Sexy Friday The 13th

This week, the Patriots visit the Giants and that means one thing: reminiscencing on Patriots Schadenfreude Days of past and hoping for more. The Pats lead their conference because it's a joke, but hopefully Elisha can embarass them before their inevitable playoff run this winter. Onward to the women! Now that I'm

Your Monday Night Inter-Conference Battle Between Two 2 Win Teams Open Thread

It's not very often that a Canuck politician gets some positive media spittle beyond the 49th parallel but it happened last week when Prime Rib Minister-Elect Trudeau, when asked why his cabinet was evenly split between genders responded with, "Because it's 2015". Asked for comment, Tiffany Rivers responded with, "HUUUUUNNNGGGGAAAAAA-I'M

Sexy Friday is A Spoooooooooky Halloween Eve

Via The 6-0 Patriots, Packers, Broncos, Panthers and Bengals all have perfect records through seven weeks. That's the most ever this deep into the season since the merger in 1970. Now that I'm embedding SF Tumblr posts to save you bandwidth, to view or save specific images, click the "..." at

Start or Sit (On Your Face): The DFO Fantasy/Sex Mailbag

OK, Week 3 gearing up, and once again, work sucks, your lives are a mess, and the NFC East remains a radioactive clusterfuck. Some things never change, really! This is gonna be another short mailbag this week, because we seem to have a lack of #content being submitted to fill these