. DANIEL JONES: [grinds teeth] ELI: I think maybe I should brush my teeth and then crash. DANIEL:

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 5 (The Fear)

INT. KITCHEN – NIGHT ASHLEY MANNING releases DANIEL JONES' wrist and he steps back, rubbing it.  At that moment... --- [door flies open] --- ELI MANNING: ...so about those pizza rolls... ASHLEY: [frowns] ELI: Oh, hey Ashley. ASHLEY: Hello, Eli.  [looks at him more closely] Eli, what's going on with your eyes?  Did you catch pinkeye

Request Line: Eli’s Slumber Party Mixtape – Volume 3 (Getting Together)

EXT. NONDESCRIPT BROWNHOUSE, PARK SLOPE – DAY A woman in a black leather jacket carefully climbs up the front steps, swaying slightly with each step.  In her left arm she carries a massive handbag.  She reaches out with her right arm and extends a finger to push the doorbell, and after