NFL Notes: (& Crimebeat! primer)
- former Viking & Seahawk Tavaris Jackson has been charged with aggravated assault & uttering threats, which will no doubt strain the ability of Hawks management to offer him a new contract.
- current Jags linebacker Dan Skuta was arrested & charged with first-degree misdemeanour battery in Orlando. He was expected to battle Myles Jack for the starter’s role.
- Deadspin says it was because she wouldn’t give him her phone number, so he pie-faced her hard enough to bounce her head off a wall, for a 3 on the Ray Rice scale.
- Florio says the NFL will talk to all those mentioned in the Al Jazeera report, including Peyton Manning.
- On that line, God bless Deebo. He says he’ll comply, but only under two conditions:
- the interview takes place in his home; and
- Roger Goodell is present during the interview.
- On that line, God bless Deebo. He says he’ll comply, but only under two conditions:
Finally, in a fit of enthusiasm, someone noticed that a person from Cleveland set up a Facebook event for a Super Bowl victory parade for the Browns. The date: Saturday, February 19, 2033. That’s some forward thinking right there, and is a damn sight smarter than getting a 19-0 tattoo.
This week’s Acela Excreta is confusing, in the fact that there is a wonderful & heartfelt tribute to Dr. Z, Paul Zimmerman, and the rest of the MMQB, which as we know is the swept-up dregs of the Knoxville Grammar Rodeo.

Before I dig into this week’s word-turd, I’d like to remind you of a much better accounting of the great Dr. Z by our own Don-T. It’s in every way better than Peter King’s admittedly pleasant tribute, but without all the self-serving references. Give it a read before or after you scan the nuggets at the MMQB. Anyway – on to the parsing!

But the cruelest kind of robbery occurred on Thanksgiving weekend 2008, when, in a matter of hours, Dr. Z’s ability to do the five things he loved most dearly—read, converse, travel to the corners of the globe, chart football games then analyze them, and be a challenging and obstinate and delightful partner to the Flaming Redhead (his aptly nicknamed wife Linda)—vanished. Three strokes did that.
No arguments here.
Dr. Z Week, which kicks off today, is happening for a couple of reasons. One: I’ve read his memoir, which is probably 80 percent complete and was being worked on at the time of his strokes. And it’s wonderful. Zim was unable to find a publisher for it, and I’m doing this in hopes that someone—a publisher, an agent, a rogue football-lover with some money—would publish the thing so you could learn about his incredible life.
Oh dear Lord – you are not even through the second paragraph, and you take his story and make it about how YOU can help. Doesn’t. Bode. Well.
Two: I want to make sure the young generation of football lovers learns about this man and about his writing, which is evergreen, and can teach and entertain today the same as it did when the strokes sapped him of his communication ability. “That’s the saddest thing about this—that a new generation of people who love football won’t get to read Dr. Z,” his friend Matt Millen said recently.
The first part is absolutely correct, because most sportswriters today are about “hits”. But, perhaps you could have found a better football authority than Matt (0-16) Millen?
Four men influenced by Dr. Z write columns about him: Millen on studying film with Zim (Tuesday), our Andy Benoit on the enduring impact of Zim tome “A Thinking Man’s Guide to Pro Football” (Wednesday), Pro Football Focus founder Neil Hornsby on how Dr. Z changed his life forever (Thursday), and football maven K.C. Joyner of ESPN in praise of Zim the man (Friday).
No. No. Yes. Yes.
“The Best of Dr. Z.” Zim’s SI profiles on Jack Lambert, Howie Long, Archie Manning and Sid Gillman, Tuesday through Friday, one per day.
Finally, a tangible benefit to the synergy between your drivel and archives worth mining.
The one problem I have, and I don’t think it’s really PK’s fault, is that they only use two paragraphs from the profile in the tribute. It’s most likely for space, but it’s still a delightful taste of what the man was able to get down. A line like,
But then a few years ago something sad happened to these great middle linebackers. The 3-4 defense robbed them of their identity.
entreats you to read the whole article, but the geniuses at the MMQB don’t bother to include a helpful link so you can. It took me all of five seconds – it’s here – but it tells me that they felt surface attention to detail would be more than enough. And it’s not.

The next part of the column is about how the Zimmerman’s were robbed by a housekeeper who was hired to help look after Dr. Z. That’s fairly straightforward and, honestly, told in a heartbreaking fashion. So, well done to PK here.
A longer exerpt from the Dr. is included next, talking about the Raiders victory over the [*Redacted] s in the Super Bowl. Again, no link included, but it’s a better taste than the shorter story included first.
Finally, one link he does include is to the GoFundMe page that’s been started to help the Zimmerman’s out. Here’s the link, and – all things told – it was a fairly good tribute by Peter King to a much better writer.
I wanted to give a skate to the rest of the article, out of respect to him writing about his friend, but I couldn’t ignore these nuggets:
My wife and I went to the Gay Pride Parade in New York on Sunday afternoon.
Because the PRIDE O’BOSTON parade doesn’t take place in New York?
There was an elderly woman, maybe 88, quite frail, alone, next to us, leaning on a walker.
‘I ignored her. Who wants to talk to old people?’
She was struggling to catch glimpses, but when small gay pride flags were passed out by bank representatives, she enthusiastically reached for one.
‘I mean – I wasn’t going to give up my spot, so I’m happy she somehow got a small trinket of the event.’
Finally, from the “Ten Things I Think”,
I think the more time passes without any games being played, the more I fall in like with the Oakland Raiders. Thinking very seriously about vastly overrating them this preseason.
Finally, I’mma just going to leave this here. Read it, in all it’s misplaced understanding:
I think, if anything, Ben Affleck deflected from the impact of his Deflategate rant by using 18 f-bombs in his answer to Bill Simmons on the debut of “Any Given Wednesday” the other night. First: I maybe get one or two curses from an intelligent person on something he’s strongly opinionated about. But Affleck always struck me as an intelligent man. Does it help the cause of an intelligent man to use the most offensive curse word in our language 18 times in four minutes trying to make a point? Second: Think of all the media outlets that would have loved to use a soundbite from Affleck (I’m sure some did) but didn’t because of the offensiveness of his diatribe. I don’t get it.
DEAR GOD! Richie, my drinks.
Tonight’s sports:
- Euro: I’m sure ESPN will replay the England – Iceland game sometime. (I’m not finding it on the schedule; I know TSN does it.) Make sure to watch the first half, and (spoiler) be prepared for many “BREXIT From The Euros” hot taeks tomorrow.
- College World Series: Finals Game 1: Arizona vs. Coastal Carolina – 7:00 (ESPN)
- U.S. Olympic Trials: Swimming finals – 8:00 (NBC)
- finals in the women’s 100m fly and 400m free, and the men’s 100m breast.
Alternative Programming:
- NBC: American Ninja Warrior – 9:00-11:00
- USA: Monday Night Raw – 8:00-11:05
- Roman Reigns is suspended (in real life, for a “wellness policy” violation). Who will rise up?!
- FXX: The Simpsons – the usual 4-hour bloc. Tonight’s highlights:
- 9:00 – The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular!
- 10:30 – Children of a Lesser Clod
Only 28 days until the start of training camps. That’s, like, four weeks. WE CAN DO THIS!
Oh, thanks wWBS
I could definitely use a hug!
Can I get mine without tentacle rape?
I can’t believe it took an hour to come up with an AP joke for tWBS’s plunger abuse gif
I saw an album of Allison Stokke photos on imgur the other day. I guess she’s a model for Nike, and since the blame actually rests on the dickbag commenters and (no doubt) redditors, I think she owes Ufford and the With Leather guys an apology.
Dance Party!
Curse Justin Timberlake!
? Why can’t we be friends
Why can’t we be friends… ?
XF-11 Prototype. Howard Hughes crashed this aircraft into a Beverly Hills neighborhood across the street from the house where Bugsy Siegel got whacked.
I’d argue that ‘fuck’ is not the most offensive curse word in our language. It’s strong and carries a long history as a heavyweight but, depending on the time and circumstances, I think ‘You Fucker’ or ‘Fuck you’ carries significantly less weight than the C-word, N-word, or, often now, these efforts of thinly-veiled prejudice.
Not that I really care. Words will never hurt me.
‘It was a calamitous and clueless performance…”
Them British announcers…don’t pull…any…punches…
Reading the comments online from British newspapers is fucking HILARIOUS. Literally every single thread involving this game turns into a pissing match over immigrants.
Even when it was the bears I knew it was the immigants!
I keeping with her core values, I assume all of Arianna Huffington’s dialogue was written by unpaid interns.
I am watching the replay of the Iceland match on ESPN2. Guaranteed schadenfreude is quite delightful.
I’ve literally spanked it 3 times just to try and get my erection down to an acceptable level and I am just chaffing at this point.
England imploding is the best aphrodisiac in the world.
Careful. You might end up with heat stroke.
The Canuck TSN post-game announcers vivisected the England team’s strategy/future/coaching/expectations, etc.
/yeah, it was glorious
Zimmerman’s explication of the work done “in the trenches” by lineman within the pages of “Thinking Man’s Guide” was a revelation to me. I bought a beat-up paperback of that work more than 25 years ago. Every few years I go through all my books and ‘thin the herd’. Paul Z’s dilapidated opus always makes the cut.
That is from my rental car…while putting along in traffic on the highway earlier today.
Scottsdale is the place where I first observed the behaviour of individuals that had obviously been wealthy for the whole of their lives. It’s not something you easily forget.
Those assholes suck ass.
Wifey only sucks her husband’s dick.
I mean .. Who? Never heard of her.
It’s (relatively) so hot. Yeah right’s beer was a good choice.
Poor form. You hit the child with the wood end.
— (Allegedly) Adrian Petersen
Please don’t freeze the mug.
It warms up so fast though.
I heart that girl.
If it were accurate, the British lass would have shit rolling down her legs…
This from the movie “Valhalla Rising”. I cannot recommend it enough if you liked “Apocalypse Now”. Imagine that…but with Vikings. Its a weird movie. The narrative doesn’t make direct sense…but its not suppose to.
Of course…I would pay to watch Mads Mikkelsen read from a telephone book for two hours.
“I wonder what’s going on overOHMYGOD!”
Dear god this Iceland-England match is just awesome….
What I love about England is EVERY FUCKING TOURNAMENT they implode. I can’t think of a “bigger” team that consistently does fuck all in the Euro. The US has a better overall performance in the Copa America than the fucking Brits do in the Euro.
Annoyingly, the fucking post match celebration by the Iceland team and fans showed more self discipline and coordination than the US has ever shown on the pitch.
We should seriously preemptively bomb them to prevent them from getting out the boats again…
I’ll never get why American broadcasters have such a hard-on for England. Then again, I prefer La Liga to Premier League
Premier League is fun just for the schadenfreude.
Getting to watch Learner destroy two teams across the pound was so much fun this year. Aston Villa is going to be in the third tier by the time they stop imploding.
We have the Euros for another 2 weeks and then we have the World Cup of hockey during the week when football isn’t on. Hurray!
If a country’s population had any bearing on soccer outcomes the U.S. and China would domin… The Men’s teams would always dominate.
Yup. India would be a force to be reckon with, too.
True, but I thought they put all of their resources into cricket. I’ve never even seen mention of an Indian soccer team.
They’re trying now, but, it’s not going so well.
JSD: Does the tap water still taste like rusty dirt?
Yup. You want to be sure to use bottled water when freebasing your meth.
Have you visited the glorious monument to the Bidwell Family in Glendale?
I have not. I am not going to lie, when I went to get a late lunch/early diner…I was sitting at an intersection next to a massive SUV from the Maricopa Sheriff’s Department.
Those guys fucking terrify me. Those redneck, racist bastard generate more lawsuits for killing people than the NYC police department. Considering they deal with FAR fewer people, and the Arizona places a cap on the payouts to victims of police violence, they are the scariest gang outside of Guatemala I have ever seen in person.
So I am limiting my walking around this FINE city…
Oh, right. We always had a white boy driving us around.
Wait a minute: Roggie Vachon made the hockey hall of fame? That’s. . . an odd choice.
-A much younger scotchnaut
/he was a fantastic goalie for a 12 year stretch from the late ’60’s to the late ’70’s
Peaches – Fuck the Pain Away
Wait, what’s that last part?
Bing isn’t providing any results. I feel like this is grossly and sadistically misleading.
or parody.
The rest is true, though.
DFO once again with the better and slightly more accurate analysis of the Euros than most of the media’s ‘Derrrp, England will win because Iceland has a population of 300K and England has players in the premier league. Also, soccer was invented in England, derrrrp” narrative of today’s game.
DFO: Come for the dick jokes, stay for the slightly above cromulent analysis
And softcore porn
That goes without saying.
It helps the SEO
Apparently Iceland, as a nation, is completely out of all forms of alcohol, from beer to fermented seal blubber.
The shipping lanes of northern Europe have been warned…
I trust everyone had a productive Monday.
I walked a lot. So I got as much accomplished as this corgi.
Hey guys. Cool if I park here?
Well fuck me, that didn’t work.
Death penalty, I hope.
I hope not, if only for the sake of the driver of the train. It can really mess with their heads to deliver the death blow.
I meant judicially for putting everyone on that train at risk. The driver needs to be beaten with rubber hoses at the least.
That’s what you get for watching a rally race from the sidelines
Say what you will about Mr. King, but IMHO his dedication to Paul Zimmerman, as friend and fan of his work, is noble and unassailable. As far as I’m concerned, I thank anybody who disseminates Dr. Z’s work.
He and Linda do deserve better. I hope Mr. King’s initiative on that front bears fruit.
You’re a mensch, Beerguyrob:
Good follow up on the blind squirrel.
He is the only sports writer I have enjoyed reading
At least you didn’t say putz.
I’m starting up a two-a-day set of walks around the neighborhood. I did about 2.75 miles/hr earlier today and I hope to get faster throughout the month. So if anyone in Portland wants to say hi, I’d like to vary the routes and not just go through the Alphabet and instead go through downtown and back.
Tomorrow I’d like to walk from Providence Park to the county courthouse on 6th, walk over to Stark, walk up Stark to Burnside (someone buy me Stumptown and bask in my genius!) and then back.
So is your goal distance or time?
I’m not in the same city as you, but, we could hold each other accountable! What are your goals?
Mostly just getting out of the house, but time for now (1 hour)
Mike Wallace is the gift that keeps on giving.
I hope the driver in the white car beat his ass to death.
Peter King is the anti-Paul Zimmerman; I’m surprised there are no explosions.
Irma’s Kitchen and the price of meth are the only two things I like about Phoenix. The rest can be left to rot.
I think “somebody” spiked Rikki’s Raiders Kool-aid with a heavy dose of nutmeg.
My condolences.
teh fictitious grammar rodeo was in teh canada they went to teh knoxville b/c of teh brochure they found in teh glove box smgdmfh
So, are the YouTube links going to be all Sugarcubes and Bjork songs tonight?
The guy in that freeze frame looks like Charlie after he got into the chloroform and tried to make a 17th century superhero costume.