Yes, we get the Prem back this weekend, to go along with a fairly killer set of JV ball. It's (momentarily) good to be alive. That means Spurs and Hammers over morning coffee (7:30, USA). In my mind, jury's still out on both - they could be Zooropa contenders, they could
Author: King Hippo
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 6, 2024 Season
Some days, one just feels like monkeyshit. I wasn't hungover, I don't think actually sick, I DID remember to take my anti-crazy pills in the, who knows. Maybe just the pressure of living in this fucking Darkest Timeline. But STILL, I was up in time for MANDATORY WATCH DUTIES. What did we
Mandatorium Eve JV NFL Goodness
Do NOT forget! Report to the Clubhouse by 9:30a EST tomorrow. or serious imaginary consequences shall ensue. Florida (+15.5) at Tennessee (7:00, ESPN) It seems like 15+ years since this game actually meant something, other than to demonstrate the fashion risk of the coloUr orange. tOSU (-3) at Oregon (7:30, NBC) Will this one be
October 2024 “JV Alone” Footed Ball Funsies
Because the current Darkest Timeline isn't enough for my asshole brain, I am reading Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 at present. Holy shit, was that drug-addled lunatic ever a unique and insightful author. Highly recommended. Now, to the games. Hopefully, you remembered to sleep in. South Cakalaky
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 5, 2024 Season
Across the pond we go, for the first 14-hour MANDATORIUM in the Clubhouse. That means we started our FITBAW day with the sour grimace of Q-aron. After a fairly hot start (including, but not limited to, drawing eleventy-billion DPI calls on medium-to-deep tosses to Justin Jefferson), Touch of Downs seemed to succomb
5 October 2024 – a JV NFL Eveninging
Did you enjoy the early happenings? I sure nuff did. Or maybe I didn't. I am writing this Friday afternoon. Clemson (-14.5) at Florida State (7:00, ESPN) This could be interesting, if the Semenholes had a quartered back. But they don't even have the well-below-cromulent DJ Ukelele no MOAR. They's right fucked. Tennessee
A Week After the Storm – Footy Abundance Thread
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 4, 2024 Season
Strange happenings were indeed afoot at the Circle K. Read on/ Some things, one can NEVAR unhear. Like the match commentator comparing The Gospel According to Fatthew to...Magic Johnson? Uh, ok then. RRRRRRRRRRAM IT!! have been doing it with smoke and mirrors, but the Chi**** held them in check, and forced two
CLosing Out Septemeber 2024 Footy Cont’d
MOAR fixtures, and thank fuck a vast increase in quality. Especially at the tippy-top... Stanford (+21.5) at Son de Clem (7:00, ESPN) Maybe one watches the first quarter of this game. But probably not. Georgia (-1) at Roll Damn Tide (7:30, ABC) Coach DeBoer will absolutely love being a small home dog - they ain't
Closing Out September 2024 Lesser Footy Style
Are you back, and ready for MOAR? Fucking of course y'all are. First, an obligatory weather note: City of Men (now with 100% less Rodri) visit Geordie Arabia nice and early (7:30, USA). I'm not committing to waking early, given all the ballwashing Bonesaws FC tends to get - especially in matches