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Doktor Zymm

Who here’s gonna shake it for me?


I’ll sock it you sister.


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Doktor Zymm

But also aren’t zombies.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You are going to need to discuss this with the writers.


Day began too late. I’ll write up my brew fest review tomorrow.

Teaser: New Holland’s Dragon’s Milk Reserve: Mexican Spice Cake. I call this Danny Trejo, because it’s awesome and it will kick your ass.


Raw notes;

Mexican spice cake. Awesome. Chocolate and spicy and strong like I’ll kick your asS. Best beer. Tapped out at six before I could get a full mug

Shield maiden sour bit sweet and refreshingly light

Le petit abard – pedestrian ale.

Refresh mint very distinct mint. Strong finish. Would kill with seafood

Kermit is a conventional taste but very good at what it is. It is easily drink able and leaves minimal after taste.

Serpent very powerful. But smooooth. Becomes sweeter and lighter. Pours like strong coffee. After taste of beer. Not chocolate or coffee. Beer

August hef. Reminds me of Pranqster. Huge head. Crisp citrus and tasty. Has that same spicy taste.

Fearless strawberry cream. Lives up to the name. Long line. Popular and good

I could smell the hibiscus beer from the other side of the trailer.

Flaming peach. Pic. Could smell the peppers as my lips hit the mug. Spicy. Peachy. Delicious. Not a casual beer though. Definitely more flaming than peach. I may have given them the best promotion when I took a swig and then coughed it up because it hit my throat wrong. It’s what white people make while Mexicans drink beer to reduce the heat stupid.

Lipstick on a pig. Spicy and deliciously burning. I really like this. It’s crisp and light and delicious.

New Belgium lemon ginger. the juice with booze.

High desert diesel. Strong IPA. Sells itself on being big favors and delivers. But not big after taste. A strong one but not a lingering one. I like this and I don’t usually like IPA except to get drunk. Goes down kind of flat. Like there’s something missing. It’s light as fuck. So it has that going for it. I don’t think I could drink it for flavor alone.

Eight second rye. Very neutral. But strong.


I was talking with my youngest about the Slayer t-shirt and asked if the little one, who is a little over 3 weeks old, had gotten any mail in her name yet.

The kid said she already received her Social Security card. Then I told my daughter, “Cool now you can get her a job.”

To which my daughter responded “That’s right because her ass needs to pay me some rent!”

I have a great family.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I’ve got a Slayer t-shirt.

I like to think it’s because I’m ageless, not immature.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’ve got an Ed Gein t-shirt.

Oh…. my bad.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It’s fun watching Frisky Dingo and seeing all the jokes that made it into Archer.


Just checked in to see the comments here. Looks like all is well. I’ve been jamming little plastic hole dealies in the kitchen cabinets for about two hours, listening to podcasts about the DNC, so my fingers and brain are both numb.

Based on yall’s pics though, I’d like a burger.


I may have literally blown up older brother with dinner.

I chose Indian food and we had spicy chicken vindaloo, some chicken pakoras and garlic naan.
It was fucking delicious but I have to remember that not everybody has the same heat tolerance that I do.

Maybe 1% of the population has my heat tolerance.

I feel fine but he may need some antacids stat.

Doktor Zymm

Antacids are for the weak!

Or for cleaning the toilet actually, generic alka-seltzer is great for that.


I’ll tell him to keep the alka-seltzer handy for the inevitable upcoming toilet cleaning.

Doktor Zymm

Do y’all in California get fresh corn, or is it too hot there? I know y’all get fresh everything else.


It’s fairly fresh but we only get white corn out here.
It still grills pretty nice but you can’t find yellow corn anywhere.

When I lived in Iowa the corn that we have out here was used to “feed the hogs” and the people ate yellow corn.

I miss yellow corn.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There is Olathe sweet corn all over the state here. Th name about says it; great stuff.


I remember Eastern Colorado has a whole shit ton of corn. Northern Colorado heading up into Nebraska too.

Spanky Datass

I shall endeavor to steal corn from a field about three miles from where I sit right now. I will report tomorrow (I’m NOT putting on pants again today.) if the authorities are not hot on my trail.

Spanky Datass

Pictured: Oklahoma Corn Roaster
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Doktor Zymm

Fresh corn on the cob with a pine nut and chard farinata for dinner. Accompanied by an overchilled Tuscan white. Usually I’m go red or go home, but this summer has been hot enough that I’m onto the whites.




My kid just sent me a photo of the grand baby wearing her newborn Cubs gear.
She also said she couldn’t get baby to relax in the car so she kept changing radio stations and baby finally quieted down when she turned to Ozzy’s Bone Yard.

I’m buying the baby a Slayer t-shirt.

My kid was a head banger since birth so this is not surprising.

Doktor Zymm

Dammit, just broke one of my favorite wine glasses. I should never put anything nice in the sink.


How do you break an aluminum can?


I had two really nice wine glasses.
The last one broke a couple of weeks ago in the sink.

It had a quarter size almost perfectly circular hole in the side.
Now I drink my wine out of a water glass.



Actually, I’m looking forward to seeing how this works… May report back.


Hey Dok, they’re running a site-wide 20% off sale. Just sayin’…



Doktor Zymm

I usually shop on amazon. And I may have already bought a little something extra.


Can we agree from this point forward to refer to the upcoming games as the Poo-lympics?


Done and DONE!

King Hippo

“Sign ME up!!”

– R. Kelly


I’m so tired of people shitting all over the Olympics. Listen, it’s a crappy situation for everybody. Nobody denies that the corruption stinks to high heaven. But if we just poo poo the whole situation, we are just as big of turds as the people who gave us this pile of shit. Let’s just feces the situation like rational adults, hold our noses, and if we squat drown and pull as hard as we can, we won’t feel like a bunch of assholes at the end of this.


So I was looking at old stats and found that Stanford Routt, who the Raiders once signed to a five year, $51 million contract, once had eight p.i./defensive holding penalties in TWO WEEKS.


180 for this glorified wedge of foam on amazon
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I smell a market ripe for competition. And I hope that’s all I smell.


They sell the covers separately and I’ve seen medical wedges for real cheap…


Fuck, it’s hot. How long do you think you could hang if they let you try to practice with your local high school football team?
Pretty sure I’d go into cardiac arrest before the first water break.

Spanky Datass

The walk from the locker room to the field carrying a helmet would kill me.
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We may have a winner. This may be purchased and used in the near future:

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Doktor Zymm

I hadn’t seen that one….hrmmm


It’s the age old question: sencha or matcha ?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

NFFW or gamer.




So, question for the group: Does anyone own Liberator products? I put in a joke on my AFL Beat for this week and it’s now leading me down a rabbit hole…

If so, are they any good?


I mean, they’re intriguing is what I’m saying…

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, they’re pretty awesome actually, plus you can pass them off as normal furniture to people who don’t know any better

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Cum stain on purple; must clean before gram sits on it…..


Who do you think put it there?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

She may have her own at her place I guess.

Doktor Zymm

I have the wedge and the ramp I think? I don’t remember the damn names. But it’s pretty good quality black velour, and machine washable, which is important.


Nice. Worthwhile investment, I take it?

Doktor Zymm

Absolutely. I need to get drunk and impulse buy another couple pieces.


I may do the same tonight.

Doktor Zymm


Doktor Zymm

Seriously though, they’re good stuff, you won’t regret it.

Doktor Zymm

Cooking tons of stuff today, but none of it is ready yet so I’m having a microwave burrito. I’m maxing my day off, playing Civ, drinking, cooking, and I totally took some trash out. Woo!


I woke up at 11 AM Pacific, got some Taco Bell, and I’ve written most of the AFL Beat for this week. I feel this day has been pretty productive!


Of course, that was after waking up at 6 AM for a poo, commenting on Yeah Right’s post, and promptly going back to sleep.

Doktor Zymm

Damn skippy! We are tearing UP this weekend!


Did you even get the trash’s name before you threw him out?

Doktor Zymm

I always get names! I just don’t remember unless I think they’ll be around for a bit….


Hefty maybe? Or Glad or Uline perhaps

Doktor Zymm

Generic brand more like than not. Who spends money on fancy trash bags?


How else will I passive aggressively show my neighbors I’m better than them?

Doktor Zymm

I buy fancy lightbulbs so there’s weird colored light coming out of my place at random times.


Yeah but we don’t all live next to mantis shrimp.


Sometimes typing “attractive woman” into gis is all you need


Well, that and a non-imgur source:

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huh, it worked for me this time. And just yesterday it didn’t. I guess JustStopDude was telling the truth all along…
Also, something called imgbox seems to work all the time just like imgur used to


Anything with a box is always better…

Spanky Datass

Tumblr Mosaic Viewer is an under appreciated gem.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I really have nothing to say but figured I would post some women making out to honor the start of a new open thread




That’s a hell of a birthday present.

Sill Bimmons

I’d add cheese, but otherwise ELITE level underrated.


I love the crispy skin. Delicious.

Doktor Zymm

I had the most amazing creamed corn one time in Austin. It’s gonna be hard to beat. I’m still thinking about it years later…

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