Yeah, it's been a while. But you remember. This is one of those weeks where I can't think of anything else so I choose one (or more) musical artists to feature. Generally, their musical accolades are best. But not their sexy. That is unimpeachable. Kinda like someone else I know. Anywhooooo... This
Sexy Friday
Your “Taking Leave Of Our Senses” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Riding That Sugar High” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “A Good Kick In The Pants” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Girls’ Night Out” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Your Ink Is In My Briefs” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Aw Crap I Forgot It’s Friday Already” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “It’s Only A Game” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Halloween Shows Up Early” Friday Evening Open Thread
Your “Extremely Abbreviated” Friday Evening Open Thread
Fair warning: You're not getting much out of me tonight. We've been dealing with hurricane stuff around here. I drove down in the middle of it overnight last night to get a friend's daughter to safety. (I know what you're thinking) ((don't say it please)) - In today's version of "That was unexpected".... Both the former tWLS