Your “Aw Crap I Forgot It’s Friday Already” Friday Evening Open Thread

Seriously.  With everything going on around here, I was a day further behind than I thought I was.  I thought it was still Thursday. tWBS:  Hey Ma!  What day is it? tWMS:  It's Friday. tWBS:  Really?  I thought it was still Thursday. tWMS:  That's because you're a dumbass. tWBS:  Thanks Ma.  I guess I better

Your “It’s Only A Game” Friday Evening Open Thread

I've been pretty busy lately.  I'd tell you about it, but I'm too tired this week to type that much.  Maybe next week. Anywhooooo.... Each day when my "chores" are done and I get back home, if there's no football or other sportsballing on, I've gotten into the habit of crashing onto

Your “Halloween Shows Up Early” Friday Evening Open Thread

Sorry not sorry.  That's just the way it goes sometimes. Normally, I do this theme for Halloween.  But looking at the calendar I'm going to miss it by a day this year.  It's on a Thursday and doing it six days early seems stupid. Though I still have to think of something

Your “Extremely Abbreviated” Friday Evening Open Thread

Fair warning:  You're not getting much out of me tonight. We've been dealing with hurricane stuff around here. I drove down in the middle of it overnight last night to get a friend's daughter to safety. (I know what you're thinking) ((don't say it please)) - In today's version of "That was unexpected".... Both the former tWLS

Your “Stand Up And Cheer!!!” Friday Evening Open Thread

It's the first weekend of NCAA Football...2019 version. Several games have already been played.  Clemson rolled over GT, as expected.  I hate those asshats.  Minny barely got past San Diego State.  Utah got away with a big win versus the other Mormon bunch.  And UCF posted 62 up on....shit, what's the

Wednesday Motivational – The Most Valuable Currency There Is

I very reluctantly listened to this speech. I didn't expect to be moved to tears by this one.  But I was. I'm not going to make any commentary.  But this is a great speech.  Please......Listen to it. - Next week will be the last of this series.  I bet some of you can guess