As I was browsing YouTube last week looking for songs to play for you, I stumbled across a little bit of genius that got me to say out loud, "How the fuck did I not know about this???". This is what is in store for you today on the
Tag: tWBS needs an intervention
25 Questions About….
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo VII
tWBS: Why am I nervous? Senor: Because as I said, this is the lust terrace upcoming, and you posted compilations of sexy pictures on the Internet for multiple years? tWBS: Hey, they weren't pornographic! Senor: Yeah, but society's a bunch of prudes. tWBS: And you did it too! Senor: Like twice? Probably a difference there,
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo VI
The D of S, Vol II: Ante-Purgatorio
Place: On the boat to the shores Purgatory TWBS: So, what are they all singing? (As per last installment.) Senor: In exitu Israel de Aegypto, "When Israel Came Out of Egypt." There's gonna be some Gregorian chants here, you've been warned. TWBS: Well that sucks. That's shit music that died out centuries ago. Senor: