Your “Last Call For Boarding Flight #11 On Air Julio” NFC Division Round Open Thread

Okay, for sure this’ll be a keeper of a game, right? Haven’t we suffered enough, Goodell? We want marginally entertaining football and we want it now. Because we sure as hell didn’t get it the week previous. I must admit to myself (in that dark place that I don’t visit very often) that the law of averages is increasingly in our favour as fans of quality football. It just might happen. TO THE GAME!!!

Sea/Atl– The most significant fellas missing from this game on both sides occupy positions in the secondary. The ‘Hawks D can’t quite play up to their full capability without The Earl of Bennett. The gap in talent with respect to replacement safety Steven Terrell is a large as you think it is. Opponents run/passing numbers are up since the catastrophe. Still, as Paul Simon once trilled, “Sherman and Julio down at the goal line” will be one hell of an interesting encounter.

On the other end, cb Trufant won’t be seeing any Baldwins, Richardsons or [curses!]  Kearses. Another wonderful plus-100 yard running day by rb Rawls will certainly make it that much more difficult to keep a better-than-average Seattle O below 25-30 points. Speaking of 30-the Falcons are 1-5 when they’ve achieved the under. By the by, a scented candle to all those that were aware that Falc’s lb Vic Beasley led the league in sacks with 15 and a half.

All in all, it looks as though the ‘Hawks need a few turnovers (“Turnovers? I like apple!” -Andy Reid) to keep up with them Atlantans but the Falcons have only turned the ball over more than one time only the one time. Possible regular season MVP and post-season Andy Dalton wanna-be (1-5) Matt Ryan-it’s all on you. As a football in New England would say, “No Pressure”.




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Who the fuck’s ideas was it to put those asshats in NASA unis??? When I think of Houston they should be in a strip club.


If this was flag football, he would have been down when the towel came off.

King Hippo

ok, now this is looking MOAR LIEK the NFL playoffs we have been used to seeing this January

Cecil Rhodes

Seattle’s LBs have gone to sleep.


I blame the play calling


Inside Falcon’s huddle:
Matt Ryan: “We’re going for it all! I’m throwing a bomb to Sunu.”
Rest of team: “Ummmm, Ryan?”


Is it too late to put Osweiler in my dead pool?


Going to a house party with the lady’s work friends out in the burbs, and I’m DDing. Do I get beatified, or do I go get my head examined?


You won’t make it. Make sure your Uber app is current.


Your penis should be beatified tonight.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

See, I was thinking “maybe she’ll ‘examine’ your ‘head’.”

Just remember, what ever you do, avoid even the slightest hint that you find Jenny in Accounts Receivable the least bit attractive.


Damn. CTE strikes again


Wait until they get drunk, then try to get a couple of the women to make out.


They have split up the haterade games this week which is god for observers whose teams suck shit and aren’t in the playoffs. I can hate the Pats tonight and hate the Cowboys tomorrow, all the while laughing at Andy Reid’s clock management as a night cap.


I am rediscovering New York Hardcore punk. My kids think I’m insane.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Ever listen to late ’80s White Zombie? They had a great sleaze-rock sound.

Shogun Marcus

Beats the shit out of hot topic metal.


The early stuff or more recent?


Early stuff. I’m an old man.


Damn that surface commercial was impressive


I don’t always watch Falcons games but when I do they’re usually playing a team I hate.


I forgot how much I hate the Seahawks until their first drive.


Anyone here a big MMA fan?

It holds no interest for me. I’m sure these guys are talented, but watching the commercials it looks like two skinny dudes flailing around.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

“I’m sure these guys are talented, but watching the commercials it looks like two skinny dudes flailing around.”

I feel the same way watching twink porn.


This should be on the banner. Too bad we’re not a twink porn site. Yet.


Does nothing for me. But to each their own.


I like the girl fighters because they are in great shape. I don’t watch the actual fights, I just like the girls.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

What’s that Deadspin, another second-rate think piece from a sister site? Okay.


I fucking hate all the cross posting they do on there.


Honest question: I know Gawker overstepped badly, but Denton is gone now. Why the hate on the remaining sites (now owned by Univision)? They seem a bit hysterical at times, but always on the right side of things.


They’re trying to still publish Gawker articles without a place to put Gawker articles. It is irritating and I’d dislike it more if I thought the rest of their content was anything more than a prompt for liberals to rage and hyperventilate and conservatives to troll and pitch false equivalencies.


The Root?


Gawker’s new black news and culture blog


Yeah. I skimmed it today and found they’re already resorting to listicles with hyperbolic, credibility-eroding statements about the incoming administration.


People still go to Deadspin?


Only for Big Daddy Drew’s articles.


Do I dare ask or look myself?


I used to get breakfast here a lot. I don’t think I can anymore.


Hester is enough to make me root for Seattle. At least until I hear Pete Carroll speak again.


Maybe he’ll pull a Mike Martz and leave Russell Wilson in after the game is all but over and Wilson will break his finger?

The Maestro

The fact that my family has decided to schedule back-to-back dinners on Saturday and Sunday on playoff weekends pretty much confirms my belief that families should be made illegal.


Put it on a ballot & I’ll vote for it.


I wouldn’t use a Terrible Towel to wipe up my dog’s explosive diarrhea. Awful thing to do to a sick dog.


Was that a kerfuffle? I think I saw a kerfuffle.

Shogun Marcus

Seems right. Not a fracas, nor a brouhaha.




I feel this applies equally today:

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[flips up a pair of middle fingers at Russell Wilson]

Hey, he’s right!

Shogun Marcus

Huh…this actually resembles a footed ball contest. I was told there weren’t any scheduled today. Must be a conspiracy.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

No there was always supposed to be one good game. Followed shortly after with a 4 hour snuff film


Nothing like stepping on your own QB to force a safety. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW RUSSELL?


He’s busy making sure i get a blowjob this month, so Russell’s out of luck.



Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Wooooooo go retractable buttholes!


Safety Charm

King Hippo

suspect his stinkeye stare will make the caption contest next week!


I feel like that was the work of the trickster god DOINK.



King Hippo

Backup RG Safety Dance!!


looks like i tuned in at the right time.


I’m spending the day preparing my liver for tomorrow’s shenanigans.


Everybody…look at your hands!!!!

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Why the fuck is Richard Sherman on special teams?

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Always has been. Earl Thomas, too. PC plays his best guys.


This is why signing Hester was an awesome idea.

King Hippo

Nationwide Jingle!!

“Rich-ard Sher-man Sucks Real Bad!”

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I live in Central New Jersey and on my way to work, there’s a house that has a Seattle “12” flag.

I die a little each time I drive by it.


Time to burn that motherfucker to the ground. TO THE GROUND!


I saw a flag on a house in the Chicago suburbs with the three point stance Patriots logo. It got me arson-y.

King Hippo

I also commend the announcers for pointing out the arcane bit of wisdom that kick returners tend to bounce around the league a bit.



Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

We also talked with several individuals who gave credible accounts of being detained by CPD officers for low-level offenses (for example, failure to use a turn signal) or on false pretenses, and then were told that they would not be released until they brought the officers guns. We heard community members refer to this practice as “guns for freedom.” One man told us of an incident that happened within the past few months, in which he was arrested for driving on a suspended license and told by officers that “everything would go away” if he brought the officers two guns.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Don’t cops get their own guns? I thought that was part of the package deal…uniform, hat, badge, gun…


Just two comments in on that article and they’re already in full stride with the “blame the black people” narrative.

King Hippo

Matty Ice, could you look MOAR uncomfortable around them black kids??

Cecil Rhodes

Let’s hope this game keeps up its supreme watchability. I think I’ll crack open a beer with supreme drinkability.


You related to Dusty Rhodes?


Whatcha drinkin’?

Cecil Rhodes

Dale’s Pale ale.


Got some Victoria from Mehico. One of their better lagers, light enough to be good with food but not watery. Good stuff if you can find it.


Late 60s-Early 70s James Brown albums are the SHIT. They sound like he just recorded practice sessions with his live band &, save for a few actual hits, are just packaged as albums. They’re hypnotic & precise & fucking groovy as hell.

Big Black Richard

The subgenre of funk known as heavy funk is majorly underrated in our musical lexicon.


Early Meters records seem to be a “how to”. They’re SO stripped down. “Look-A-Py-Py” comes to mind. Funk is the goddamn best.


So Los Angeles gets two teams, and Texas only has one?


Professional teams? Well, yeah, SMU got the death penalty years ago.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Oooooh I am digging this Spanish broadcast.


Me too:
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King Hippo

FG, so game over


No, you’re thinking of the Patriots first drive.


Continuing the tradition, my father called me, said Pete Carroll was an asshole, and then hung up.


I like the concept of Fox’s new show ABP…where the gist is that a rich, white, billionaire libertarian takes over a police department from the government and makes it better.

Its Koch brothers fan fiction.


It’s Robocop from OCP’s point of view


I look forward to the episode where six of them shoot a black man who is complying with their orders.




I refuse to believe this iphone/Verizon commercial is real. No way there are that many black folks in Mexican neighborhoods.

Big Black Richard

Depends on the degree of Latino gentrification. I can remember when Compton was a black city. Now it’s mostly Mexican, I believe?


You are correct. South LA is the same. What used to be mostly black is now Latino. The interesting and sad part is that they are not integrating. It’s pretty segregated.

Big Black Richard

Where the hell are the Black folks moving, then? We’re basically clearing out of Compton and Watts and South Central. To where? There’s only so many of us that can afford to live in Baldwin Hills.


Fuck Mike Perriera. Fuck this “fix it in post” bullshit. Officials should call what they see, not call things under the presumption that mistakes will get corrected in the replay process.

King Hippo

though in real time I thought he missed him too


I’m ok with them going with the call that can be challenged rather than the call that can’t.

Big Black Richard

Fuck Mike Perrera regardless. He’s a company man.

I despise company men.


Jesus…who did the bigger goof on that play? The Atlanta Defense or the Officials?


Look at that, looks like Ole Balls was right! Fucking OPI.

Cecil Rhodes

There’s a little bit of New England in every team’s playbook.


One of my buddies thinks that the NFL should just make it a playoff fest tomorrow and have all 4 games back to back to back to back. I dislike that they moved the earlygame and I countered with Saturday night game, Sunday morning, Sunday Arvo, and Sunday night. Thoughts?

Bloody Lethal

Yea all 4 on Sunday is how it should be.

/works on Saturday


I bartend in 2 hours and the locals up here will demand Ice football at 8 pm. Hopefully the Imaginary team has broken Brady by then.


Of all the games to miss this weekend, tonight’s will likely be the one.


I prefer it spread out over two days, personally. Four game windows in a single day is a recipe for bad ratings, not good ones.


Whatever ever the NFL does, we need more commercials and play reviews because the action is just too intense and constant!


I’m the man! I’m bad! Alison! I’m bad! I’m so bad! I’m so bad, I should be in detention!
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