Of all the things to hate about new england, the fact that they’ve almost pretty much ruined crazy train, a song I love ironically, often gets lost in the shuffle
Alright, gents, I have to hit the hay early. Walking 39 miles this weekend for (against?) breast cancer. If you don’t hear from me Monday, I didn’t make it.
I’d mock whomever just picked a fucking kicker, but, this whole thing is just a crap shoot anyway. For all we know, Aguayo is going to be the best player in the draft.
Horatio rushes in, badly out of breath, (so he must have run for 3, maybe even 4 yards)
“Hey guys, just got back from driving 40 miles each way to buy this great beer! I made my wife come with me so I could get a double order! It’s all in the car, c’mon we’ll get good and hamm….”
New School Zero walks by, belches and passes out on the couch
It never ceases to amaze me how little charisma Goodell has. Usually, the suit-bots that run big organizations have some measure of people skills to disarm the drones beneath them, but Goodell seems to lack even that.
The Patriots fans seemed underwhelmed with that pick.
He’s black, but now a Patriot, so they’re not sure how to feel.
They are absolutely, undeniably whelmed.
Of all the things to hate about new england, the fact that they’ve almost pretty much ruined crazy train, a song I love ironically, often gets lost in the shuffle
Probably Not Safe. http://www.imagebam.com/image/769d33474261678
Man I don’t think I’ve seen an ad for live jasmin since college
What’s an ad?
Redhead. NSFW
So that’s all of us wrong on which round the first kicker goes in, right?
I almost crashed my car I laughed so fucking hard.
Alright, gents, I have to hit the hay early. Walking 39 miles this weekend for (against?) breast cancer. If you don’t hear from me Monday, I didn’t make it.
Look, you’re gonna have to decide before you walk 39 miles…for or against?
The Cowboys took the biggest risk on the board? The fuck did I miss?
an injured LB not named Jack
oh good.
Do Pats act like a coed on Spring Break and double up on Gronks?
I’d mock whomever just picked a fucking kicker, but, this whole thing is just a crap shoot anyway. For all we know, Aguayo is going to be the best player in the draft.
Best player? Uh, seriously? You know Hackenberg’s already off the board, right?
//walks over to corner and sits down, contemplating things for a moment
Those two black kids should know better than to be sprinting down a street; Chicago PD is gonna shoot them both in the back.
HOT 2nd round kicker ACTION!
Traded up 15 spots for him too!
Definitely did not guess that–or anything else–correctly in our prediction pool
I’m so happy to be here just in time for NEs back to back picks…
Lynn Swann getting his public appearances in now before he’s inevitably indicted as the new USC AD
/Door flies open…
Horatio rushes in, badly out of breath, (so he must have run for 3, maybe even 4 yards)
“Hey guys, just got back from driving 40 miles each way to buy this great beer! I made my wife come with me so I could get a double order! It’s all in the car, c’mon we’ll get good and hamm….”
New School Zero walks by, belches and passes out on the couch
“Oh goddammit.”
I will never believe you ran three yards
Shit man, I don’t believe it and I’m the one who said it!
I know its immature, but I will never not take the chance to hate on notre dame
Brian Kelly’s Number of Student Assistants Killed is still at 1.
For now.
lol not so sublte edit of the notre dame page (check the far right) I got a snapshot, give me a second
Do the bears draft or trade?… IM watching on line so i dont know yet
I think they traded like 4 times
Are you fucking kidding me? I will stab you all. TV went out on the commercial break before the Bears pick
Going out for dinner. Enjoy the perpetual Jetsing.
Oh God that Skins fan flexing
Damn, Patrick Kerney is skinny as hell now.
I remember really hating Kearney, but I can’t remember why.
You hate to see coleslaw go to waste?
EXTREME Hula-hooping
a red head WITH glasses? that’s two fetishes right there!
The Jets like shitty quarterbacks like the Flyers like shitty goaltending.
The sun rises in the east, you’ll always have to pay taxes, and the Jets will always blow a high draft pick on a shitty quarterback.
Every person boos.
/Espn announcers: Well a mixed reaction here
There’s the Jest I was waiting for.
I still have no idea why so many people hate that woman.
They are dumb.
So many Notre Dame players are being drafted early, they must have won the championship last year, right?
Would you want to play for this guy?
It never ceases to amaze me how little charisma Goodell has. Usually, the suit-bots that run big organizations have some measure of people skills to disarm the drones beneath them, but Goodell seems to lack even that.
Amobi Okoye!!!???
Redheads. NSFWish
I bet Melissa Stark smells nice.
I’m only +1ing for condiment king
Seahawks have possibly had two good early picks?
OK. That’s new, but I’m good with it.
I look forward to going, “Huh, what?” at every play they make this season.
I will try to trust Pace. But trading out of the beginning of the second has historically been bad
This is way too fucking emotionally manipulative and makes me uncomfortable. I’m cool with letting them pick, but…
“That’s right, you Philistines! Boo me now in front of the crippled kid! BWAHAHAHAHA!”
Shaun Alexander still exists?
Who’s that?
-Seahawks fans
SeaTruthers select…what the 9/11 Commission is hiding.
Just to self-promote, you did catch the extra HRTN today, right?
Yes, and I was laughing my ass off the whole time.
Although I think I would eat the remains of a three tiered cake, if i got the chance
Awseome. Your reply to the Draft special cracked me up. Late last night I told my wife “I should write this…” which led to some hasty typing.