DFO Radio: Literature

  Greetings!  Since we had such a surplus of #content yesterday I held off on DFO Radio until this morning.  Last week, Amari Cooper showed us what Mark Twain* meant when he said "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt" and

Request Line: Literature

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping coffee.  CONNOR, THE INTERN is talking into his cellphone while the PRODUCER stands next to him, angrily checking his watch. PRODUCER: Goddamnit, where is he? CONNOR: [hanging up] His agent said he pulled up outside of

DFO Radio: Chatter

Good morning, and welcome to a delayed edition of DFO Radio.  Last week's topic was "chatter" and since I was off gallivanting in London I wasn't around to post it on Monday as is typical.  I was actually home yesterday, but I didn't have much of anything to say on

Request Line: Chatter

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer moves around the interior of the booth, showing the basic features to its occupant, a physically perfect specimen of a man. PRODUCER: ...and so mostly everything is controlled from outside, so all you need to worry about is chatting with the callers.  Sound good? ADRIAN PETERSON: NO PROBLEM! PRODUCER: Actually, you're

Quick Draft: Travel Companion

I'm headed to London in a few hours, and thanks to a family connection, there's a decent chance I'll be flying in first class.  Since I'm flying out of LAX, there's also a decent chance that someone famous will be on my flight.  I've given it some thought, and I

Request Line: Free Agency

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – EVENING The radio booth sits empty.  A pair of radio professional are chatting casually in the outer office in front of a massive new piece of equipment.  CONOR, THE INTERN: ...so when does she get back? PRODUCER: In two weeks.  It's been pretty great.  I've been letting the animals sleep upstairs,

DFO Radio: Delusions of Grandeur

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – MORNING A producer and a pair of drive-time radio personalities are engaged in an animated discussion. THE ANIMAL: Is this a fucking joke? PRODUCER: I assure you, this is not a joke. JIMMY: We're being pulled off the air for WHAT? PRODUCER: Trust me, I'm as surprised as you guys are.  Take the