Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chicken Vindaloo or Emptying the Spice Cabinet..

सभी को सुप्रभात "sabhee ko suprabhaat!" Welcome. The above is Hindi for "Good morning all". I speak abso-fucking-lutely zero Hindi but it felt appropriate. That is a rather tantalizing plate of food up there is it not? Maybe familiar to some probably unfamiliar to more than a few of you. You are looking at my

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Request Line! Chili Relleno!

Good morning DFO! Welcome, welcome. Good to have you back after a somewhat, let's say less than immaculate recipe last week. This week we've got real goddamn recipes and a shitload of photos to guide you along. We go back to our request line for this one, actually I think there were 2 folks

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chef Be Not Proud.

Good morning everyone! Glad to have you back! Suppose I should offer a quick apology before getting started. Today's recipe came as a result of having an overly busy weekend, which cut into my planning/prep/research/cooking time. I wouldn't technically say I "half-assed" this. This was more like "fully-assed." Stop! Regroup. We're going to make

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Going Greek! Keftedes and Garlic Lemon Potatoes

Good morning everyone! Nice of you to drop by. We're going to continue on our world culinary tour today with a stop for some of my absolute favorite ethnic cuisine ever. Greek! Ever notice that any diner worth it's salt is usually a Greek diner? I have a periodic obsession with Greek food. While that

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Grilled yogurt marinated chicken with Aleppo Pepper

Hey everybody! Welcome back. Happy dead ass middle of the goddamn offseason for the NFL. Motherfucker it's a long way until September. One of the best ways to pass the time, especially during the summer? Grilling things! Or baseball. /ducks No, we'll grill things today instead. I want to introduce you to a new spice this morning.

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: So you feel like making a Burger?

Good morning everyone! Damn glad to have you here. Have you ever taken on a really detailed project, like for work or some shit? Maybe you had to move once and you only had a very short time to do it? Or I know! Your kids finally went to bed on Christmas

Sunday gravy with yeah right: Four hour Short Ribs Braised in Red Wine and Garlic. Hold me!

Good morning everyone! Have I got something incredible for you today. Holy fucking shit, lemme tell ya! In all honesty, this wasn't even on my radar to turn into a Sunday Gravy post. Really! Last weekend, Memorial Day weekend, I had what will be next week's Sunday Gravy all planned out and

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A new Chicken Marinade for Balls of Steel!

Good morning everyone! Happy middle of the Memorial Day weekend. It's our turn for the extra day off dammit. What is everyone doing over this weekend? Drinking? I already knew that. How about grilling? There we go. I'm a little worried that my grand ambition of grilling both on Sunday AND Monday this weekend might be

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Show some love for the Ham Bone!

Good morning all! It's that time again. Sunday Gravy pushes on. Over the past few weeks we've been seeing quite a few ham-centric menus and we are here today to write the final hammy chapter of this Extr-HAM-aganza! Goddamn. Sorry about that. Fucking dipshit. We started this party 3 weeks ago with the traditional

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: So Much Leftover Ham!

Good morning everyone! Welcome back. We've got some good shit today including several menu suggestions and I guarantee you will find something appealing here. First a quick rant though because I have to. Today is "Mother's Day." Yet another in a long line of bullshit Hallmark "Holidays." First of all it ain't a motherfucking "holiday"

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Smothered Steak from a non-Southern Southern Boy

Good morning everyone! Glad to have you here. We've got some fun stuff for you today. I'm going back to my Southern style and continuing yet again with the homemade bread shit. I've gained such confidence with my bread dough that there's not even a ripple of trepidation when it comes to

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Spring Gathering and Family. And Family.

Greetings all and happy Sunday! Last week was the annual right family Spring gathering - non Saint Patrick's Day edition - and it was flat out fucking amazing. Can't wait for the next gathering. While there are indeed a few family members who are involved with their church, there are just as many