A Very Special Footballing 9/11 Thread

Guten morgen, y'all.  I hope Santa brought everyone what they wanted this year.  20 years is apparently the fuckloads of leftover Murrikan high-tech weaponry aanniversary.  NEVAR stop learnin! Lesser Footy comes back from its dumbass international break, with Spurs and rebuilding Palace leading things off (7:30, NBCSN).  If early fixtures are

Saturday Smorgasboard Lesser Footy (and one JV Offering!) Open Thread

Supporters across the Premiership anxiously wait, as deadline day (1 Sept) approaches.  For some, it's wondering if Santa will arrive and/or how much cool new shit they get.  For others (cough, cough, Everton) it's praying The Grinch doesn't take away everything.  Including the will to live. But first, we got fixtures