TGISF…AKA “Is Your Board Sticky?” Sexy Friday Open Thread

If you’ve read this, then you were treated to ballsofsteelandfury and myself discussing the finer points of surfing earlier today.  And you also already know I’m at the beach this week.

You also ALSO know that among other things this week, I’ve been getting back to surfing.  It’s been a while since I last surfed before this week.  And honestly I am very sore and very tired at this moment.  But in a really good way.  Been sleeping good this week, too.

Honestly, before my arrival I had been hoping for hurricaney type swells, but Irma veered the wrong way and left me hanging mostly other than early Monday.  Women, huh?  Meh, probably just as well.  I don’t need help doing stupid stuff and putting myself at risk.  I got plenty, maybe even more than I bargained for on Monday.  It’s all good Irma.

It’s been a great week, truth be told.  Very relaxing.  I’m already getting bummed out that I have to go home in two days.  Oh well.

But not surprisingly probably, our theme this week is Surf Chicks.

Those knots look a bit stressed. She’s one to follow closely, just in case.
Has probably never surfed in her life, but she looks good with the board.



Our musical selections tonight just happen to be songs which remind me of the beach in general, or have “significance” for a particular past trip to a coast.  This first one is one of the latter, FWIW….

As is the second.

Now Imma go get (moar) baked and then in a little while, write the rest of this.

Don’t get excited, it won’t be much.


tWBS’ “I’m Totally Not Baked” Filler

Really, I’m not.  At least not yet.  But I have mellowed some.  It’s all about degrees.

Which is a good thing because concurrent with my stay here at this moderately appointed beach resort, is a massive influx of inbred redneck types who are apparently marrying one cousin off to another this weekend.  And I am literally right smack in the middle of their block of rooms, which seems to be every other room but mine at this point.

I’ve already been invited to the reception, and was already considering it (free booze) even before laying eyes on the wedding planner later in the day.  She is obviously not related to this crew, so that’s a point in her favor.

But that’s tomorrow.  Tonight, surfing.

When you read this later, I hope to be in the water.

As I said already, I’m not in the wedding tomorrow.  But later tonight, I do hope to be in the wedding planner.  But that’s another story entirely.  We’ll see what her “plans” are.

(get it?)

((I am so going to hell))

Sports Which Make You Wanna Get Away


Last night, the nation was treated to its second TNF game of the 2017 season.  And I use the word treated very lightly.  But as ugly as it was, it was still football.  I think.  Texans manage to not fuck up Christmas in September, accept the gift win over the Bungles, deserved or not…13-9 is the final (oy!!!!).

Sunday/Monday Schedule



Ain’t talking ’bout nobody this week but Cleveland.  Holee Molee those dudes are crushing it.  In case you haven’t heard, the Cleveland Indians currently have a 22 game win streak ongoing.  To put that into perspective, it is the longest MLB win streak in the last 101 years, and the second longest in EVAR.  Rarified air, to be sure.

And they’re feeling it now.  They were down to their last strike last night, but managed to tie, then win in extra frames…

Of course, baseball nerds will still find reasons to argue no matter what happens.  But everyone will be keeping an eye on Cleveland for the next day or so.  And not for a bad reason.


  • Los Angeles at Washington – 7:00pmEDT – TV: MLBN (regional split)
  • Kansas City at Cleveland – 7:00pmEDT – TV: MLBN (regional split)

Full Schedule



NCAA Football

A few games tonight, a buttload tomorrow.


  • Illinois at (22)South Florida – 7:00pmEDT – TV: ESPN
  • UMass at Temple – 7:00pmEDT – TV: ESPNU
  • Arizona at UTEP – 10:00pmEDT – TV: ESPN

Full Weekend Slate


So Like I Already Said Earlier, Surf Chicks

Generally speaking, Surf Chicks are a somewhat different breed.  Tough of mind and body, while also accepting and open-minded.  We really like that.  It’s a pretty cool mix, if I’m being honest.

Otherwise, they’re girls just like other girls.

And we like that, too.


/ballsofsteelandfury’s head explodes

Awwwwwww, and now I’m sad again.  Slightly wider framed to the left would have shown my home away from home a few months ago at Venice Beach.  Oh well.  Photographer was probably high and distracted by ass.  It happens, or so I’ve heard.



Gotta Give You A tWBS Original This Week

I took this shot at dawn on Monday, 11 September, 2017, just before hitting the beach proper and preparing to surf or die…LOL.

– Coastal Morning –

OK then….Later Taters



Have a nice night, and a nice weekend, my friends.

Love ya’s

Do you have a “request” or an idea for a future TGISF theme?  Drop me a line…

[email protected]

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Beastmode Ate My Baby

BEST surfing movie evar, BTW.

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

See below.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I’m about to invent a cocktail called the Harry Nilsson. It’s going to consist of coconut rum and lime.

Doktor Zymm

I feel like all two ingredient cocktails have already been invented

Doktor Zymm

Well, reasonable cocktails. I’m pretty sure no one has done tequila and frosted flakes yet. AND SUCKS TO THEM.

King Hippo

“The DREAMer”

the Alpha and the Amoeba

One piece of advice, never combine grape juice and rum. Initially the taste isn’t too bad, but the aftertaste makes you want to gargle gasoline and then swallow a match

King Hippo

I tried gin and Sprite at a JV NFL game, out of necessity. Seemed like it would be an acceptable tonic substitute…but FUCK NO. Very similar after effects.

the Alpha and the Amoeba

Yeah, this was back before I learned to just fill up my water bottle with cranberry juice at the cafeteria. Even the cheapest vodka tastes okay when combined with that, and my friend, I have had some unbelievably shitty vodka in my time

Senor Weaselo

Hermana Weaselo can tell you the pros and cons of Mountain Dew and gin.
Pros: You don’t taste the gin at all.
Cons: You don’t realize how much of the gin you drank.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

I have to laugh at this, as I’m allergic to coconut and lime. So do I believe RTD is trying to kill me? Yes, yes I do.

the Alpha and the Amoeba

As someone who knows a thing or two about allergies, I can assure you that as long as you’re allergic to two things in a dish, they will cancel each other out. Just make sure that the number of things you’re allergic to is an even number

Beastmode Ate My Baby

HAHAHAHA NOAP! You’re not gonna fool me with that one!

/tries a Harry Nilsson

Doktor Zymm

That, sir, is well established and delish

Doktor Zymm

Yes, but lime and coconut is tasty. Also I may have Harry Belafonted above.

Senor Weaselo

The worst cocktail I created was Mountain Dew Voltage and vodka, which we called a Volt Tackle. It did not go well. Apparently that one’s supposed to work better with rum.
/However, a Commie Bastard, Mountain Dew Code Red and vodka, is pretty good.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

So, I’m probably going to move to Fremont, and be walking distance to restaurants and a hopefully not awful bar. So no marina for me, which is cool cause I don’t have a boat. And I could walk to the BART and see a Raiders game.
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King Hippo

A way to rationalize not killing myself until footbaw season starts.

the Alpha and the Amoeba

I didn’t want to be the one to break it to you, but you might not be able to see the Raiders play there for much longer

Doktor Zymm

‘s ok, I’m very, very far from the team I’m obstensibly a fan of already. If I get one in, in their very round stadium, that’s ok

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I’ve gotten one in in Oakland. Those East Bay boys dress like S&M Captain America on Sundays!

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Just put on your best goth look and you’ll be fine in Oakland.


It’s a kind of surfing…

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Doktor Zymm

Oh well done though.

King Hippo

“Pass da cripple from da lef’ han’ side!”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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LOOKS like he’s going to pick something up or tie a shoe. Also looks like a GDQ which makes it extra hilarious.

King Hippo

UMass has it on they own 18, :26 to play. It would take a miracle to get in Hail Mary position. I understand an onside kick is not a high odds play, but CHRIST

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

Best case, you get it back with :40 left, no timeouts, like 60 yards away. WHY IS THAT AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

I could not possibly love this pic MOAR

/except if she was a DONKS fan

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo


/Temple will punt at the :37 mark, they ran slow developing plays

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

The Streak ends at 22, and the 1916 Giants pop a bottle of zombie champagne.


Fun fact about that MLB record win streak. It was 26 wins in 27 games. Right smack in the middle of it the Giants tied the Pirates in a 8 inning game. But because baseball is weird about ties, it simply doesn’t count in the standings even though all the stats from the games do. It’s why last year’s Cubs were 103-58 in 162 games.

Senor Weaselo

The thing is about that one especially is that the 8-inning game was called on account of darkness, so they just replayed the whole game the next day (I think?) rather than pick it up from the 9th inning. Because it took them over a century to figure out what to do in the case of a tied game having to be called, whether due to darkness, rain, or other.

King Hippo

with 2 timeouts an 1:40 (down 8), UMass kicks deep. Dumb dickasses.


I was going to say that the Illini shouldn’t be allowed back into IL after this…then I thought it’s a worse punishment to send them back to Urbana-Champaign.

Doktor Zymm

I’m getting the fuck out of IL and I’m pretty damn happy about it. And I live in Chicago, the best part of IL.


I grew up “downstate” and spent 3 years at UIUC. I don’t come back unless I really have to for family.

I’ve adapted to living on the east coast.

King Hippo

Does this mean you are also Most Glorious el beisbol Cardinals fan?

/this earns points with Internet Dad AND salvation credits with Rev. Mayhem

Doktor Zymm

Must die? YES!
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Beastmode Ate My Baby

Check out the van. That should be MTWV’s next ride.

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Doktor Zymm

BMAMB raises an excellent point :
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King Hippo

touched down, CAMBYS!! Onside kick pending

Senor Weaselo

So, Buddy, Maestro, Redshirt, other 20-somethings here (are there any?)… you guys remember Rocket Power? That was a good show.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I do, it was diverse and taught me that Spanish kids named Twister aren’t all out to steal my TI-84

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I have a gun. Get off my damn lawn.

/doesn’t have a gun
//will point water pistol at you and go “pew pew!”

Senor Weaselo

Which one is you and which one is Balls?

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I’m guessing Balls is kicking my ass with the stick after I have him get kidnapped by the Angry Girl Scout for the 134th time.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Surfing on Uranus?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

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King Hippo

we need blax to convince us why fer AZ/UTEP is worth watching/snorting Ritalin

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

I thought I had to do a thing tomorrow, so I made an appt in the morning around that, now I have no thing to do tomorrow, except I have to wake up for my appt. It’s at 10:30 and about a half hour walk away, so by no means onerous, but it would have been nice to have a true sleep in day. It’s been ages.

Doktor Zymm

Thing has been replaced with walking with my tiny cart to the Salvo donation point, replacing my awesome fan with a stupid light, and going through my papers to see what’s essential to move/keep

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

One of the better surfing movies.



Beastmode Ate My Baby

And here I was thinking

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King Hippo

did they EVAR, or is this still an ongoing rallying cry?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm



This reminds me that people were putting Brazzers logos on pictures of Ted Cruz this week.

Imagine the sound Ted Cruz makes when he orgasms.


Ha. You imagined it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

*picture samed “normal” resting Ted face.

Doktor Zymm

I spent too much time this week (aka 10 minutes) reading about Anthony Weiner regret.


*long, wet fart noise*


It appears the Illini coaching staff hasn’t gotten around to teaching tackling to the student-athletes yet.

Doktor Zymm

Seems like solid NFL prep


I think they were preoccupied huffing that shiny paint they used on their helmets.

Doktor Zymm

I hear the glitter paint is more intoxicating


It appears the Illini coaching staff hasn’t gotten around to teaching


King Hippo

I look forward to seeing just how awful the reserves must be

Doktor Zymm

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Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

That shark just blew Harvey Fierstein I guess.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Quit reading HRTN ahead of everyone else.

Doktor Zymm


King Hippo

Doktors can read minds ,, ppl forget that, ja?


Lots to unpack here…

Doktor Zymm

Goddamit does just the link not work anymore? I like learning, but this is not what I want to learn about.
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You’re welcome.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

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needs an s after http, if it’s gonna work

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Zymm, your puss is quite large and wet.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

It needs an https:// in front of it.



Secure your pussies, everyone.


Security is freedom!

Doktor Zymm

The bar I had dinner at had the USF-U of I game on and the guy next to me wondered who the Illini coach was. His friend said that was Lovie Smith and the dude replied that he never left the state of Illinois.

That’s right. Coaching in Tampa Bay is the equivalent of a giant empty space on your football CV.

King Hippo

He’s like that Roman soldier cursed to walk the earth until Jeebus’ return.

But, like, with bad replay challenges worked in there.


What a shitshow.

Doktor Zymm

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

And late to the game, but Fallout 4 is super good


I love how Moose does the awesome surfing action with hot girls gifs while WCS does the surf fail/wipe out gifs.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doktor Zymm

Also, didn’t watch the game last night…or the one before that, but just looking at stats and such…the Bengals are just AWFUL this year, right?

Beastmode Ate My Baby


Doktor Zymm

Good. That’s what I thought. Drafting AJ Green in the first round was a mistake.
Side note : I’m gonna be super feminist or something by calling stuff MISTERtakes

Doktor Zymm

Not gonna read back, but FUCK PANTS! WOO!


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King Hippo

switched to Cambys/Cosbys on Da U. I’m not proud,

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

Good night, and big balls.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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