Place and time: Walking up into the sixth terrace of Purgatory, right after Mozart ditched them. tWBS: You know, I've been wondering. I've gone through Hell and Purgatory, and dealt with a whole ton of people on the way. And I could understand them all. Why? Senor: Okay, first off, out of
Tag: tWBS needs an intervention
The D of S, Vol II: Ante-Purgatorio
Place: On the boat to the shores Purgatory TWBS: So, what are they all singing? (As per last installment.) Senor: In exitu Israel de Aegypto, "When Israel Came Out of Egypt." There's gonna be some Gregorian chants here, you've been warned. TWBS: Well that sucks. That's shit music that died out centuries ago. Senor: