Your “Saturday Night Cucker” Saturday Evening Open Thread

Yep, I know.  That title’s gonna need some ‘splaining.

For now let’s just say things got weird(er than normal) around the poker table last night.  But holy shit that was funny.  Also, Steve Bannon would have felt right at home.  Or is that Kuschner who would have felt at home?  Meh, who cares?  Neither is invited, anyway.  Also, did I mention it was funny as hell?

Well, we all thought it was funny as hell, at least.  Anyway, here’s what happened as best as I remember.  We might have all been slightly inebriated…which it now dawns on me might have been the only reason it was funny.  So stop reading right now, and go get hammered before reading the rest of this.

I’ll wait…..


OK, you ready now?  Here it is, then…

…..I remember it like it was only yesterday (it WAS yesterday, dumbass)…

We were playing poker, and I was kicking ALL of their asses as usual….

OK fine…maybe I had a little trouble last night….

We WERE playing poker, but in truth it was MrAyo who was kicking everyone’s ass.  Like I mean he was taking everybody down, and sans lube.  It was epic.  Dude had a stack over $320K by the time we quit.

But I digress….

At some point in the evening Brocky (yeah, that guy again) announces that he’s going to replace certain keywords in certain phrases with the word “cuck”.  Well, if the rest of those guys (MrAyo, WCS, DonT….. and I think HoratioCornblower might have not yet passed out when this first started) reacted anything like I did, they re-read that statement of Brocky’s several times to be sure they’d read it correctly, and then as usual thought “WTF is Brocky talking about now????”.

And then he showed us what he was talking about.

At first it didn’t seem to go anywhere.  Until the movie (and song and literature) titles started.  Then the drunks and myself had about 2 hours of laughing so hard that today my stomach is sore.  No shit.

I know I’m not explaining this as well as I could, partially because I’m still laughing.  But also because I expect those dudes to reprise this comedic event tonight here, in the comments (and the rest of you to join in too, of course).  So I don’t want to give away too many of the gems we had.  Also, did I mention we were drunk?  So there’s a good chance I wouldn’t remember most of them anyway.  But here’s a couple of examples….

White Men Can’t Cuck

A Tale of Two Cucks by Charles Dickens

Don’t Stop Cucking by Journey

Cucky (that’s “Rocky”, btw…lmfao)

So you get the idea, even if you don’t think it’s funny (trust me, you will if you’re drunk and if these guys don’t let me down tonight).  But this went on for what must have been close to two hours last night, at least.  And all the while that Ayo just kept taking our fake money.  Dude was a shark.

Quick shout out to BeerGuyRob (CuckGuyRob? BeerCuckRob?) for whom I’m filling in tonight on the open thread duties.  I hope you are enjoying your weekend off, Sir.  But please don’t drink yourself into a Coma.  Otherwise how will I know if I like next season of The Walking Dead or not?

We miss you (and also, an obligatory Cuck You!!!).

(On semi-unrelated matter….. if you do drink yourself to death this weekend, can I have your dog???)

What The Cuck is Going On In Sports?

KingHippo has already briefed you on Lesser Footy earlier today.  Which is good since I don’t know cuck from shinola when it comes to that.

Baseball:  Minnesota and Baltimore are the only two unbeatens left in the early going.  I know, sounds weird, right?

  • Boston at Detroit, 1:10 pm – MLBN
  • NYY at Baltimore, 4:05pm – FS1
  • CHC at Milwaukee/Miami at NYM, 7:00pm – MLBN Regional Split
  • Full Slate

Hockey:  Did I mention that the Caps clinched top seed in the East and the points race for yet another year.  Playoffs soon….Yay!!!

Basketball:  As usual I’m not talking about them.

Golf: The Masters is ongoing, but the leading groups won’t go until I’m done writing this so….

OK, I suppose I don’t have much more then…

Pictured: tWBS drops the ball as usual..

So let your hair down…

Seems this is obligatory now. Thanks a lot, Brocky. Jerk.


And you Cucks be safe out there….


Now, go cuck around in the comments.  So to speak…

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Brick Meathook

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That’s enough Internet for today, Moose.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh





Pepe, you mothercucker


I hope there’s a diagram on the back of someone walking down the street, not crossing in the crosswalk.


Fantastic Cucks and Where to Find Them


This was well-produced enough that [dfo] may get absorbed by the Huffington Post.


Further exploiting free labor.

Senor Weaselo

Roomba Dog is master of his domain.


I suddenly want to watch that Paul Newman classic, “The Cuckler of Money”

Brick Meathook

I wanna watch “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

Senor Weaselo
Brick Meathook

What’s that on top? Is it a double-barrel musket?


Shotgun without the stock.

Bloody Lethal
Bloody Lethal

Probably better than the Publius Quinctilius Varus – German joke, but not by much.


Alt-right Republicucks are antiwar, while the center Democucks think Trump was a pussy for not bombing Syria more, as well as waging war against Cucktin and Kim Jun Cuck. Up is down, left is right, cats living with dogs. Mass hysteria. Truly the darkest timeline


Center Democucks are just paleoconservatives who like having gays around and tolerate minorities in public. Basically, they’re pre-Reagan Republicans.


Stomach still hurt Twbs?

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uses find function on chrome,

searches for “cuck

242 results

I’m so fucking proud of you guys

Senor Weaselo

Don’t you mean so cucking proud?

Senor Weaselo

So I learned about this cover yesterday hanging out with the boys. It’s only very yelling!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I like this cover.

Bloody Lethal

My buddy made us a homebrew keg and threw a party last night. He invited us all to drink his beer. The beer was pretty good. Some kind’ve pale ale. Good by homebrew standards. But then, all individuals who partook reported rampant flatulence. He said its because its unfiltered. My girlfriend thought I was gross…

er than I normally am.

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Brick Meathook

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Friggin’ Japan…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I know, right?!?
Their masturbation technology is SOOOOOO far ahead of ours. We’re like a third world masturbation country.


We’re like a third-world country in every respect except our military has nuclear missiles that work.


What the? They’re still clothed, which makes it classy, but, it’s a cartoon.

Japan is cucking wierd.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

She has the look like she uses the robot’s “other function” when Tyler leaves the space station.


The way she is looking at the robot and how the robot is not looking at Tyler, me thinks Tyler is about to ingest a ton of cynaide.

Spanky Datass

Bonus Ice Ballz time in the Ice Cowboys Barn … … woooo?


Is Seguin still playing like ass?

Spanky Datass

Meh … He lead the team in season scoring and won the game tonight in the shoot-out sooooo … good finish (?) to a crappy 79 point/no playoffs season.

Spanky Datass

Young Cuckenstein
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Shogun Marcus

To All the Girls I’ve Cucked Before
Head Like A Cuck
Mr. Self-Cuck
Du Cuck
And naturally…
Jerry Was A Cuck
A Cuck Named Marcus
Wynonas Big Brown Cuck
My Name is Cuck


What’s worse than the Maple Cucks winning? My 8 month old daughter, currently on a sleep regression and has been up since 9:30am, decided to fall asleep with the game on mute. That was right at the time when Fleury cucked the bed and the cucking Maple Cucks scored 2 unanswered goals. Not being able to cucking scream at the tv was cucking hard.

Also, cuck Cucksby for not roofing that one timer late in the 3rd.


Senor Weaselo

Evening folks. I played Bohemian Rhapsody and Sweet Home Alabama at a cocktail hour, so I’m having an okay day!


I had no idea it was even possible to shit on your own nutsack.
I’m not sure if I should be disgusted or impressed.


Disgusted. Definitely disgusted.

Bloody Lethal

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It takes power and determination. …… or at least the power of some really bad shrimp.




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Randy Marsh did it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The power fart-shit that rebounds and goes up your back in more impressive tho.


So here’s my secret to making hot cocoa: take a plastic container (one with a screw top is best – I use an empty container of Talenti), add a small amount of milk, then add your mix (cocoa powder and sugar; pre-made mix if you’re a godless savage), then seal the container, then shake it up a bunch. Ta da! No clumping.


In honor of the occasion, I’ll refer to it as “hot cuckcoa” from now on.

King Hippo

THIS GUY gets it!!


What, about the cuck thing, or the using a container to shake the cuckcoa mix thing?

I tried doing it in the blender but it puts too much air into it and the bubbles get out of control. Shaking doesn’t cause that problem.


Not when he’s a cuck

King Hippo

“It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Liek Cucksmas”
