Your “C’mon, Get Here Already!” Wednesday Open Thread

NFL Missing Person Updates:

  • HURT:
    • Bills rookie linebacker Reggie Ragland – ACL – out for the season
    • Giants WR Victor Cruz – strained calf; won’t play first preseason game
  • CUT:
  • BACK:
    • Seahawks TE Jimmy Graham – first day of practice off the PUP list
    • Patriots tiny person Julian Edelman – tweaked foot feels fine
    • Chiefs safety Eric Berry – refuses to accept franchise tag of $10.8 million
    • Chargers rookie Joey Bosa
      • Chargers GM Tom Telesco feels Bosa needs to compromise
      • Antonio Gates says Bosa should “be a man” and find a way to get to camp
      • Bosa’s father, John, also was a holdout as an NFL rookie. John Bosa was a defensive lineman drafted No. 16 by the Dolphins in 1987 and held out 41 days before signing his rookie contract, according to ESPN.
    • Tony Siragusa – from FOX NFL broadcasts
      • replaced by Chris Spielman
    • Former Baylor coach Art Briles – visited the Cowboys
      • Jerry Jones vouched for his character, saying “I’d want my grandson, if he had the chance, to play for him.”
        • the question is, would he let his granddaughter attend?

Finally, ESPN stalwart John Saunders passed away at age 61. When I go, I want someone of Hannah Storm’s calibre to make my announcement.

There’s a much longer tribute involving Stephen A. Smith. You can find that here, and I’m sure tWWL will have others throughout the day. Sad.


Deadspin watched Hard Knocks, and found the moment when Jeff Fisher cut Nick Foles by telephone.

That’s about right. Welcome to Hollywood, Jeff Fisher. He’s probably getting that call himself in about 2 years.


Some motorhead asked the question, does Brown’s rookie Corey Coleman have the ability to become Steve Smith. I guess so. But until you can do this, you are no Steve Smith.


The first lawsuit from the cancelled Hall of Fame game is expected Friday. It’s apparently going to be filed by the same lawyer that started a class-action suit over the seats fiasco from Super Bowl XLV. He’s going to be looking for tort claims, because that then could take into account punitive damages.

The story notes that the case about the missing Super Bowl seats is still ongoing, and over $20 million has already been spent by the League in that case.


It finally happens tomorrow night. Real, actual, non-cancelled preseason football.

  • Tampa Bay at Philadelphia – 7:00 pm
  • Washington at Atlanta – 7:00 pm
  • Carolina at Baltimore – 7:30 pm
  • New Orleans at New England – 7:30 pm – on NFL Network
  • Jacksonville at N.Y. Jets – 7:30 pm
  • Denver at Chicago – 8:00 pm

Make sure to talk about your game in the comments while we all bitch about the Jimmy Garoppolo era being the first thing on the NFL Network. WHY NOT SANCHEZ V CUTLER?!


Tonight’s sports:

  • non-Olympic:
    • MLB: Yankees @ Red Sox – 7:00 (ESPN)
    • U.S. Open Cup Soccer: Los Angeles vs. FC Dallas – 10:00 (ESPN2)
  • Olympic:
    • Men’s basketball: U.S. vs. Australia – 6:00 (NBCSN)
    • NBC primetime – 8:00
      • more Phelps & Ledecky action
      • Women’s beach volleyball
    • Men’s soccer: Denmark vs. Brazil – 9:00 (NBCSN)
      • if you want to see a country burn, root for Denmark

All Canada’s medals so far have been won by women. I can’t wait to read MRA twitter if it stays that way. WHY SO BUTTHURT?

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Shogun Marcus



This Is Us is going to be the TV version of Crash.


Never saw that. Had no desire. But This Is Us looks like a big pile of shit.


ofcourse this means my GF wants to watch it


There are two Crash movies. One is a car crash fetish soft porno. The other is a shitty faux- introspective Sandra Bullock is a racist Oscar bait bullshit.


The first one is really good. David Cronenberg directed it and it stars James Spader when he was thin.


Scratch what I just said. I got one more rant in me. The whimpering crime-fearing folks.

Nevermind that the United States has actually gotten safer in the last 2-3 decades, these assholes still piss themselves at the idea of their community being anything less than crime-free paradise. Of course, only some kinds of crime are problem: those committed by outsiders–THOSE people–whom we need to be afraid of. Nevermind these assholes are WAY more likely to die or get injured from, say, a car crash. Of course, they don’t want to address the real sources of crime (poverty being a big one). Nope, they’d rather believe the accident of their birth makes them superior and THOSE people are just naturally more criminal. So rather than cure a disease, they just seem to quarantine it and make THOSE people suffer from it while pretending they’re naturally immune.

Of course, these fucker LOVE Trump.


Trump does this so he can claim victory on crime and immigration falling in a future date because his fan base will believe him.



I have quoted that speech more times than I can count.


The recent shooting in Florida is completely fascinating to me. So near as I can tell, the locals in this small city that is a glorified retirement facility, are so paranoid about “those people” attacking them, that they have a training day in which the cops have one of their own dress up like a gun toting thug to threaten a participant…and the cop never clear his firearm before the start of the show.

So an old white lady ends up getting killed by cops, showing people what a black person would do if they ever walk up to one of their cars…as if there has ever been a carjacking or even a black person in that fucking town.

I’m obviously playing this up a bit but I swear to god, watching the interviews on the news with the witnesses…it reminds me of people from inside of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.


It’s all such idiocy.

I wonder how these people can live in such perpetual fear. It must be tiring.


Wait WHAT? I obviously missed that story. How? HOW does that happen? And for such a dumbass reason. I guess Darwinism does work

Sill Bimmons



Alicia Keys slowly turned into Erykah Badu that no one noticed.

Sill Bimmons

I have no idea what makes this funny.

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Post match shenanigans will be epic in the Brazilian locker room…
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Well, I got my rant rage out so I think I’ll sleep better tonight.




That makes one of us.


What the fuck is “caliber”? Fucking Canadian.


Haha. Auto correct even hates you. Calibre. Jesus Christ.


That was sort of mean. If you were allowed to have guns, you would’ve spelled it right. Fucking Canada.


I wonder if “buttholes” should have a hyphen? Butt-holes, butt-holes. It definitely looks better with a “z”. Buttholez. There it is. You fuckers whine a lot in these open threads. You all also hate lots of stuff. I don’t think Sill likes anything except food. A 490 lbs eye doctor. But I bet all of you love buttholez. Heh. Be less bitchy, assholezzz. That was probably too many zzzzzzs.

Sill Bimmons

Yet your sunny presence is always such a delight.


Sorry, I am too busy fucking myself over a viral birthday invitation. This place was so much better when you left.

Sill Bimmons

Why are you thinking about me so much that you make random ad hom attacks out of nowhere?

And how do you keep finding yourself back in a place where everyone is wrong but you?


And Brazil are through


Did anyone get ICRM some scotch? I just ordered a tall peaty pour myself and am down to hear more ranting.


Right? I kind of want to see where this goes next


Have y’all seen Phelps’s girl? She’s in the dictionary next to “Out-kicked His Coverage”. I can’t see her with him if he couldn’t swim fast. She wouldn’t be hanging with Mike from Dundalk who works down at the docks. #HateHateHate


You mean if he weren’t rich.

Sill Bimmons

Eric Crouch is a goofy, gangly motherfucker who can head a ball into a net:

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Early in his career someone asked him what he would be if he wasn’t a footballer.

“A virgin.”

Now THAT’S self-awareness.


Holy shit. Peter Crouch is still a thing?

Sill Bimmons

Plays fer Stoke.

Sill Bimmons

He’s only 35.

It just feels like he’s been around for 18 years because he has.


Neymar dead.

Sill Bimmons

Lochte is a bigger douche than polo and laX players combined


The breast stroke is ridiculous… they might as well make the 200 doggy paddle an event


It’s not as dumb as the butterfly.

Porky Prime

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Say what you will…at least the Libertarian Party has changed with the times…


If Brazil can continue to play like a team, they will be unstoppable.

And Rio will demand to host every fucking summer Olympics from now on.


Fucking take it. No one else wants it.


There’s a term for the kind of political action where you sabotage the system and make it so unbearable that people resist and it all just eventually explodes: Terrorism


Isn’t she an anti-vaxxer?




Going after the Catler vote I see.


I actually don’t think she’s anti-vaxx. She does however pander to anti-vaxx people which is just as bad because it perpetuates ignorance.

Note: most people defend Stein by saying she didn’t mean what she said. Didn’t you shitheads reject Hillary because you didn’t like someone who said one thing and did another?


Yeah, her pandering to them makes her worse and so fuck her. I count that as anti-vaxx


I love it when she tries to talk about the student loan bubble (which should be a fucking front and center concern for the US) and offers the idea of using quantum easing like we did for the financial system…basically showing anyone with common fucking sense she doesn’t understand what the financial crises was and how the US addressed it…or how the fucking student load system in the US works.



And while the cost of college education is a problem and college debt could be a big issue, the reality is most of the people with six-figure debts are also in fields that pay six-figures. Most college debt is sizable but not crippling. That won’t stop articles from being written about someone with a music degree and $100K in debt with no job even though that isn’t a representative case.

Of course, those stories also give fuel to the participation trophy fuckers who without the slightest bit of irony want a pat on the head for expressing whether stupid opinion they can barf out of their Trump holes.


The system needs to be overhauled because frankly…it cannot go on.

The problem with even a having a conversation about this with people is that well…people refuse to see reality. Everyone seems to want a similar system as to Europe with low cost or free schools. Well their schools fucking suck. Believe me…as someone that works for an international company, the people graduating from all but the top 5% of schools in Europe don’t have decent skills. Even small public state schools in the US routinely rank higher than well known, well established universities in Europe.

Other thing is that no one wants to jack up taxes and properly fund higher education.

And the reason people can get deep into debt, which feeds the bubble, is because the debt is not cleared with bankruptcy. Allow that to happen again, and fucking hardly anyone is going to university in the US…like back in the old days.

Me personally, we need to fund colleges up to the level we were doing at the start of the cold war. We need to put limits on what people can take out for college loans. And to make up for the drop off in students, we need to open up our universities even more to oversea students to make up for the lost income from the drop in US students which will naturally happen.

At the same time, we need to increase the funding and standards of US public high schools.

But what the fuck do I know?


The colleges wouldn’t need the additional funding if they actually spent tuition money ON FUCKING TEACHING.


Lobbying on behalf of a state school while it was inflating its administration and shrinking its pool of instructors (Good fucking luck finding a tenure-track job in virtually any field now) was embarrassing.


States, since the economic downturn, have been raiding their university funding to balance budgets. Schools themselves are in a catch-22. They need modern, up to date facilities, while at the same time less funding from states. They are competing with each other.

Students, as consumers, are feeding this behavior, which is ballooning tuition.

I have, despite my fucking cultured behavior on this site, close family members that are professors in US institutions. My sister is going through hell trying to get tenure at a podunk, shit university in Tenn after seven years of working there.

Universities tomorrow could get rid of their administration and the fundamental problems are still there. Most administrators, like college coaches, don’t make that much money at all. And a lot of the administrative positions are mandated on universities.

There are no simple answers to this clusterfuck and I am in no way an expert in higher education.

I will say that I am far more fucking qualified than Trump, Jill, and most of our elected officials…


This is a really good take on the issue and I am better off having read it.


Not to mention that the inflation of college tuition is directly correlated to the willingness of the government to secure hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans the banks make to kids who don’t know shit and parents who know less.

Sill Bimmons

Jill Stein is stupider and more dangerous than a thousand Jenny McCarthys.


It’s funny how many of the Holier Than Thou Bernie folks gravitated to her and just brush off these ideological issues.

I won’t vote for her out of principle despite the fact she won’t win because she’s fucking unfit for office.

Sill Bimmons

They make it about personality rather than policy, and they attack “Hillary” out of spite because she beat their guy.

I disagree with almost everything Hillary has ever said, done or stood for but she’s not fucking crazy.


Eugh. Spite: the quintessential American “virtue.”


But I’d still hate fuck Jenny McCarthy



Look, when you fuckers actually elect someone to a meaningful office, we’ll talk. Instead, you’ll trot out attention whores every four years to appeal to all the righteous shitheads who say they care about changing the world but “vote their conscious” because they can’t “compromise their principles” and are more interested in being right–even if it means they FAIL–because they can shake their fingers at you for compromising.

Sorry assholes, but you only care about making society better when you get to be the center of it. Eat shit and die.


Ooh a fresh batch of Brazil Balls!

Sill Bimmons

Dear god…a Brazilian team…playing…like…a TEAM…




Holy shit. Libertarians. Let’s talk about those fuckers.

First off, go to one of their meetings. It’s 90% white dudes practically whacking off to Atlas Shrugged who are developmentally stunted in their teens. We get it, the thought of rugged independent feeds your silly notion of what masculinity should be and you’re angry that society DARES to suggest that sharing the benefits of civilization means paying a cost. They’re either doe-eyed idiots unaware of how prevalent racist and sexism are or deranged sociopaths who want to dismantle anything that gets in the way of their compulsive materialism or requires them to address their social and emotional short-comings.

Of course, as loud as they grown, you can just dangle a social security check or an income tax deduction in front of them and they’ll gobble it up and indignantly lecture YOU on how YOU’RE a shithead for suggesting their hypocrites even though they’re just validating the very system they claim to hate. Of course, being the petty materialists most of them are, they’re unwilling to make any sort of sacrifice for a cause that might make them better off. Ghandi starved himself for India’s freedom even though he was entitled to eat. That’s ACTUAL courage. Your average libertarian is happy to suck off Ron Paul who inserts pork into bills and votes against them knowing they’ll pass so he can lie to himself that he’s principled.

Find me the libertarian who refuses to accept social security checks and I’ll listen. The rest can ho line up to suck Silicon Valley’s dick and pretend they aren’t catamites.


I love ridiculing libertarians as selfish spoiled children. Because they are. Fuck libertarians.


You should. They’ll never accomplish anything anyway so pointing and laughing at them is the best thing you can do. Treat them as the jokes they are until they grow a fucking pair and live the way they claim is better.


I do. That I still talk to a few is a miracle of social skills


Atlas Shrugged, Ulysses, and Mein Kampf are all books that assholes love to claim to have read…but they never actually have.

I love meandering books. Thomas Pynchon is one of my favorite writers.

I have never been able to finish Atlas Shrugged. I’m not sure if its the speeches that go on for 100 pages or the vivid and graphic rape scenes…


I used to live across the street from an Atlas Shrugged shithead. Bitch worked for fucking ING, a fucking foreign bank. At least until he got laid off. Talk that shit now you unemployment govt check cashing asshole. Then his house got foreclosed. My wife stopped me from offering to buy him out at the cost of his mortgage. She thought it was a dick move, but he’s a “Capitalist” and game should recognize game, right?


its a boring book


I’ve been meaning to try to trudge through it, but I just don’t know if I can. I don’t think I need to be lectured by Ayn Rand for 1000 pages.

Porky Prime

I got through the Fountainhead. Atlas Shrugged was just too much horseshit.

Sill Bimmons

For 99.7% of swimmers the 200 fly is a punishment, not an event.


The commercials for prime time tv shows I have neve watched…
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get me soooooo excited…


What are commercials?


Cruise is fighting all those gay rumors I see


I watch that movie on a plane. I thought it was incredibly stupid and I can only assume that Werner Herzog was struggling with large gambling debts to very dangerous people.


I’m a little disappointed that they award medals instead of jewelry for table tennis, because we’re missing out on a headline like “Ding Ning Brings Ring Back to Beijing.”

Sill Bimmons

Replace “Ring” with “Bling” and the current system works OK.


Hey, you’re right!

Sill Bimmons

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Kota Ibushi is so good.
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Christ, I’m in a surly mood tonight. Y’all in for a treat of me ranting.

You know what I hate? People who bitch CONSTANTLY about taxes. They’re almost always cheap, grumbly, misinformed motherfuckers who never see the value in anything that doesn’t give them a direct, obvious, and immediate benefit. They threaten to leave Illinois for some shithole state like Indiana because it’s cheaper because they’re actually trashy people who offer little of value. Of course, they’re happy to suckle the government teet when it suits them (they’ll rationalize that they’re just getting the money back) and fuck over anyone else who dares to do the same.

Oh, and this reminds me of my rant about the spineless cowards who call themselves libertarians but I’m going to save that until after I find some scotch.





The sort of people who don’t understand when a tax issue on a ballot is actually a RENEWAL, not a new tax


Look, it’s not irrational to make an argument against particular taxes, but those arguments have to take into account some cost-benefit analysis that acknowledges society as a whole is something we all need.

Instead, we get motherfuckers who just look at price tag, pitch a fucking fit and then–AND THEN–have the audacity to turn out and BITCH when government doesn’t supply them with services they deem necessary.

Listen you Trump-humping shit-for-brains: civilization COSTS something and the more you invest in it, the better it gets! Of course you need to involved in the decision making, but most of these fuckers are just content to vote on their FEELS and are surprised when they get shitty results. It’s like the guys who admit crazy girls fuck great but are too weak-willing not go back to the crazy well over and over again.

Now where’s that scotch?


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Fun fact: “Weak-Willing” is what Tom Benson plans to do to his heirs.


I have a buddy who left New York to move back to Shangri-La here in DUUUVALL because of taxes. And he’s paying a shit ton less in taxes than he was. Unfortunately, he’s missing a bunch of those services he took for granted in New York.

A cat got hit by a car and crawled under his house to die. This was July in Florida, so it stank quick. Dude called animal control and got a message, “WE CLOSED! IF IT’S AN EMERGENCY PRESS 9 FOR THE POLICE”. He pressed 9, and McNulty was all “Get that shit yourself faggot!”


Not shocking. These assholes can’t seem to connect the idea that government services actually PAY of for something.

No, you’d rather be fucking angry they have pensions and you don’t and do everything you can to fuck over the people in better situation than you are. I can’t recall who said it, but wanting to spite and tear down others is a desire that runs deeply through Americans.


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Ah group A…group of Derp…


I haven’t seen Danes getting killed like this since the Fifth Act of Hamlet.


Reading that Burenko thing now. When did it become acceptable to refer to an individual post on a blog as a “blog”? It really bugs me.

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“The quality of a cheesesteak depends mostly on the roll. Every Philadelphian knows this.”


How hard will Brazil riot if Neymar gets sent off?


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Really appreciate WWE stealing all of the good shit from Japan.


Bill Burr’s seduction of Philly


“…and I will be selling my CD after the show!”


I was very amused when one of the British commentators pointed out that even though it was disappointing that their athlete finished in fourth, “there was a Russian in third so maybe that will change”.


The one thing…actually the only thing I can stand about working with British people on a regular basis is their almost universal quick wit.


There’s a difference between “British” and “English”. The Scottish part of British is really cool. I don’t know any Welsh. The English can be pure unadulterated asshole. Your standard Englishman is Donald Trump with Patrick Stewart’s voice.

Sill Bimmons

The British HATE the Russians despite once being ruled by cousins that could be mistaken for twins:

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Churchill wanted to go after eastern Europe in a a plan entitled Operation Unthinkable:

The Charge Of The Light Brigade is about a disastrous blunder at Balaclava in the Crimea.

And every Victoria Cross was supposed to have been made from the metal of a Russian cannon captured at Sebastopol, even though they’re mistakenly made from a Chinese cannon captured during the First Opium War.

Lotta hate there.


I’m fairly certain that Barbosa is just Marta… with a fake stache and a haircut…

Sill Bimmons

Aww I wanted Brazil to go scoreless.

Sill Bimmons

Well, I’m slightly drunk and picking fights with racists and idiots in the comments section of local Chicago websites.

Side note: There are a lot of shitty, racist people in Chicago.


Side note: There are a lot of shitty, racist people in Chicago everywhere



For some reason, hearing so much racism in a cosmopolitan city pisses me off more. I expect it in rural shitholes.


Don’t know what’s worse rural hatred racism or city “you’re beneath me racism”


“Basically, imagine if there were a Gawker for women. Then, imagine a version of that, but for men.”

Satire is dead.

Sill Bimmons


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Quit horsing around.


Speaking of sweaty douchebags, I somehow ended up reading Albert Burnenko’s post about how he pissed off his book agent and therefore blew his book deal and I couldn’t stop laughing.