Tonight's post category was suggested by RTD's comment last week requesting, "your 5 best non-major U.S. sports (i.e. NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL) memories." Thank you to all that provided suggestions and I will be incorporating those into future posts. As I mentioned in the first post, the plan is for this
Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Stadia I’ve Been to for a Game
Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Donuts
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Learning From The Masters
My 900th Post
Chapter 2
God bless the Duke of Argyll! If the youth of today aren’t the most annoying creatures on the planet I’ll eat my finest Sunday derby. Condor-sized prairie mosquitos and door-knocking donation guilt-trippers have nothing on these grating simpletons. I went to one of those Halloween corn maze dealies with the