Rejoice! A Full #NuAIDS Lesser Day Beckons

Because moneys speak louder than public health (and thank FUCK for that, amirite??), we finally have sommet like a full Saturday slate.  Praise be!  But don't forget about Premiership Banana Puddings time, first! The Mighty Blues of Everton are in first position (assuming Villa lost yesterday, which I will presume #HAILGAMBLOR),

“Let Lesser Footy Be Thine Escape” Sabado Open Thread

Hey, did y'all notice?  Darkest Timeline got darker.  As a Karmic punishment, #NuAIDS for teh win!  But chaos is not the ally of the progressive-minded American right now. So...let's not think about it.  Lesser Footy and JV NFL slate, commence! No, you are not waking up (intentionally) for Chelski hosting Palace.  But it