Hi there commentists, there was some discussion for an article on how I cook my edibles so to start your Saturday morning here is baking with Litre.
Note – I have a medical card for a back injury so this is all legal on my end. Hell, the only way you can get it legally in my province is to your door by post as their are no dispensaries.
Mrs. Cola asked what kind of cheesecake I wanted for Father’s day which led me to two different types so I decided I would make one myself and was looking to do this post for a while so. I then stumbled upon a recipe for cheesecake brownies and I thought peanut and chocolate would be absolutely perfect. My first thought was not that she could make it for me but that I could make this with cannabutter and it would not taste like weed at all due to the strong flavoUrs. The butter I have is a lot stronger than the stuff on that recipe as my brother-in-law who makes it is a sadist. So here we are.
Note: After I made these I took too big a piece and was pretty spaced because I didn’t feel anything yet from the “tasting”. Rookie move.
Due to issues like this doctors recommend dabbing cannabis oil on basically anything as then you know the dosage you are ingesting. However, when your younger brother in law sends you really strong butter though the mail who are you to throw it away? Some websites reccomend to spread the butter on toast for the same effect. . Weed toast?That is crazy talk, I would rather eat Canned Ham smothered in Vegemite.
Currently I am using a strand that is 17.1% THC, grown outdoors and helps with the back pain. It has 2% CBD so it is pretty psychotropic. I usually like a 1-1 strand but the distributor I use was out of what I usually order. There are a lot of pages dedicated to the difference between the THC vs CBD and I will leave it to you to do your own research. I believe in the properties in cannabis that help people. By doing this baking I am helping Mrs. Cola out as well as she is a dietician at the cancer clinic and regularly gets asks about ingesting it because during chemotherapy smoking is extra frowned upon. Ingesting can help with patients pain, anxiety, and helps with their appetites which is very important. What I did here was make 2 batches, one for me and one for my wife who had no cannibutter in hers.
Baking is scientific and has little to no wiggle room to maneuver from the staple items in the recipe so quit throwing around the flour and measure stuff. FlavoUrs you can change but the staples be exact.
Brownie base mix
8 oz of chocolate, the kind in the baking aisle, not an impulse buy at the Piggly Wiggly
1/2 of White Sugar
1/2 Cup of butter ( I like salted because salt and chocolate are great). Due to the strength of this butter I went 1/4 cup of cannibutter and a 1/4 cup of regular butter.
2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt, or none if you are using salted butter.
1/2 cup of all purpose flour, or some hippie flour
Cheesecake layer
8 oz Cream cheese
1 tsp Vanilla Extract. Lucky enough Mrs Cola makes her own at home with some home witchery
1/2 cup of white sugar
1/3 cup of peanut butter, has to be smooth on this one, sorry friend but a crunchy cheesecake layer is not appealing
2 large eggs
2 oz of bittersweet chocolate
2 tbsp All purpose flour
A tablespoon of whipping cream
Alright make sure everything is soft, for some of you that will not be a problem. Brownie mix is the base so we do it 1st, if you have a mixer like YeahRight then fantastic, if not then you will be stirring stuff in many bowls. Heat your oven up to 325, grab a 9×9 or 8×8 square pan, grease it up.
On low heat melt the chocolate with the butter(s) til silky smooth and let cool 10 mins, do not lick the spatula, I did without thinking, but at least everything was already measured. In the mixer fire in the eggs, vanilla and sugar and beat it until fluffy, usually between 2-4 minutes. Then slowly add the chocolate/butter mixture, then the flour, and the salt until you are in batter heaven. In hindsight I would have added chocolate chips as those make anything better. Spread this evenly in the pan and put it aside.
Next we are going to make the cheesecake layer. Beat the peanut butter, vanilla, and cream cheese until smoove,and taste. Delicious. Add the sugar and the eggs and mix until creamy and smooth. Take out 1/4 of this mixture and put aside as it will come in handy later. Spread the 3/4 evenly over the brownie layer. Now fire the chocolate in ole Vinny Johnson and melt it. DO NOT BURN IT! Then stir the melted chocolate into the 1/4 on reserve. place spoonfuls of the chocolate cheesecake mixture on top and spread around with the thin side of a butter knife. At this point I was pretty stoned and made a mess of the designs so I smeared them. Sorry, I am not an artiste.
Bake the pan 35 minutes or more if you live at a higher altitude as that science stuff is real. Cover it, fire it in the fridge for an hour and enjoy.
So moral of the story is never trust your younger brother in law who makes cannibutter and moonshine as a hobby or be real nice to him so he sends you his wares. If you lick the spoon when making batter or dough beware because an hour later you will be watching Burnistoun (avail on Cdn Netflix) while your wife asks you every minute what they are saying because their accents are quite thick.
Eating weed is far better for you than smoking it, once you become a good cook with it you can make anything with the oil or butter and mask the taste if need be.
[…] I hope he doesn’t get busted and will send me some candycorn m&m’s for me to do a Baking with Litre post. For those of you who just come to the fair city during footbaw season you may be wondering what […]
[…] back feels good and I have a nice high where I can do things like bake! As we have learned from the Baking with Litre I, and Baking with Litre II I really enjoy cheesecakes and cream cheese but I will not be heading […]
[…] Baking with Litre I – June 17, 2017 […]
Nude OOOK girls in Lebanon? It was a far different place back in the day.
Totally different than the chef classic, “Women without Morels”
I had a beer yesterday called Cold Brew that tastes almost exactly like iced coffee. Kinda wish I had some at the moment.
I like the thought of baking/being baked but just thinking about an operating oven right now is too much to bear. I’m staring longingly at the sky waiting for that blessed cold front to pass through so I can vent the damned heat and humidity out of my soon-to-be former apartment. I’m sitting inside a hot box without the damned high.
WOOOO! Rain! Precious rain!
I generally bitch and whine like a weenie about summer heat, but I do love summer thunderstorms.
I respect the efficiency of this process, getting baked while taking care of the munchies at the same time. Yay for multitasking!!!!!
I like this. You should make it a regular feature, like Sunday Gravy for the unemployable.
A Norfolk & Western E2 locomotive has its wristpin lubricated by an oiler who, for all we know, is high on pot brownies.

O. Winston Link, 1955
We are officially a gateway blog now.
Same locomotive that pulled the train on Jeff Sessions’ mom.
I am going to end up trying CBD oil at some point because it seems like there’s more reason to do so than not for my depression.
Hangover kit has done its work. Imma go take a nap.
Yep, putting on underpants is tiring. Sleep well Dok.
That might have been the shittiest shot out of a bunker, turned good shot, turned bad shot again….that I’ve ever seen. That looked like some shit I’d pull. LMFAO
As pro-LGBT as I am, I really wish Pride Fest was further away and I didn’t have to hear their bloody awful music in my apartment. It’s an APARTment, not a TOGETHERment.
This is Zymm
Is Burnistoun Scottish or Northern English?
Very very Scottish. It has 4 seasons and all my expat buddies and I who lived there think it is absolutely perfect. Scotland was amazing to live in and the people were fantastic and this show nails the ridiculousness of life in Scotland.
I just watched some on YouTube. That is fooking HILARIOUS! Seriously funny shit!
And the world just gets weirder…..
Has anyone heard of a fetish (not necessarily sexual, but also not necessarily not) called “vore” or “voraphilia”. I didn’t until today. And while I’m not judging necessarily, I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m not as weird as I thought.
I just assume everything is someone’s fetish, though getting into specifics does get….odd
Yep…li’l bit.
This explains a lot. ..
/afraid to ask
Don’t worry; he’s mixing it up with cunnilingusphilia.
Prolly been around for a while.
Fun fact : Most drug laws originate from racism. No one really gave two craps about marijuana until jazz became popular and they found out about all the black jazz men smoking their reefers. Opium is cause fuck the Chinese. I’m not aware of cocaine having a racist basis, it’s just cause people can’t handle their damn patent medicines.
There is a link to a pretty good exploration of that below. Another factor in the weed was the introduction of synthetic fibers by manufacturers who had “friends” in politics; nothing to do with consumption for recreation, but was a nice byproduct of the criminalization effort to also rid the market of fiber source competition.
Good stuff. Political corruption can go stab itself in the eye. Chicago never really left the political machine system, and Illinois hasn’t had a budget in years. There’s a 2% chance I’ll be moving to Seattle soon, so sick of this place.
It’s just more subtle in Seattle I’m sure. I’ve only visited both cities but I’d take Seattle if given the choice, although I’d really want to avoid the traffic somehow.
/Cascadia Door Flies Open
Totally not related to the post, but old timey rich people underwear is great, and totally takes the sting out of having to put underwear on. And yes, I did have to put underwear on. It’s windy and hot out, aka short, flared skirt weather and I was going to the store to get a hangover kit (cold water, fizzy wine, toaster oven pizza)
It used to sting when I put on underwear.
But one shot of penicillin cleared that right up.
Congrats on no longer having the Clap!
Sadly, I still have Ass Herpes.
Didn’t get it from a toilet seat though!

Le’Veon Bell and LeGarrette Blount should write this down.
With all this talk about “reefer” I thought this post was going to be Marquis Cooper and Corey Smith talking about their plans for the summer.
oooof! Nice.
Right here in my own town; worse than heroin!
I’ll admit to that stupid typo.
Crossing species lines, my cat also fucking loves that shit. And he is, in fact, a very good boy.
Kitties like being good kitties.
*Except when you are not around.
I don’t smoke anymore, but I do I feel like it would be fun to start growing again. I should look into that.
Wonderful stuff. And long life to “DO NOT BURN IT!!”; best cooking instruction ever.
Shit, Rick’s high again.
If the dick who stole my wallet used the cash to buy heroine so he could shoot up and OD in a dumpster somewhere then I’d crack a smile about the entire experience.
They have drugs in Arizona? But the war on drugs is over. Mission Accomplished.
I knew Moose would have some content for this post.
Blax is Sherriff Joe doing all he can to have all the naer-do-wells locked up?
Well done on the post BTW.
Thanks. Tis the offseason and all plus with my back pain I am getting creative with how I injest. I may try to figure out how to make gummies.
That dick got voted out finally. So at least one good thing happened in November.
Don’t worry; we have it federally:
Joe got the boot last year. He’s costing so much in legal fees that even the whites wanted him to go. Plus we got a labor shortage going on here so his raids weren’t practical anymore. New guy actually just pulled down the last Tent City tent earlier this week.
Gonna see if we can get Jeronimo Yanez to run next cycle. Dude’s available and everyone loves a celebrity.
Ah, so that’s why I’ve been craving a dick.
It’s all so clear now.
Heh heh
So my wallet was stolen out of my car last night. Had about $700 in there plus all my cards and bullshit. Just got done with the cancellation stuff — USAA and Chase had my cards cancelled and new ones ordered within ten minutes each; BofA business took 45 mins and then this lady was a fucking bitch. So after raging on BofA, I’m not more settled in my feelings of violation and anger.
That said, when hear about the next young face in Arizona insisting on zero-tolerance policing and max sentences for anything, you’ll know it’s blax taking up the cause and you’ll understand why I lobby for all this trash to just be locked away the second they turn 18 because they’re never going to contribute to society anyway.
Yeah, it’s worked great so far….. at least for the prison industry.
The numbers aren’t high enough. They need to just sweep these shitbags off the streets.
The US has the highest prison population except for a few small countries; there is no correlation to reduction in crime, in fact the opposite is true.
Who the fuck is stupid enough to leave their wallet in their car anyway?
I was thinking the exact same thing. Then I remembered we’re not allowed to victim blame anymore so now I’m going full Zimmerman.
Kill some black kid who threatened your masculinity? Cool.
Doesn’t have to be race. Anyone who is different than me in any of a number of ways will be preemptively stopped.
I know this: no politician EVA got elected on a “Let’s take a reasoned approach to incarceration because the vast majority is released eventually. And unemployable” playform.
*platf–eh, fyck it
Good point. I need to run for office!
$700 in your wallet? You need to start visiting a lower tier of hooker, man.
/but seriously, that sucks and you have my sympathy.
We did a cash job earlier in the week and I didn’t deposit it yesterday because I was adopting a dog this morning (NOT NOW THOUGH BECAUSE MY WALLET WAS STOLEN) and was just gonna throw that around on the new K9.
But, please, by all means let’s just keep acting like there’s a reason we even bother with people who spend all their time in grocery store parking lots approaching people to let them know that they don’t mean to bother them but they need some money for the light rail and….
Global warming isn’t hot enough if these people are making it to the PM hours.
That is awesome, helping cancer patients with hippie dippie baking. Special section of heaven, with all teh extra u’s you could want!
Haha…I had a similar experience with some “chocolate” while in Cali recently. Talk about a weird damned night. Fun though.
First time I ever had edibles (way back when) my buddy came over and cooked up the butter and then we made some brownies. Something happened that he had to leave but he was like, “just take a little of one, they’re going to be pretty strong.” So, of course, when one didn’t do anything within ten minutes, I had a second and went to a bar to meet one of my other friends, a boring non-drug-using citizen.
I distinctly recall being paranoid that everyone could tell I was high and asking my friend, “Dude, I feel like I’m drifting off. I need you to engage me. Like, don’t just watch the game on the TV, I need you to talk to me.” He agreed and then just went back to watching hockey or something on the bar TV.
I think I just landed from that about 4 hours ago.
The chocolate I had in California is actually the medical dispensary type thus allegedly accurate. I did what I did knowingly, actually. It just kinda hit harder (and as you imply, lasted longer) than I remembered. Had been a long time since I had edibles.
Walking back to hotel high as fuck from Santa Monica Pier, and then hot girls with light up hula hoops at nite on Venice Beach. Took me about 4 hours to walk a mile, LOL. Weird fucking night.
Last part explains some things.
For both of us.
I presume you’re referring to my high as fuck ass getting distracted by hot girls with light up hula hoops on the beach at night. FWIW, I’d have been distracted by them anyway, trust me. And also, they were kinda high too.
I also might have shared my chocolate with two of them. No that’s not a euphemism as far as you know.
No regerts!!!!!!!
I have very few regerts either…….
I was up with Decilitre when i wrote and then again when i edited so all errors are to be blamed on my offspring.
Dumb kids, interfering with our blog. How dare they?