I drove to western North Carolina early this morning. Very early. And back. Pain in my ass but it had to be done. Then I shipped moar hot peppers out to some folks (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!). But that's the end of them for this year. The peppers that is,
Tag: tWBS needs an intervention
Your “Politeness is the flower of humanity” Friday Evening Open Thread
That’s Gonna Burn You
Your “You Get What You Pay For” Friday Evening Open Thread
Wednesday Motivational – Give Thanks For What You Have
Your “Colours Make Things Interesting – Part Three” Friday Evening Open Thread
I bet you thought I'd forgotten about this little series. Well, "series" might be pushing it considering that this is only the third installment and it's been nearly a year since the first and second installments. And considering it's been that long you, dear reader, have probably forgotten anyway. But it's
Wednesday Motivational – You’re Not Alone
Your “Well I Guess That’s Music, Allegedly – #3” Friday Evening Open Thread
Yeah, it's been a while. But you remember. This is one of those weeks where I can't think of anything else so I choose one (or more) musical artists to feature. Generally, their musical accolades are debatable...at best. But not their sexy. That is unimpeachable. Kinda like someone else I know. Anywhooooo... This