[manages to briefly tear himself away from “The Case For Christmas” starring Dean Cain as a lawyer defending Santa Claus/ignoring the good woman who loves him dearly] I’d like to catch AFC North fever but I’m not an anti-vaccer-I’ve had my shots.
Cle @ Cin: Johnny Hypeball gets the start tonight and it’ll be a rough one. A few of the starting WR’s that he doesn’t have a rapport with (Hawkins, Hartline) are out. He still has Barnidge and Benjamin but I think their better-than-you’d-expect stats have more to do with McCown’s great play under trying circumstances than with their own ability. I may be wrong but it won’t be the 374th time. (I keep track-it’s WAY over 400) I look forward to John-Boy scrambling needlessly, shovel-passing, throwing off his back foot, side-arming and getting intercepted tonight and being arrested for shoplifting in a small town ten years from now. I’m petty like that. Dalton. How is he doing what he’s doing? Well the ground game is a lot better, you say. “Shut up”, I say, “they’re ranked 18th in average yards per game! What the hell are you talking about?” Ginger has taken a major leap forward because of…[returns to watching The Case For Christmas]
So camo is November’s breast cancer pink?
It’s symbolic of all the money breast cancer research doesn’t see.
Look at all teh balck coaches on Cinncy,, gues’s Ohio state isnt the only place for a firm tive action imo
Want to really spice up the Salute to Service games?
Each team gets one mortar and two shells that they can fire any time during the game.
Can they aim at the crowd?
Deborah Harry seems cool.
You should talk to Moose.
He knows her?
I would have to say: “yes”
Given up on trying to watch this feed. I figure y’all will let me know if anything noteworthy happens.
Define “Noteworthy”. I mean….it’s goddamn Cle/Cincy.
Still holding out for that meteor, huh?
Holy shit JFF just got into a sideline fist-fight with a kid in a wheelchair.
What’s worse than the Raven’s D?
This guy!
– Balls of Steel
Dear god, I thought that was Dilfer at first.
Congrats to the Canadas on you hosers getting your shit together and throwing Stephen Harper to the grizzlies.
Good evening Lady and Gentlemen
Flee! Flee for your soul!
All Andy Reid saw when he looked at that diagram was a bunch of delicious gummi worms.
And in honor of Cleveland vs. Cincinatti, Smackdown has Ryback vs. Wade Barrett. Shitshow up and down the dials tonight.
Stuck watching Missouri-Mississippi State “game” with invalid grandfather. Large amounts of brain damage from a stroke, but he can still swear at “Mizzou” with great and convincing force
Your grandfather is a great inspiration to 30 years-on me.
I have a morbid curiosity at just how much racism an elderly Mississippi sports fan can fit into a college football game in 2015.
Nono, he’s a Missouri graduate.
Just checked, yep, still funny.
He may be stoic, but you can still turn him on by jerking his chain.
What a coinkydink. I’m the same way.
Mizzou is really goddamned terrible, even by SEC East standards.
You mean at football, or just culturally in general?
Little column A, little column B
I meant at teh footy, but you are correct in the broader sense.
You know who doesn’t get taunting penalties?
The Shitriots.
Say what you want about them, they don’t shoot themselves in the foot with Mickey !ouse shit like that.
Probably because Billichick will have them shot into orbit if they do.
Mickey louse was just a ripoff of the better known Manic Mailman.
Browns gonna Brown
Haven’t these daily fantasy fucks been raided/shutdown/indicted yet?
If this ad wanted to be realistic it would include someone playing DraftKings while driving and running over kids playing hockey in the street.
I’ve got fair trade quinoa salad in a locally-made pottery bowl. What do YOU have?
Dumplings in the freezer.
Dumplings, kids parts-whatever you want to call it.
My mother made chicken pot pie that could have been served in the halls of Mount Olympus. It was that fucking good.
Oh man that does sound good.
Uh…. Pizza? And some buffalo hot sauce pretzels, ranch dressing, and a shit ton of pumpkin beers left over from Halloween that I am forcing down my throat.
Finally stopped raining today, so teh grill got fired up.
Carrot cake later.
It’s cheeseburger night here in L.A. County lock-up, and the food here is actually pretty good.
I went to prison for armed robbery, but I stayed for the chili.
toaster oven pizza and ice cream with cherries and italian almond cookies in it.
Two vicuprofen and V8 Raspberry/Concord Grape
/don’t be all jelly
Beef stew, that is more like beef soup, thickness wise. By design.
Single pan turkey dinner.
Dinner was pork Tenderloin studded with garlic, with potatoes roasted on a bed of salt and spices and sliced tomatoes with basil olive oil sea salt and pepper.
It did not suck.
Low-quality bourbon and even lower expectations
You know, band members and tailgaters hate the little shit in the Miata because they never carry their fair share.
So uh…did Santa Claus get off?
And you would think Santa would be the kind of guy to at least have the courtesy to give a reach around ,, smgdh
Selfish fat fuck.
Good God these Mic’d Up bits are worthless. You don’t need to put a microphone on a player to capture random crowd noise.
Without Mic’d up how would we know which players are saying “wooooo”?
Wouldn’t it have been GREAT if Sunnu had been whispering a quick passage from the Koran? Middle America would have collectively dialed 911
No pictures yet tonight, so I searched GI for “craziest picture on the internet”. Was a little disappointed; best I could find:
Also featured: an uncomfortable number of black people.
I see someone set GIS to “safe search.”
Not that I was uncomfortable. Just, uncomfortable in a prison population kind of way.
Point of all my local ads seems to be:
T-Tops only.
There was a campaign ad in Newark about two guys “fighting to keep the casinos they have,” because if there’s one thing Newark needs, it’s MORE ways to gamble.
I have GEICO insurance and it’s due for renewal next month, but all those horrible commercials are making me consider a new carrier. Thank you Pey-Pey it will NOT be Nationwide.
I don’t judge by price. I judge by ad campaigns. Don’t judge me.
Strangely, I have Nationwide, and it’s actually pretty good.
GEICO is better. You’re killin’ the joke Krieger.
Having affiliation with Nationwide in a business fashion….you do not want Nationwi…..errrr….Nationwide is great and competent.
That’s two NFL QBs shown in grocery stores inside of 60 seconds. That’s kinda weird, no?
Joe Flacco: [looks up from where he is trying to decide between two brands of cottage cheese]
Aaron Rodgers purchasing bananas, pickles, KY, copy of GQ
Even weirder is that neither of them were Jameis.
I just learned that they cast Edgar Ramirez as Bodhi in the Point Break remake. I suppose I’m okay with that, provided that my only other choice was for them to dig up Patrick Swayze’s corpse, grind his bones into powder, and mix them into urinal cakes to be distributed for use at Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants throughout the country.
So Manning was about to jerk it to the chicken parm commercial, right?
About to? Shit he started then.
That was a quarter of football.
I think I prefer quarters of a dollar
That looked more like what I left in the toilet after getting free Taco Bell breakfast.
Lorenzo Cain approves of this.
Bengals game plan involves making the Browns feel competent?
Lure them into a false sense of security, then STRIKE, possibly after the game has ended.
It’s kind of like letting your little sister shoot a basketball underhanded during a game of HORSE.
RE: Unnecessary Hollywood remakes
Robert Zemeckis has explicitly stated it is in his will that Back to the Future will not only ever be remade while he’s alive, but, not until after his grandchildren are dead.
I’ve read that, and I love him for it.
Any chance of burning all copies of Pt II by executive order? No? Meh, OK.
Manziel should have his teammates over for a BBQ and give them all matching “I survived the Manziel 2015 BBQ Extravaganza” tshirts. I think this could be the next “burying a football at midfield” team unity tactic.
oh fuck jj watt
I say that every few days just to let the universe know I am OK with it harming him in any way.
Hey, classy move Bungles. Push the camera over in frustration.
And don’t help the guy pick up a 100+ pound camera. Dicks.
I wish they’d show the reverse angle from that camera as it waas falling. It would look like Ohio flipping over.
Greetings from fucking Scranton PA you fucks.
Goddamn hotel doesn’t NFL network and I am not willing to risk my work computer to find a feed.
Sad thing…I’m not even in Scranton…that is just the nearest thing to this pumping station. I’m honestly in bumbfuck nowhere territory.
Lived in Dunmore at one time.
Don’t ask why, I’m not over the trauma yet.
Ah, Dallas, PA! Yes, that IS bum fuck nowhere (can’t use Egypt for that in PA because we have one of those, too). You’re also in Stillers country, as odd as THAT sounds.
I used to work on a gas rig near Dallas, PA.
I was born in Hazleton, just when the mobsters’ kids were starting to fuck everything up.
Spend the night at Schrute Farms!
Not willing to risk your work computer to do illegal shit? What sort of heaven did you fall from? I’ve met like two people who don’t treat their workstations like gifts from Santa Claus, asking for more permission to do more stupid shit they don’t need for work. “What do you mean we can’t use Bit Torrent anymore? Pirating makes us better formula doers!”
Johnny Football is playing like he’s sober. Too bad.
You know, the little shit is playing pretty ok?
Blind squirrels, stopped clocks, etc…
Dwayne Bowe can focus on football now that Election Day is passed and Issue 3 didn’t pass
Crow-ell? Bo-we?
This whole military/NFL pay for play thing is pissing off every one of my douchey liberal friends who have their sons taking ballerina instead of football – and it makes me laugh and laugh
JJFozz is really PFTC.
…Did someone actually try to pass off Young Frankenstein as a new thing? Fuck you, Hollywood.
They’re doing a remake of Point Break! How fucked up is that?
No. They are remaking The Crow, THAT is fucked up.
What? Wait, what? No fucking way. Back off, War Child
I saw that just a couple hrs ago and thought wtf?
Then saw that Teresa Palmer is in it and thought, hell yes!!!!
I like her, is the basic point I’m making.
I like HER just fine, but kill the fucking project.
I don’t care that the new Ghostbusters is all women.
The fact that they’re doing it at all is such a fucking disgrace.
I read somewhere that the Colts are trying to get some new weapons for Andrew Luck and have attempted to trade for Barnidge. They’re also looking at DeShawn Horsebuggy and T.J. Butterchurn.
Moar likke Barn-raise amirite?11!?
Was Miami University named that to try and trick people into thinking they weren’t going to Ohio?
I think Dan Snyder suggested the name.
It’s the “Paris…..Texas” of University bait and switch.
For most places in the south that share a name with somewhere in Ohio, it’s usually because we kicked the native tribe out and forced them to live in a swamp.
+ Falling Timbers to you.
please just let rocky die
That’ll be the ending of Creed III
CreedJR’s opponent in the next movie is gonna push Rocky to the ground, and then CreedJR is gonna cry and mourn over Rocky’s dead body before turning his back on boxing and going back to thatbshitty Fantastic Four franchise.
Charlie Brown: Fuck you, bitch.
That movie better end with Charlie Brown kicking that football
The movie is set in the winter and STILL they have a fucking baseball scene! Fuck that movie.
Charlie Brown should totes go all rampage-y with automatic weapons and shit.
But he won’t. Damn PC kid movies.
Michael Irvin fired his agent for having secured his participation in this “Snow Day” ad without adequately explaining the concept.
This game is the NFL’s one finger “Salute to Service.”
Orange and camo look really fucking awful together.
Please tell that to every one of my students. Most of them don’t wear it because of football.
They should, considering their purposes are diametrically opposed.
Orange and camo really work if you are at this game and you understandably don’t want anyone to see you there.
Name five fourth-down attempts that you were more confident would succeed – you can’t!