TGIF! Congrats, you made it to the last Friday of 2023. Hope everyone is enjoying Bowl season. Survival - Personal Edition Today we're going to learn how to control a car that's careening down a mountainside. Let's get to it! Apply firm, steady braking pressure. You want to achieve what is known
Sexy Friday
Sexy Friday – 20231222
TGIF! Hope everyone enjoyed the last serious work week of the year. And I doubly hope everyone enjoys this upcoming weekend. Survival - Personal Edition Today's totally relevant situation involves the desert! Let's say you were smart enough to bring a bunch of beverages with you, but not so much that you
Sexy Friday – 20231215
Sexy Friday – 20231208
TGIF! With Tuberville lifting his blockade, I hope you have all enjoyed your military promotions this week. Survival - Personal Edition Those of you with kids know the drill. They're pretty stupid. As Jason Statham so eloquently stated, there's a reason: Well let's cover one of those. Survival - Personal Edition - Too Long
Sexy Friday – 20231201
Sexy Friday – 20231124
Sexy Friday – 20231117
Sexy Friday – 20231110
TGIF! Remember to read the reviews before you purchase a refurbished vacuum. Sure, the Ret. Dr. RTD will audibly and quite physically dissuade you from buying used, but it turns out repairing broken Dyson vacuums is both easy and economical. Survival - Personal Edition Today we're going to cover being lost in
Sexy Friday – 20231103
Sexy Friday – 20231027
TGIF! I know everyone is super excited about the World Series (GO SNEKS!) kicking off right as this publishes, so I'll get on with it! Survival - Personal Edition Some of you have made the terrible, financially ruinous decision to have children. Even worse, these total leeches deprive you of your much
Sexy Friday – 20231020
Sexy Friday – 20231013
TGIF! Just realized it's Friday the 13th. Have I just improved my social circles or is this date no longer talked about as a bad omen? Discuss amongst yourselves. Survival - Personal Edition With summer ending and fall starting, the temperatures are dropping. And that change harkens the end of the golfing