Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Macadamia crusted halibut steak. A piece of fish good enough for Jehovah.

Good morning everyone!

Welcome back.

Today I’ve got a real special meal lined up for you. This bastard ticks off a lot of positive boxes. It’s quick, it’s pretty simple, it can be made for a weeknight meal, it’s HEALTHY-ish, and it is insanely delicious. In addition the side dish offers tons of versatility and adaptability in case you want to vary some shit up.

Yep. That’s macadamia crusted halibut and rice pilaf with turmeric, garlic and crumbled macadamia. We went full on fucking nuts with this meal and had a side spinach salad with – you guessed it – almond slivers!

Nuts! They’re what’s for dinner!

There have been previous discussions about varieties of nuts and there are some pretty strong opinions on what is the best nut. I am partial to most of these delightfully tasty, protein and nutrient packed little nuggets but would call it a pretty close call for favorite nut. On any given day I could say that macadamia, pistachio or cashews are my favorite nut but that would be disrespecting the incredible almond. Goddamn pecans can be incredible too.

Fuck! So many choices!

It’s macadamias actually. They have a subtle “crispness” to their bite and a little bit of sweetness and an undeniable satisfying crunch. Yep. It’s the macadamia.

Proceed to argue down in the comments.

I’ve been on a pretty sustained health kick recently. My creaky ass knees have been giving me some grief so I’m trying to help them out by taking a few extra pounds off of them. Lately I’ve been trying to lighten some things up, mainly my ass, and I’ve been trying to cook healthier without sacrificing taste. Today is our second feature this season where we sail off to the briny deep and catch us a meal with some fresh fish.

First we had us some fish and chips.

Granted not the healthiest preparation technique but motherfucker it was delicious.

Today we are going to cook my favorite fish.


When did this shit get so goddamn expensive? Shit was 20 bucks a pound. Twenty five if you want fresh Pacific fillets.

The fuck is that?

How the fuck are we supposed to eat healthy when this fucker is 20 bucks a pound? These swine have gone and priced us mortals out of having halibut in a regular meal rotation! Rat bastards!

Fuck it, we’ll just have to make this a “special occasion” meal.

Many good things to get to today including a side dish that begs to be fucked around with and given entry into your side dish repertoire.

Let’s get after this.

Macadamia crusted halibut steaks!

Quick note here, this recipe is for halibut steak not fillet. There is a big difference in cooking time.

Here is a fillet.

And here are the steaks we used.

You will notice that there is a bone right down the center of these. No worries, you can easily eat around the bone, just use standard fish eating caution. If you were cooking with fillets instead of halibut steaks, sear for about 2 minutes per side and finish in the oven for just 5 minutes.


(1) 8-10 ounce halibut steak per person.

1/2 cup of panko bread crumbs.

1/2 cup of chopped macadamia nuts plus another 1/4 cup for other uses. Save a handful for the side dish and the pan sauce to be named later.

Whites of 2 eggs.

3 tablespoons of olive oil.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Sprinkle of cayenne.

Let the halibut steaks come to room temperature and dry them off with a paper towel. Food note! Buy the fish the same day you plan to cook it. For freshness sake as well as for the sake of the interior smell of your refrigerator. Nobody likes a stanky fridge.

Next we are going to season with the salt, pepper and cayenne.

Let’s go ahead and preheat the oven to 375.

Meanwhile get out your handy food processor to crunch up some of those macadamias. This could be done by hand if you want to challenge your patience and your sanity. Then again if you have a food processor this would be a good time to use it.

Toss your nuts in the working bowl.

Then give these just a few pulses. We ain’t trying to make macadamia butter here so don’t get all crazy and shit. Just enough to crumble them up.

Get a dish deep enough to dredge in and add the crushed nuts to the breadcrumbs.

The rice is for the side dish. Not sure why I was compelled to put it in this photo.

Mix the breadcrumbs and the nuts together to combine.

Take another dish out and place in the beaten egg whites – no yolks – to act as a dredge.

Take one of your seasoned halibut steaks and place in the egg whites. Coat evenly.

Next we will be taking the fish and placing it in the macadamia/bread crumb mixture.

Press down to get a good covering of the nuts and breadcrumbs.

Repeat the process until all of your steaks have been coated.

Take out your handy skillet and get it heated up over a medium flame. The idea here is brown the fish, and finish cooking in the oven.

When the skillet has heated, add in the olive oil and heat until the oil is shimmery. You could use butter instead but “healthy” remember? Without overcrowding the pan, add in a couple of the pieces of fish. These will cook for 3 minutes on the first side. SET A GODDAMN TIMER!

Three minutes and flip. Then 2 minutes and remove from skillet. Here’s after the first flip. Get them a lovely golden brown.

After all of the steaks have been pre-cooked take out a foil lined baking sheet and place the halibut on the foil. These are going to finish cooking in the preheated 375 degree oven for 12-15 minutes. I set the timer for 13 minutes and..





Macadamia butter pan sauce.

Some of the crushed macadamia nuts.

2 tablespoons of butter.

I used a slotted spoon on the ground up macadamia nuts to remove the larger of the pieces which allowed the coating for the fish to be a little more uniform. Use the leftover bigger pieces of macadamia nuts for this sauce and the upcoming side dish.

Melt down the butter and get it slightly browned without burning it. Add in the macadamia bits and cook for 3-4 minutes.

The halibut steaks are now ready for service. Take a halibut steak and drizzle some of the butter/nut pan sauce over the top. Serve with a nice glass of white wine and a delicious side dish with maybe a salad and you’re a goddamn hero you are.

When eating the halibut, eat from each side like you would a t-bone and be mindful of the spiny bone in the center.

Stuck on ideas for a side dish?

Let me help you with that.

Rice pilaf with turmeric, garlic and macadamia nuts.

1 cup of long grain rice. I used a nice jasmine rice but basmati would do the damn deed as well.

1 and 2/3 cups of chicken stock.

2 tablespoons of butter.

1 small onion chopped pretty fine.

2 cloves of garlic minced.

1 tablespoon of turmeric.

Salt and pepper to taste.

A small handful of some of the crushed macadamia nuts.

Take out a medium sauce pan and melt the butter over medium heat. Next add in the diced onion and cook for about 4-5 minutes.

Next add in the rice. We’re going to toast the rice for a few minutes to give it a nice toasty aroma. Now add in the garlic and turmeric.

Give a few more stirs and cook for just 2-3 minutes. This is where you will say “Goddamn! This shit got really yellow in a hurry!”

Yes it does.

Add the chicken stock to the rice, along with some salt and pepper.

Reduce the heat on the burner to LOW, cover with a lid and cook the rice undisturbed for 17 minutes.

When the 17 minutes have elapsed, remove the lid, turn off the stove and use a fork or spoon to fluff up the rice. Next add in some of the crushed macadamia nuts for a nice crunch.

Hell yes.

The cool thing about this type of rice preparation is you can vary up the aromatics. Onion, garlic, shallot, fennel all work well and will each give a distinct flavor to the rice. Rice is a nice base for flavor variations. Also use different spices to change things up. I like turmeric and it’s really fantastic with the onion and garlic but you could use paprika, cumin, chili powder, thyme, curry powder, cinnamon. Get all fucking crazy. You can finish this baby with some veggies – corn, peas, carrot – or like today add in some nuts. Almonds, walnuts, crushed pistachios would all do the trick.

You know what would work here? Use 2/3 cup of coconut milk and 1 cup of chicken stock and add in some grated coconut flake and some fresh pineapple chunks instead. Profiles and shit.

Soon you will be a pilaf professional! A Rice Renegade! A side dish ninja!


Let’s plate today’s meal up shall we?

Grab a spoon or two of the rice and set it in the center of the plate. Next take one of the halibut steaks and set it up next to the rice. Get a spoon of that butter/macadamia pan sauce and ladle it right over the top of the fish.

Let’s also get a nice fresh garnish on that directly from the herb garden.

basil, chives and rosemary are this years herbs.

Chop up some of the fresh chives and sprinkle them over everything.

Pour yourself a glass of white wine – Duck Pond pinot grigio for this one and serve.

Foodgasm. Achieved.

The rice has a rich, exotic aroma and flavor from the turmeric, onion and garlic and a satisfying crunch from the chopped nuts. It’s buttery, intoxicating and delicious. Cooking it in stock instead of water boosts the flavor quotient exponentially.

The fish is flaky, meaty, with a good bite and it’s so, so very fucking satisfying. The buttery sweetness of the macadamia nuts is present and accounted for.

The fresh chives give everything a subtle oniony brightness.

Everything works in a symphony of the perfect bite.

This is how motherfucking shit gets done!

Easy enough for a weeknight.

Healthy enough to feel good about.

Sexy enough to raise your status as a cook up another goddamn level.

Try this one people.

If it’s good enough for Jehovah?

Thanks for stopping by.




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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, fromager, world traveler, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity and an actual human being.
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[…] herb seasoned rice, a familiar dish here at the Sunday Gravy test kitchen. In fact the last time I made halibut here I did a turmeric rice which was also a very goddamn dazzling yellow […]

[…] And finally one of my all time favorite Sunday Gravy meals, macadamia crusted halibut steak. […]


OK WCS, you called my phone in the middle of the night to rub in Game One Steal. I fully expect to hear from you tonight to take your lumps.

He won’t call.

– Ron Howard



Now put your goalie back in for the last 5 seconds you imbeciles…don’t let me down.


Brad Marchand wishes he could get that close to Patric Hornqvist.


I swear to God. Evgeny Kuznetzov might be dumber than Ubaldo Jimenez.


Shoulda been embellishment on the panguin though


They always catch the 2nd guy.


Caps looking very lazy on this PP.
Gonna come back to bite ’em probably.


Ditto here. Ribeyes, potatoes, corn and some fried okra to top it off.



Jeebus, it’s a goal FFS!!! Let’s get on with it and….

Whoa…what? OK, I’ll take it. Shitty call, but I’ll take it.


Oh dammit Holtby how did you not see that coming?

Grubauer!!!! Pad up there buddy!!!!!!!


Holy shit. The Orioles won a series!!!!
Suck it, Detroit.
/remembers it’s Detroit


Two goal lead the most dangerous lead in hockey

Brick Meathook

Shot over four nights in 2016. Still a rough cut edit.


Dude!!!!! This is freaking awesome!!!!


FWIW, Balls is gonna yell at you for calling it the I-5. But I’m in your corner.

Brick Meathook

If you say it aloud then it’s “the five.”


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Brick Meathook

It eventually goes completely around the perimeter of LAX except for the El Segundo/Imperial Hwy side.


Yes Caps. Foot on the throat. Don’t fuck this up.


3 goal lead is the most dangerous lead in hockey


No lead is safe in DC when Yinzburgh is in town.


So I went to my college’s 20th reunion last night. My wife thinks I am lame for staying up until 2 a.m. partying with college kids. I think it makes me cool.

Don T

Did you regale them with tales of land lines and ICQ?


A little bit. They all had lots of questions about the onion I was wearing on my belt.

Don T

That looks delicious. I love nuts, the harder the better. P—
/innuendo seizure


Kuznetzov…still stupid. Check.


Chris Letang really missed his calling in life to be a French Astronaut.


Hehehehehe. That was good. I think this needs to be on the banner.


And now it is.


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The Caps should copy Vegas’ pregame capades and have a guy in a suit signing a bill to deregulate chlorofluorocarbons, and then a guy in a penguin suit falling over dead.


My Sunday chores are all done, Pa!!!

Can I get crunk now and watch to see what novel approach the Caps take today in order to piss THIS one away?

Sure, Opie. But save some ganja for me and Miss Crump. We’re planning to have a threesome with Thelma Lou later. Don’t tell Barney.

OK, Pa.


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Not many people look up to Cavs’ coach Tyronn Lue but I know that Muggsy Bogues does.


/watching the Cavs/Pacers pre-game

Listen, if you USA-ians are going to pronounce it ‘TORE-ON-TOE’ then yer gonna have to pronounce Britain’s capital as ‘LAWN-DAWN’.’




It might be “TRONN-O”. Your kilometers may vary.

Brick Meathook

My aunt pronounced it “tarannah”


If there was a cigarette hanging out of the side of her mouth while she said, it’s quite acceptable.


Oof! The Finns win the U18 hockey champeenship after an American kid whiffed on an open net with about 5 seconds left.

King Hippo

Never had halibut before, but plan to rectify that now.


heh, halibut. Heh, rectify.


[nudges herodotus, whispers]

“He’s such a perv, amirite?”


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Like with red meat, do you also want your fish steaks out of the fridge to approach room temp before cooking?


I leave them out for about half an hour, 45 minutes tops. I just can’t see throwing any protein onto a cooking surface right out of the fridge.

[takes gentle sip of green tea with pinkie extended]


While a bit out of my price range, this dish is a salute to human achievement in the field of food exploration. You’ve got fish from the Northern Pacific Ocean, nuts native to Australia, garlic native to Central Asia, rice native to the Laos/Cambodia/Vietnam/Thailand peninsula (the name of which, I don’t know), turmeric native to the Indian subcontinent, olive oil from just about everywhere but North America. Think of the trade routes, exploration, and culinary curiosity that can be expressed on one plate. Bravo, sir!


Looks great as always.

Is it wrong that the rice is what caught my eye the most? I love a good rice dish done well. Saffron being my favourite.


I was gonna say something along those lines. I had an east Indian girlycake for a time and she turned me on to basmati rice which I’m forever thankful for.


When you threw in chicken broth I smiled. I asked one of my nephews to make pre-made stuffing back at Xmas and told him to put in a broth instead of just water. So happy that a light went off in his brain.


My nut allergy spoils things. Like on a New Years eve in Melbourne when I was bartending high on extasy and a regular bpught the bar shots. Which i did not pour. Frangelico and Vodka shots. Weirdest trip ever. Puking, high, itchy, high, busy, high, hives, high.


You oughta bust that nut allergy. Just sayin’.


I don’t know about the rest of you, but I try to keep my nuts out of the food processor.


…but the mayo might be contaminated?


I’ve been on a pretty sustained health kick recently. My creaky ass knees have been giving me some grief so I’m trying to help them out by taking a few extra pounds off of them. Lately I’ve been trying to lighten some things up, mainly my ass, and I’ve been trying to cook healthier without sacrificing taste.


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Horatio Cornblower

Did somebody say the “J” word?


My favourite nut was this girl named….never mind.

Horatio Cornblower

Pistachio? Hey, we’ve been hanging around in the same strip-bars!


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Oh my God this looks and sounds amazing.