I don’t really drink coffee. I’ll have a cup if someone offers, but having been diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, I am by this point kind of over stimulants in general. My meds worked, but they killed my appetite and my creativity and frequently my sleep, and in general just made me feel uneasy all the time, all of which symptoms I also experience after too much coffee. This might also help account for why I like beer so much: It has all the exact opposite effects.
Beer with coffee in it, though? Put that the fuck in my glass, now.
Ballast Point calls Calm Before the Storm a “warm-weather alternative” to that brewery’s fantastic Victory at Sea, an imperial porter with coffee and vanilla added. I call the prevailing attitude that imperial porters and stouts aren’t warm-weather beers tyranny and madness, but hey, maybe we can both be right. The only way to be sure was to take one out of my fridge, pour it into a mason jar (the summer-est of beer glasses!), and take it out onto my balcony where it is unmistakably still summer.
The first thing I should say here is that August in Austin is horrible. Within five minutes outside at damn near 7pm, I felt in real danger of drowning in my own sweat. But! This beer was nevertheless incredibly refreshing. It pours a very pretty dark gold without much of a lasting head. Coffee dominates both the aroma and the upfront flavor, to such an extent that if you drank this blindfolded you’d swear it’s a stout. The vanilla is present, but only in the same sense the kid in the back row of your calculus class playing Drug Wars on his graphing calculator was present. But the finish? All crisp hops and pilsner-like cleanness. I’ll drink any beer in any season, but if you won’t, this shouldn’t strain your delicate sensibilities too much.
All in all, I feel this is a highly successful experiment in coffee beer for hot-weather markets, and it should pair splendidly with throwing the empty bottles at Peter King.
tl;dr: Whether you’ll like this beer is probably perfectly correlated with whether you like coffee beer. Buy it if you don’t think it’s outrageous to spend $14 on a 5.5% ABV sixer. You should avoid purchasing Austin’s summer weather, however, as it is intolerable.
Grade: You can’t butt-chug on your balcony, people will see.
make it snow is an alot of beer and the former author of the recurring or not recurring feature A Beer Review. make it snow has drunk at least 2000 unique beers in his life, but has only had one Calm Before the Storm this evening, which is either the result of this being a shorter review than last time or the reason for it. Fax him a beer during normal business hours!
That sounds goddamn delicious. I, too, enjoy various coffee/beer fermentations, and I would trust theirs to be tasty.
Just tonight, I got to pay to get a small snifter of Goose Island Halia (nee Mae), which was goddamn perfect. Perfect. Holy shit. They had whole bottles of it for $30, and I definitely considered keeping one around for a very, very special occasion. I may go back depending on the budget. Perfect.
Oh my god, Halia is fucking tremendous. I’ve kind of shied away from purchasing any of the Goose Island sours more than once, just because they cost so goddamned much, but that’s certainly not the worst $30 you could spend on beer.
I think I spent about $6 just for a little bit, maybe 4 oz, but it was so worth it. Like I said, depending on my budget, I may just walk back there tomorrow and grab a bottle to hold on to for a few years. That was definitely in the top 3 beers ever for me (I’m a big sour fan).
I found a bottle of Victory At Sea yesterday. Holy shit is that good. That’s got to be the best imperial porter I’ve had. It’s strong, it tastes natural. I don’t like when flavors taste artificial in a coffee or vanilla beer. Thanks for the tip, MIS.
Glad you liked it, man. It’s a top-25 or so beer all-time for me.
Have you by chance tried their Sea Monster Imperial Stout? They’ve got bombers of it for $6.
I think I’m in an extreme minority on this, but I really don’t care for Sea Monster. I’m sure it’s a great imperial stout. It must be, because so many other people like it, and I’m not idiot enough to think that I’m the sole arbiter of taste in beer. But man, I don’t need to drink Sea Monster again. I hope you do, though, and I hope you like it.
That’s pretty cheap for a bomber of Imperial so I’ll probably give it a shot just for the hell of it.
At that price, you absolutely should. You should probably get two or three bottles and save it for an occasion or flat-out age it. Everyone I know who’s tried it loved it. It was not for me.
lady snow says: Keep in mind make it snow doesn’t like cheese or peanut butter, so there are all kinds of good things he doesn’t enjoy.
Okay, now I have two issues:
1.) A different local bottle shop apparently has bottles of all the Goose Island Sour Sisters. My wallet is trying to leap out and go there and buy one of each.
B.) This Laguinitas Little Sumpin’ Extra is weakening my resolve (Also, one thing I’m noticing about the Laguinitas offerings is that they are distinctly unique compared to most other craft offerings).
Buy one of them now and then wait a month. I’ll bet you they’ll all still be there.
The only Ballast Point I ever come across around here is Sculpin. I’ll have to search out that Victory At Sea. I love coffee beer and imperial porters aren’t always easy to find.
Cigar City has a couple really good coffee beers, definitely worth grabbing if you should happen to find them. Espresso Brown Ale and Cafe con Leche Stout are two of the best coffee beers I’ve ever had. CCL is probably my favorite stout, period.
Here is the brewery; it is small and specialized so in Florida you’d probably have to go to a really good beer store. You can see the have DNA from 1946 Brazil:
Thanks man. Not likely that I’ll ever run into it, but on the off chance I’ll give it a try.
I didn’t look a the distribution page; looks like just Colorado and one place in………
Shouldn’t the west koasters be joining us in the drinking and open threading right about meow?
Switching to scotch. Dipping into the smoky lochs tonight with the Ardbeg Uigeadail
Good damn choice.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Boulder over the years and some weird, wonderful and odd shit has happened there. Please keep us apprized of the goings on…. unless………
Seconded. Love that town. If I had several million dollars and no children, I would buy a two bedroom condo there.
Bartender is telling me about the time Jeff Bridges came in to drink. Other than that, not a lot of excitement.
Go to the sundown saloon on the mall. Dive bar. Cheap PBRs. Drunk college chicks. Aka sundowner. Aka scum downer.
Yes, just keep going up and down Pearl street and the adjacent streets until you find something. Hell yeah.
I’ve had a lot of weird fun at the Sundowner latenight….. so agreed, nasty.
When it gets close to closing time……………
The Maximus coffee really makes it.
Stone Ruination for the first night of football. I should make this a tradition…or just drink it more often.
Also, Laserface says hi.
It is delicious.
Damn, I keep laughing at this.
Especially since I thought that skinny bitch didn’t swallow anything.
Guess I should have been more specific as to Marmalard. That’s pretty funny too, though.
Apparently true for 40s Esso stations too.
Now they don’t even recognize KSK off the main Uproxx page. 🙁
Ah, fuck those people.
And we have the device.
Break out the pickles!
Jimmy Clausen 17 27 151 5.6 0 0
Jay Cutler 4 7 42 6.0 0 0
TEAM TOTALS 21 34 191 5.6 0 0
Preseason is such a good indicator.
I don’t understand what is going on, maybe if i keep watching.
It is a little know and very difficult style; Buttjitzu.
Sorry guys; I got a little weird there for a minute.
I think I’ve been in that club!
You’ve been to the Fake Ocelot Breast Squirter Club?
I’ll take ten
I think I know what we could do to the bottles to wake him up.
Diora Baird in Transit
Bears up 27-10. SUPER BEARS. SUPER BOWL.
Watching key game:
No work tomorrow; I can see this working into a Moose only open thread. So be it.
We’ve found quite a few of these; maybe it is more common than you’d think. Hard to explain to Farmers’ Insurance.
I’m gonna support Trump for President. Then, when he wins I’m gonna establish my own survivalist compound, that gets Red Zone.
Santa Fe Brewing has a solid coffee stout if you can get it. I like it better than Ballast Point’s. Love sculpin, though.
Yeah, that one’s awesome.
Well I’ll be.
Her favorite beer with coffee has to be Busch.
That is just excellent excelente work!
Weeden is in mid-season form.
I’m your huckleberry. I am drinking this while the wife is cavorting around Denver: http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/22893/58689/
In depth review: good.
Auto refresh killed the reply. That was for you, señor moose.
Even in the gad damn can it looks delicious….
Maybe my imagination is….
I need to go there; how is it?
It’s great. Good sours. Brainless on Peaches and Brainless on Raspberries are great. They are in RiNo so the tasting room is big. Worth the trip, even though they started in Utah.
Thank you kind sir. I’ve know some descent exMorms, and several born there but had to flee the theocracy. Biggest druggie in HS? Mormon doughter of a huge bigshot in the church; his whole house was white, all his many vehicles were white.
I think I just saw your wife; does she always go naked?
Only around you :/
I think you have me mistaken for……..
Underused word, “cavorting”…
Horseballs can complete passes when it doesnt matter……Fucker………
Where is Horseballs on the depth chart right now?
You guys like Ballast Point.
Byron Jones playing safety or corner tonight?
That far out of position?
I’ve switched venues, and the hotel bar has a jazz combo playing outside. They just finished an awesome rendition of Moby Dick.
Hmmm. St. Julien?
Only hotel in Boulder that fancy. Glad you are checking out the town. Fun place. You should go to a Buffs game later this fall. Awesome venue and cheap tickets because they stink.
Better than checking out the hospital again.
If people can see you buttchugging on your balcony, you don’t own enough acres.
Fuck the neighbors.
Great write up. I love the Victory at Sea but have learned lately how much of a not-summer beer it is. I’ve been looking forward to Calm Before the Storm for awhile now.
Oh goddamn it. I just lost a comment TWICE to the auto-refresh.
Fuck it. What I have to say isn’t so important that I’m going to type it three times.
I find that when it happens, if I just click on the “reply” link again it comes back.
Shit. That usually works for me too, but I just lost one that was just a comment, not a reply, so it wouldn’t come back up.
I can’t drink beer, so I have nothing to add.
Do I realize that this contributes in no way to this thread? Yes, yes I do.
I did a review on a cider; can you have that?
I think I remember; no. Only clear distilled, right?
That’s correct. Weird, but correct. I generally just stick to vodka, since I know it’s A-OK.
Depends on the bar, but it seems like you’d want the variety to make a good flight sampler, and maybe more than three women in the bar.
OK, before I couldn’t have it not reply, now it is not replying when I want to reply ESPECIALLY TO HORATIO!!
I not gud wit pooders.
I’ve been drinking way too much Giant Slayer Imperial Stout and Founder’s Dirty Bastard Scotch Ale. The hangovers have been large and in charge. Like Vince’s mom.
Here is a linkfor Giant Slayer. If you can find it, drink it. Right in the goddamned aisle:
OK, since we have plenty of the IPAters here is a stout:
Pretty damn good, kinda chocolate tasting, smooth goes down well and has a good aftertaste.
Similar rating here:
Don’t tell me you don’t have an Irish accent in you head after looking at the label.
Oh, aye.
I just recently got into the craft beer thing. Good for me, bad for my bank account. IPAs and stouts are my go-tos. After that, go by the highest ABV. If you can try Troeg’s Java Head, it is an excellent coffee beer.
I was near the zoo when I read this post.
“imperial porters and stouts” not being warm weather? I agree; drink what you want, when you want. If you don’t like it fine (no, it doesn’t suck), don’t drink it, if you likey, you drinky; kaykay? Great fucking post!
*not fucking post, but fucking as an exclamation point rather than actual post fucking which sounds dangerous anyway, even for the DFObag.
I’ll catch you Coffeebeer baron.
No you won’t.
As for my beers, I’ve been drinking a lot of Amber Ales and Rye Ales.
I’m a sucker for a good Rye.
My wife ordered an Allagash White at dinner last night. Divorce papers are being drawn up as I type this.
I’ve been banging this drum as loud as I can for as long as I’ve known how: Allagash White is good. It’s not the fault of Maine’s best brewery that Peter King is a shithead.
Yeah, nothing wrong with it. I just don’t think ….. just the association.
And it’s not fair that Thin Mints are tarnished by being Hitler’s favorite snack. But I still wouldn’t feed ’em to my worst enemy.
Been on a DC Brau Ale and Oberon kick lately beer wise. Both are enjoyable in the summer
I’m currently on a sour beer kick because it’s summer and it’s my stupid little protest against the bars that have 12 beers on tap, 14 of which are IPAs. Who am I not to indulge my inner hipster while acting as if I’m not an actual shithead hipster?
Worth a try if you find it: Anderson Valley’s The Kimmie, The Yink, and The Holy Gose. With a face-puckering tartness, an ocean-fresh saltiness, and a pleasant 4.2% ABV, it’s a great session beer for hot days.
Plus, PK would probably spit it across the room.
I usually see two IPAs to 8 to 12 taps at the breweries here.
Depends on the bar. IPAs definitely are the dominant style at most brewpubs I go to. A place I really like here had 10 beers on tap last time and 4 were IPAs. That mostly annoyed me because the 4th IPA was in place of their tasty Berliner Weisse.
But the IPAs they had were quite good.
This true. Good balance at most places.
I guess if I was the owner I’d go main taps with what sells and have two to four taps of the seasonals and stuff for hard core or stoners. But then again I don’t own a bar so I don’t know shit.
Seconded so hard. The Kimmie, The Yink, and the Holy Gose is a goddamned marvel.
Dr. Mrs. Mayhem dislikes beer…except for Monk’s Sour Ale.
Never would have guessed
Insert Belichick “that beer tastes like my……” here
I had to file this from my phone because my computer decided now was the time to finally upgrade to Windows 10. My phone was unwilling to upload an upright photo of my beer. Anyone with a working computer is encouraged to correct the featured image.
I prefer to think of it as your view while butt chugging
I put gin in my coffee once, as a good luck/nerve soothing measure during an Everton match. It was goddamned disgusting.
I can’t imagine beer would be any better, but maybe one day I will take you up on your implicit dare.
I once had a pilsner aged in a gin barrel. It pretty much tasted as if someone just spilled gin in pilsner.
It mixes so well with tonic and a lime. And apparently, THAT IS ALL.
Gin barrel? Wait, wut?
Ech. That sounds beyond disgusting. Now the real question is whether it still tastes better than Malört or not…